Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2340: Xuan Qingzi

On Piaoyun Island, tens of thousands of disciples rushed out of their residences, and their expressions were nervous.

Since the establishment of the Zhenhai Palace, the main altar has been attacked by aliens many times, but all of them have turned the corner, but this time it is hard to say that there are actually twelve integrated cultivators.

Song Yiming, Chen Yueying, Yang Qinglong, and a young woman in a golden dress with delicate facial features floated in the sky with solemn expressions.

The young woman in the golden dress has her hair combed on Ling Yun's temples, her melon-seeded face is slightly adorned with daisies, her beautiful eyes are looking forward to her appearance, and her figure is slender.

Li Jingjing, in the middle of the union, Yang Qinglong's Taoist companion.

The sixth-generation elder of Donglijie Town Haizong was stubborn and led a large number of elite disciples into the Tianxu cave to hunt for treasures. He suffered heavy losses and was partially inherited by Immortal Bingyue, thus improving the two sect-suppressing exercises and becoming a supporting exercise.

The sixth generation of the elders made great progress in supernatural powers, ascended to the Xuanyang Realm, and taught the exercises to the disciples of Zhenhai Palace. As a result, the Ascension faction developed and expanded to compete with the local factions.

Yang Qinglong and Li Jingjing were cultivating supporting exercises. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan chose to set up a separate portal, so naturally they could not continue to practice the follow-up exercises.

The alien races were coming, the Jinghuo and Yasha tribes attacked the border town, and more than ten races including the Jinpeng tribe were harassing them. Zhenhai Palace sent a number of cultivators to fight against the alien race.

Chen Yueying has been through the great catastrophe for less than ten years, her vitality has not recovered, and her strength is not as good as before.

The four of them are all in the middle stage, and there are tens of thousands of disciples who can be transferred.

On the alien side, in addition to the two late-combination cultivators, there are also five mid-combination and five early-combination cultivators who are powerful.

"Junior Brother Shi, as a human race, you actually took refuge in a foreign race and acted for the tiger."

Song Yiming's eyes fell on a green-robed youth with handsome features. The green-robed youth had red lips and white teeth, smart eyes and a tall stature.

Chen Yueying's face sank when she saw the green-robed youth.

The green-robed youth is called Shi Haotian, who was born in Zhenhai Palace and is an elite disciple of Zhenhai Palace, belonging to a local faction.

He later modified the blood dharma cultivation method, practiced the blood sacrifice cultivator, and made great progress in his cultivation. After the incident was revealed, Chen Yueying personally took action and severely injured Shi Haotian, but Shi Haotian used a secret technique to escape.

Shi Haotian hadn't shown up for thousands of years. He thought he was dead, but he didn't expect him to be alive, and he had cultivated to the middle stage of fusion.

"Playing for the tiger? It's all about winning the king and losing the bandit, Senior Sister Chen, you didn't kill me last time, this time I came back specifically to take revenge."

Shi Haotian said with a smile, his eyes cold.

"Hmph, you changed the Blood Dao Cultivation Technique, and you took the blame for yourself. You didn't kill you last time, so you're lucky. This time, you won't be so lucky."

Chen Yueying snorted coldly, her face full of murderous intent.

"I want to see how you killed me this time."

Shi Haotian sneered.

"Be careful, this traitor knows a lot of our Zhenhai Palace's secrets, including the secret techniques."

Song Yiming reminded him through voice transmission, his voice was heavy.

Only by knowing the enemy and knowing yourself can you be victorious in a hundred battles. Shi Haotian took refuge in an alien race. The alien race must know the supernatural powers of Song Yiming and the others, but they do not know the supernatural powers of the alien race.

"Do it, don't leave one."

Jin Hao's face turned cold, and he took out a golden light flickering feather fan. There was a lifelike golden crow pattern on the surface of the feather fan, exuding amazing fire aura fluctuations.

"Golden Crow Fan, you actually brought this treasure."

Song Yiming was surprised, his face became more and more gloomy.

The Golden Crow Fan is one of the seven treasures of the Jinghuo Clan. It has been refined into an eighth-order golden-eyed Golden Crow's life-like feather.

Jin Hao brought the Golden Crow Fan and was determined to take Zhenhai Palace.

