Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2357: inside and outside

The latest website: Wang Xiao's chest lit up with a dazzling golden light, and a jade pendant with golden light flashing incessantly was faintly visible. The runes flashed and the aura was amazing. It was obviously a defensive treasure.

A pale golden light curtain appeared out of thin air, covering Wang Xiao's whole body.

This golden owl pendant was given to him by Wang Changsheng for self-defense. With this treasure in his hand, the cultivator of virtual reality could not kill him with a single blow.

Wang Changsheng wanted him to do damage, not send him to death.

The red bird claws patted on the golden light curtain, and there was a muffled sound. Wang Xiao quickly fell towards the ground and landed on the tortoise shell of the scale turtle.

Wang Changsheng broke through several islands, captured several Spirit Transformation cultivators, searched their souls, learned the location of the island protection formation, and sent Wang Xiao to mix into Qingyu Island to destroy the formation with one-time treasures.

"Just because you want to break the island protection formation? It's ridiculous."

A disdainful female voice suddenly sounded.

Xiao Yan flew to the sky with an indifferent expression.

There are four sixth-order formations on the island, Wang Xiao only destroyed one sixth-order attack formation, and three sixth-order formations, two defenses, and one trapping the enemy.

She personally controls the formation, even if ten cultivators break the formation, it is not so easy to break the formation, enough for her to kill Wang Xiao.

Eggs cannot be placed in one basket, and the four sixth-order formations are scattered in different positions. Even the cultivators stationed in Qingyu Island do not know the positions of the four sixth-order formations, so as to ensure the safety of Qingyu Island to the greatest extent.

The tortoise made a loud beast roar, opened the mouth of the blood basin and spewed out a blue light, which turned into a huge blue thundercloud. After the rumbling thunder sounded, the blue thunderballs poured down and smashed. Xiang Jinpao old man and others.

Wang Xiao's sleeve flicked, and a long stick of golden light flew out and landed on the hand of the golden giant ape.

The golden ape, the sixth-order spirit beast, the spirit beast raised by Liu Yumei, has a trace of the bloodline of the mountain giant ape, with infinite strength, thick skin and thick flesh, and gods pass through people.

The golden ape held the golden long stick. After the golden long stick lit up with a dazzling golden light, its body soared and turned into a golden giant stick hundreds of feet long. A mountain peak, while opening the mouth of the blood basin, spewing out a golden sound wave.

The rumbling sound rang out, and the mountain peaks burst open, and the smoke and dust filled the sky.

Where the golden sound waves passed, the earth and rocks burst, and the house turned into powder.

Golden Thunder Eagle hovered uncertainly in the sky, occasionally swooping down, the golden claws pierced the head of a god-turning half-demon, or opened his mouth to spurt golden lightning.

Jin Lei Diao and Jin Gang Ape are both spirit beasts raised by Liu Yumei. She spent a lot of energy and resources to cultivate them and helped her kill powerful enemies many times, and this time was no exception.

The golden gangster, the tortoise and the golden thunder eagle were sabotaging on Qingyu Island. Wang Xiao had already completed his task. What he had to do now was to hold out until Wang Changsheng arrived.

He held out a small golden umbrella and held it above his head.

Countless blue electric arcs appeared on the surface of the scale turtle to protect Wang Xiao.

Xiao Yan frowned, and hurriedly and two cultivators shot to kill the tortoises.

Almost at the same time, the sea surface tumbled violently, setting off huge waves that lifted the sky one after another. Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Liu Yumei and Chen Yihang stood on the sky-high waves.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and eighteen thick blue water dragons flew out from the bottom of the sea and rushed towards Qingyu Island.

Liu Yumei's tactic was pinched, and the surface of the body released a red light, and a red light flew out, turning into a red woman's phantom, and four-tenths of her body shone like a real body.

The woman's phantom opened her mouth and spewed out a thick red flame, and went straight to Qingyu Island. Where the red flame passed, thick and long cracks appeared in the void, and a large amount of seawater evaporated.

A blue light flew out from Wang Ruyan's body and turned into a huge female phantom. The phantom was holding a glittering jade flute in her hand.

A burst of cheerful flutes sounded, and blue sound waves swept out.

The most powerful one is Chen Yihang. Chen Yihang took out a nine-pointed blue array plate, and after entering several magic tricks, the sea water violently swelled, and water tornadoes with a diameter of ten thousand feet appeared, one after another, and the momentum was huge. .

Thousands of water wave tornadoes surrounded Qingyu Island, spinning rapidly, and countless blue water swords flew out, heading straight for Qingyu Island.

Under normal circumstances, it would not be easy for the four of them to break the formation, but the three sixth-order spirit beasts were destroying them on Qingyu Island, and the three of Xiaoyan could not control the formation with peace of mind.

The destructive power of the Golden Gang Ape, Golden Thunder Eagle, and Lin Turtle was astonishing. If they were left alone, they would break the formation of the island protection formation, and the four Wang Changsheng would be able to kill them immediately.

Xiao Yan's eyes flashed fiercely, his right hand flicked, and a red light flew out. It was a small tower with red light. After entering a magic trick, the small red tower suddenly swelled and turned into a huge red tower more than a thousand feet high. .

The red giant tower spewed out a red glow, covering the golden gangsters.

The golden gang monkey opened his mouth and spurted a golden sound wave, which defeated the red glow. The golden sound wave hit the red giant tower, and the red giant tower flew out.

Aoba Island shook violently, screaming constantly.

There were several small cracks on the array plate in Xiao Yan's hand. According to the current situation, the array won't last long.

She took out a golden shimmering array plate and entered several magic tricks. Thousands of golden lights flew out from the ground and turned into a huge golden light curtain, covering the entire Qingyu Island, with countless Buddhist runes all over the surface. Sanskrit bursts.

The sixth-order formation, the Golden Gang Guard Spirit Formation, and the Buddhist formation, were obtained from the human race cultivators. The defense was strong, and it was absolutely not a problem to block the four cultivators.

As soon as the golden light curtain appeared, the cyan light curtain collapsed and disappeared.

Intensive attacks hit the golden light curtain, and there was a muffled crackling sound, and Aoba Island remained motionless.

"Kill them as fast as possible."

Xiao Yan said in a deep voice, his face full of killing intent.

They will activate the Dharma, or use the formation, or control the treasures, and attack the Golden Gang Ape.

"Senior Sister Liu, Senior Brother Chen, you have to increase your attack strength, let's break the formation."

Wang Changsheng warned, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com and Wang Ruyan flew towards Aoba Island.

The sea surface rolled violently, and two huge blue water curtains suddenly appeared, covering Wang Changsheng and the others.

The three cultivators of the Jinpeng family divided their work and cooperated. One person controlled the trapped formation to interfere with Wang Changsheng and the four to break the formation. Xiaoyan activated the defense of the Golden Gang Guard Spirit Formation, so that they could kill the tortoises with peace of mind.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's body surface glowed with blue light, and countless seawater gushed out, submerging their bodies, turning into a thick blue water column, and heading straight for the blue water curtain.

After a deafening loud noise, the blue water curtain shattered.

"How can it be!"

An old man in green robe who was as thin as a bamboo pole was stunned, and hurriedly activated the formation, trying to trap Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan again.

Near Qingyu Island, a huge water wave tornado rose into the sky. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood on the water wave tornado, their faces full of murderous anger. (To be continued)

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