Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2370: Exchange legal materials

Piaoyun Island, the main altar of Zhenhai Palace.

A dense green bamboo forest, a simple green bamboo building.

Chen Yueying sat on the bamboo chair with a slightly haggard expression. She had already taken the healing medicine and needed to rest for thousands of years before she could recover.

If it wasn't for Yang Qinglong's healing medicine, she would have to cultivate for a longer time.

Fang Ming is reporting the situation to Chen Yueying. After this battle, the Ascension faction suffered heavy losses, and the Wang family performed well, bringing glory to the Ascension faction.

"I want to heal my wounds. In the future, you can handle all these matters! Focus on supporting the Wang family and the Zhao family, and hope that they can take the lead!"

Chen Yueying commanded, her tone weak.

"Yes, Uncle Chen."

Fang Ming agreed.

"When my injury is healed, this account must be settled with them."

Chen Yueying had a murderous look on her face. She was one of the few spirits in Zhenhai Palace. She could be the leader of the Ascension faction. She was naturally not weak. Betrayed, she suffered a big loss.

Fang Ming took out a glittering Dharma plate, entered a magic formula, and said respectfully, "Master Chen, Junior Brother Wang is here and is outside."

"Let him in! I want to see him too."

Chen Yueying instructed that Wang Changsheng killed a number of aliens at the refining stage this time, giving the Ascension faction a face.

Fang Ming responded and made a gesture on the Dharma plate.

After a while, Wang Changsheng walked in. He bowed to Chen Yueying and said, "This disciple pays respects to Master Chen."

"No need to be more polite, your deeds, Liu and the others have told me that you have done a good job. I hope you will make persistent efforts. It is best to advance to the integration period."

Chen Yueying encouraged.

Wang Changsheng responded, took out ten exquisite blue jade boxes, handed them to Chen Yueying, and said, "This is the elixir that the disciple seized from the enemy. I hope it will help Master Chen."

Jin Shuo's storage ring has many high-level elixir. After all, he is the young patriarch. There are as many as five elixir of ten thousand years, and more than fifty elixir of eight thousand years.

The Jinpeng clan could not keep Tianpeng Island, and the senior members of the clan fled with some treasures in the treasure house, scattered to break through, to avoid being caught by the human race. Jin Shuo's high-year elixir was obtained from the treasure house.

Chen Yueying, the leader of the Ascension faction, was seriously injured, so Wang Changsheng naturally wanted to express something.

Chen Yueying took the jade box and opened it to see that there was a ten thousand year elixir and nine eight thousand year elixir.

"It's not easy for you, just say what you want!"

Chen Yueying said.

"The disciple wants some materials for condensing the Fa, and you can exchange it for something."

Wang Changsheng said sincerely, there are more than 50 spiritual monks in the Wang family, and there will be more in the future. Fortunately, other materials are difficult to collect for the Wang family.

There are people in the DPRK who are good officials, and Wang Qingshan led the expedition. He was taken care of by the Ascension faction on the front line and got a lot of convenience. This is the advantage of having a backer.

Chen Yueying was injured by an alien, and it is estimated that it will take a long time to cultivate. If I miss this opportunity, Wang Changsheng wants to see Chen Yueying again, and I don't know how many years later.

"Nephew Fang, go and deal with it! If there's nothing else, you go! I'm going to retreat for a period of time to heal my injuries. There's nothing important, so don't disturb my healing."

Chen Yueying ordered, Wang Changsheng and Fang Ming responded and left the bamboo building.

"Senior Brother Fang, I got a lot of Xuanhe Shenmu, and I will give you some."

Wang Changsheng took out a cyan storage ring and handed it to Fang Ming.

Fang Ming's consciousness swept away, and the smile on his face deepened.

"Junior Brother Wang, what materials do you want?"

Fang Ming's tone is warm, and there are many kinds of materials for condensing the Dharma.

"Phonetic materials, thunder materials and five elements."

Wang Changsheng said truthfully.

"Sound-type materials and thunder-type materials are relatively rare. We don't have many Zhenhai Palace, which is very difficult. The five elements materials are relatively easy."

Fang Ming's face was embarrassed.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "You can get as much as you can! I can exchange it for the resources of cultivating immortals, either the materials for refining tools or materials for alchemy. By the way, it would be great if there was a divine thunderbolt."

The materials for condensing the dharma are what the Wang family needs most, and it is also the most difficult thing for the Wang family to collect.

"Shutu Divine Thunder? Let me inquire for you. You stay at Piaoyun Island first, and I will notify you when I am done."

Fang Ming agreed, arranged a place for Wang Changsheng, and went to the Deacon Hall to do his work.

Wang Changsheng was not idle, and came to a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. The valley was filled with a sea of ​​cyan fog, and he could not see the situation in the valley.

He sent a sound transmission, and it didn't take long for the cyan fog to roll violently, making way for a passage, and Yang Qinglong's voice came from the valley: "Junior Nephew Wang, come in!"

Wang Changsheng responded and walked in.

Passing through the sea of ​​cyan fog, Wang Changsheng suddenly appeared in a manor with a very large area. Yang Qinglong was sitting in a cyan stone pavilion, looking slightly haggard.

"The disciple pays a visit to Uncle Yang. This is the elixir that the disciple seized from the aliens. I hope it will be useful to Uncle Yang."

Wang Changsheng took out ten exquisite jade boxes and handed them to Yang Qinglong. They were also one thousand-year-old elixir and nine eight-thousand-year elixir.

Yang Qinglong opened the jade box and glanced at it, nodded, and said, "Just say what you want!"

Wang Changsheng can be a man, and Yang Qinglong still admires Wang Changsheng very much.

"I wonder if Master Yang still has the Nine Dragons Pill?"

Wang Changsheng asked carefully, there are several Tianlinggen cultivators in the Wang family, but there is no spiritual body.

Whether it is in the Dongli Realm or the Xuanyang Realm, the spirits are highly valued by the major forces, and individual spirits can lead a force to glory.

"No, the main ingredients of the Nine Dragons Pill are hard to find. Your physical body is good. This is the Black Dragon Pill that I refined. It can strengthen the power of the physical body. It is made with the sixth-order Jiaolong blood essence and six thousand years of black dragon grass as the main materials. Made, you accept it!"

Yang Qinglong took out a black porcelain bottle and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng thanked him and accepted the black porcelain vase.

Yang Qinglong asked Wang Changsheng how he killed the alien race and let him leave.

Fang Ming's work efficiency is very In less than seven days, he obtained some materials for condensing the law.

Crystals of water glass, dry earth stones, and crystals of Jinxin are all exchanged for good deeds.

Fang Ming asked other cultivators to use their good deeds to exchange for these three materials, and Wang Changsheng took out a sum of Tier 6 materials as compensation.

If someone helps, the rules can be changed, but if no one helps, you can only abide by the rules.

In addition to this, there are two Godly Thunders.

"Excuse me, Brother Fang."

Wang Changsheng said gratefully.

"You are welcome. There is a fit monk in the Song family. Uncle Chen hopes that your Wang family will develop and grow as soon as possible, and you will be able to compete with the Song family."

Fang Ming warned.

Wang Changsheng agreed, and after a few chats, Wang Changsheng said goodbye and left.

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