Jin Hao gently slammed the fan, and in a clear and loud croaking sound, the golden crow fan suddenly released golden light, and countless golden flames swept out, the void was distorted and deformed, unable to withstand the high temperature, and it was directly torn open.

The golden flame suddenly condensed and turned into a golden crow with a size of more than a thousand feet, rushing towards Piaoyun Island.

Shi Haotian and others either sacrificed treasures, or urged Dharma to attack Piaoyun Island.

Song Yiming snorted coldly, flipped his right hand, blue light flashed, and a steamy blue flag appeared in his hand, the blue light kept flowing, and the aura was amazing.

Zhenhai Flag, one of the seven treasures of Zhenhai Palace.

Song Yiming waved the Zhenhai flag gently, and the calm sea suddenly rolled violently, setting off huge waves that were more than ten thousand feet high. After a blur, they turned into blue water dragons that were more than ten thousand feet long and rushed towards the huge golden crow.

The three of Chen Yueying either drove the magic weapon, or urged the magic phase to hurt the enemy.

At the same time, the monks of Zhenhai Palace stood in neat rows, or cast high-level spells to attack the enemy, or mobilized treasures to injure the enemy.

The sea surface rolled violently, and a blue whale with a length of 1000 meters could be seen faintly. The blue whale kept swimming on the seabed, and a huge vortex with a diameter of 50,000 miles appeared on the sea surface, creating a strong attraction.

The spirit-swallowing whale of the seventh-rank middle grade, the guardian spirit beast of Zhenhai Palace.

Zhenhai Palace has been established for many years and has a profound background, which is far beyond the comparison of small schools.

In a bluestone square that covers an area of ​​1,000 acres, Song Yuchan stood in a circle that was more than 100 feet long. She took out a pale golden pill with nine silver light spots on the surface, and swallowed it.

Jiuzhuan Yun Divine Pill, the seventh-order pill, can increase the consciousness of immortal cultivators several times in a short period of time.

She sacrificed a golden metal ball with mysterious spiritual patterns on its surface, and entered a magic formula. The metal ball suddenly burst into a dazzling aura, turning into a golden roc bird with wings spread out over a thousand feet. , there are countless golden arcs beating on the body surface.

For the seventh-order puppet beast, the overall strength of Zhenhai Palace is second only to the Xuanqing faction. It was purchased from the Seven Stars Business Alliance at a high price. Song Yuchan was only in the middle stage of virtual refining and could not mobilize the seventh-order puppet beast. It can be driven, but the Jiuzhuan Yun Shendan can only last for three The golden Pengbird spreads its wings, and with a light fan, countless golden arcs surge out and disappear from the spot.

The next moment, the golden Pengbird appeared high in the sky, lightning flashed and thundered, and a huge golden thundercloud appeared high in the sky. After a violent tumbling, golden thunderballs with a diameter of one hundred meters flew out and smashed at Shi Haotian and others.

A loud bang sounded, and the waves were roaring and rolling.


Xuanqing School, a secret room.

Qin Yufeng, the head of the Xuanqing Sect, was reporting the situation to an old man with a ruddy face.

The Qingpao old man is none other than Xuan Qingzi. The monk with the highest cultivation level in the Xuanqing School will be named Xuan Qingzi.

"Senior Lin, Zhenhai Palace used a large-scale communication array to inform us that twelve integrated cultivators were killed on Piaoyun Island, the main altar of Zhenhai Palace."

Qin Yufeng said cautiously, Zhenhai Palace handed over Xuantian's things to the Xuanqing faction, both public and private, the Xuanqing faction would protect Zhenhai Palace from being destroyed by aliens.

"Since they're here, don't let them leave. Send people to support them immediately. In addition, send people to strengthen the guard. The old ghost Yan Que made such a big noise. It's not as simple as harassing Zhenhai Palace, and it's not a good target. It's our Xuanqing faction."

Xuan Qingzi said at the end, his face became solemn.

"How dare they? Send some cultivators to deal with our Xuanqing faction?"

Qin Yufeng wondered.

"This is not something you are worried about, you go ahead with the order! With the old man here, no one can move the Xuanqing faction."

Xuan Qingzi was full of confidence.

Qin Yufeng even claimed that it was, and bowed and stepped back.

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