Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2366: throw the pot

The latest website: In an endless sea area, two escaping lights quickly swept through the sky, and the speed was very fast.

The two dungeons were a tall and thin old man in a golden robe and a young woman in a golden skirt with gorgeous features, both of them had scars on their bodies.

"I hope the young master is all right!"

The golden-robed old man said softly, in order to resist the four Yang Xuemei, they were seriously injured, one of their companions died, two cultivators were beheaded, and Yang Xuemei was seriously injured.

"Want to go! Can you go?"

A red escaping light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards it quickly.

The red light was an impressive scroll of red light. Ma Qianqian and other five cultivators stood on the red scroll with murderous expressions on their faces.

The golden-robed old man's face sank, and he was about to start.

At this moment, the sea tumbled violently, and a blue light flew out from the bottom of the sea. The two were startled, and they were about to start. They found that it was a shark pearl.

The breath of the shark pearl was sluggish, and the surface of the body was covered in blood.

"Young master!"

The golden-robed old man said in a deep voice, having a bad premonition in his heart.

"My husband was killed by Liu Yunlan of Qianzhu Island. She and the six Lianxu besieged us, and Liu Yunlan's body was also destroyed. They are..."

Before the words of the shark pearl were finished, the sea water below tumbled violently, and a huge vortex with a diameter of ten thousand feet emerged out of nowhere, generating a strong airflow, and countless blue water vapor suddenly appeared above the head of the shark pearl. After a blur, it turned into a A big blue hand patted on the body of the shark pearl.

With a scream, the shark pearl flew upside down into the huge whirlpool, and was strangled by the huge whirlpool. A mini merman flew out of the body, and a big blue hand drilled out from the bottom of the sea, grabbing the mini merman like lightning.

A fat man in blue robe emerged from the sea, his face full of joy.

"Haha, the wife of the young patriarch of the Jinpeng family, this must be a great achievement."

The blue-robed man laughed and looked excited.

The old man in the golden robe and the young woman in the golden skirt were furious. They didn't care about the life and death of the shark. Jin Shuo was dead. What about saving the shark?

Sharma Mingzhu's remarks are very important, Liu Yunlan killed Jin Shuo, and his body was also destroyed.

Once Jin Shuo and Mingzhu died, they naturally didn't need to fight to the death, it was meaningless.

The golden-robed old man's wings suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, he appeared above the blue-robed man, his right hand turned into a claw, and grabbed the blue-robed man's Heavenly Spirit Cover.

The blue-robed man turned into a little blue light and disappeared, obviously a fake.

"The old man is not interested in entanglement with you, so I will go back and ask for credit."

A man's voice full of joy came from the bottom of the sea.

At this time, Ma Qianqian and others caught up.

The old man in the golden robe showed unwillingness and could only escape with the young woman in the golden skirt.

"Qianzhudao Liu Family!"

The golden-robed old man secretly wrote down this matter, and if he has the opportunity in the future, he will definitely settle the account with the Liu family.

Ma Qianqian frowned, Jin Shuo was actually killed by the Liu family cultivator, this great credit falls to the Liu family, this is not good news.

She didn't think too much, and neither did the other monks. As a Taoist companion of Jin Shuo, Shaming Pearl had no reason to lie, not to mention that she was also destroyed by the human race monks.

After a while, the group disappeared into the sky.

Under the sea floor, a huge blue clam shell, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood in the clam shell.

"After waiting for so long, it's finally time for them. I hope that the integrated monks of the Jinpeng family don't die, so there will be a good show to watch."

Wang Changsheng sneered and said, killing Jin Shuo is indeed a great achievement. The premise is that the integrated monks of the Jinpeng clan are all dead, otherwise the Jinpeng clan will definitely retaliate.

He didn't want to let the cultivators stare at him, so let the Liu family take the credit!

You must know that Liu Yunlan's Nascent Soul is still in Wang Changsheng's hands, and Wang Changsheng has a purpose in putting this great credit on Liu Yunlan's body.

Li Dai Taozong, when he was in the Dongli Realm, Wang Changsheng once controlled a small sect called Yunhaizong.

This time, he wants to control the Liu family.

The Yuan Ying that did not destroy Liu Yunlan at the beginning, Wang Changsheng did not want to give the Liu family a credit, but also gave the Liu family a hope. The race war caused the Liu family to suffer heavy losses.

Wang Changsheng put the credit on Liu Yunlan first, and then controlled Liu Yunlan in the future, and controlled the Liu family through Liu Yunlan, provided that the cultivator of the Liu family was destroyed.

Of course, even if the Liu family could not be controlled, it would definitely be difficult for the Liu family to be remembered by the Jinpeng family in the future.

No matter what, the Wang family will not suffer any loss, and Wang Changsheng can still make a fortune.

Wang Ruyan nodded: "The Jinpeng family is good at running fast. It's so hard for us to catch up with the Void Refinement Period. Jin Hu should be able to escape."

"Let's go! It's time for us to go back, this time the harvest is big enough."

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and the sea clam swiftly flew forward.

The hiding effect of the sea clam is very good, and it is difficult for the cultivator to find the existence of the sea clam.


Tianpeng Island, the island was lit up with fire, and most of the island was reduced to ruins.

Liu Yumei and Chen Yihang were instructing the disciples of Zhenhai Palace to scavenge their belongings. The Jinpeng family walked in a hurry, leaving behind a lot of treasures.

The four of Taiyang's real people went to chase the three of them, and they didn't know whether they could kill the three of them.

Two rays of light flew from a distance and landed on Tianpeng Island. It was Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"Junior Brother Wang, Junior Sister Wang, how are you? Where's Jin Shuo!"

Liu Yumei was full of anticipation, if Wang Changsheng could kill Jin Shuo, it would definitely be a great achievement.

"His escaping speed is too fast, and we can't catch up at all. We met other Void Refining aliens and wanted to keep them. Their escaping speed was too fast, and we couldn't catch up, so we had to come back."

Wang Changsheng explained.

Liu Yumei didn't think too much about it. If it was her, she would definitely take credit for killing Jin Shuo.

A cyan light flew over from a distance, it was Liu Qingfeng.

"Meet Uncle Liu!"

The four Wang Changsheng hurriedly bowed and saluted with respectful expressions.

"There are other monks intercepting, you didn't catch up?"

Liu Qingfeng wondered.

"No? Their escaping speed is too fast, how are the three of Liu Shishu and Jin Huo?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously.

"I killed Yanxuan, but unfortunately her Nascent Soul exposed herself and failed to capture her Nascent Soul. I don't know what happened to Daoyou Zhao and the others."

Liu Qingfeng said in a regretful tone, Yanxuan was very strong, his body was split in half by him, and Yuan Ying immediately exposed himself.

"Hey, the old man killed Peng Zhai."

A man's voice full of joy came from the sky, and just after the voice fell, Taiyang Zhenren flew from a distance and landed on Tianpeng Island.

Real Taiyang's face was full of joy, and he looked like he was in a good mood.

"Zhao Daoyou's supernatural powers are not small!"

Liu Qingfeng was a little surprised, Peng Zhai was injured, but he was a fit cultivator after all, and he was good at speed, so it was difficult to catch up.

Since Master Taiyang has such a powerful treasure as the Nine Python Drum, he should also have other treasures in his hands.

Bai Ruohan and Li Qingyue flew from the distant sky, their faces were not very good-looking.

"What? Fellow Daoist Bai, where's Jin Huo!"

Liu Qingfeng asked with a chuckle, looking at the expressions of the two, he knew the result.

"He's running too fast, we can't catch up, but we've already injured him."

Bai Ruohan said in a regretful tone.

"Hmph, if I can't kill it, I can't kill it, but I killed Yanxuan and got her storage ring."

Liu Qingfeng sneered.

At this moment, Yang Xuemei flew over, her face was pale and her eyes were full of joy.

"Uncle Bai, Jin Shuo was killed by Fairy Liu of Qianzhu Island. This is what Jin Shuo's Taoist companion, Shaming Pearl, said personally."

Yang Xuemei reported in a weak tone. (To be continued)

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