Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2372: Meng Bin retreats, Castle Peak develops a new site

The latest website: Qinglian Island, a secret room.

Wang Mengbin sat cross-legged on a silver futon, surrounded by countless silver arcs, he released his right palm, and there were four lightning bolts of different colors in the palm, exuding a violent aura.

The Kuishui Shenlei, Gengjin Shenlei, Yimu Shenlei, and Binghuo Shenlei have already arrived, and now it is time to guard the Earth Shenlei.

The Sunflower Water Divine Thunder was collected by him using the formation, and the remaining three types of Divine Thunder were given by Wang Changsheng.

After collecting the Earth-defending God Thunder, Wang Mengbin can try to attack the Void Refinement Stage.

Wang Mengbin took out a dazzling magic plate from his arms and entered a magic formula. Wang Changsheng's happy voice sounded: "Meng Bin, come to Qinglian Peak."

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Mengbin agreed and left the residence.

Not long after, Wang Mengbin came to Qinglian Peak and met Wang Changsheng in a secluded courtyard with green tiles.

Wang Changsheng sat on the stone bench with a relaxed expression.

"Meet the ancestors."

Wang Mengbin bowed and looked respectful.

Wang Changsheng has helped him too much. For his way of attacking the Void Refinement Stage, Wang Changsheng went to the wild land alone and almost couldn't come back. Not everyone is willing to go to the wild land to take risks for a spiritual cultivator.

"These are two earth-defending gods. In this way, the five elements of gods and thunders have been collected, and you can enter the Void Refinement Stage. I hope you can successfully enter the Void Refinement Stage."

Wang Changsheng encouraged, took out a yellow jade bottle and handed it to Wang Mengbin.

There are too few cultivators in the Wang family, and it is difficult to defend the current territory.

"Thank you my ancestors."

Wang Mengbin said gratefully, took the yellow jade bottle with both hands, and looked excited.

"The family is not mine alone. We can work together to make the family stronger. One day, our Wang family will become one of the fifteen major forces in the Xuanling Continent."

Wang Changsheng has a look of longing on his face. One palace, two factions, three families, four sects, and five kings are the ten most powerful forces in the Xuanling Continent. To be selected into the fifteen major forces, you must first have two or more integrated monks, and the second is your own needs. There are more than 100,000 immortal cultivators, not including affiliated forces, both are indispensable.

Many small races do not have integrated monks, and the number of low-level monks is useless.

The first palace, the second faction, the three families and the four schools are all human forces, either the cultivator sect, or the cultivator family.

As for the five kings, it refers to the races that have a good relationship with the human race.

These five races have two integrated monks, and the leader calls himself the king.

Wang Mengbin nodded and said confidently, "Yes, that day will definitely come."

After a few words of advice, Wang Changsheng asked Wang Mengbin to go back to practice.

Entering the secret room, Wang Changsheng took out a red porcelain vase, which contained the Nine Yang Forging Spirit Pill.

He got two bottles of Jiuyang Forging Spirit Pill from Taiyang Renren, and one bottle of Black Dragon Pill from Yang Qinglong. These two kinds of pills are sixth-order body forging pills, which can strengthen the power of the physical body and take three bottles of pills. Medicine, Wang Changsheng's physical power will definitely be stronger.

There will be no war in the short term, and Wang Changsheng can also cultivate for a while, and refine tools by the way.

Wang Qingshan got the crystal nucleus of the sixth-order wood demon, and Wang Changsheng handed it over to the wood demon for refining, hoping that it could hit the sixth-order.

Wang Changsheng poured out a red-red pill from the porcelain bottle. The surface of the pill had nine pale golden lines, exuding a peculiar fragrance.

Jiuyang Forging Spirit Pill can strengthen the physical power of the immortal cultivator.

His physical strength is already very strong, and after taking three bottles of body-forging medicine pills, his physical strength will definitely be stronger.

The medicinal pill melted in the mouth, and it didn't take long for Wang Changsheng to feel his body warm. As time passed, Wang Changsheng felt unbearable, dry mouth, and unbearable tingling pain all over his body.

He felt like his body was on fire, his skin turned crimson, and the blood vessels under his skin were clearly visible.

Wang Changsheng hurriedly used gong to refine the medicinal power.

A large blue glow appeared on the surface of his body, covering his entire body.


The Feiling Mountains stretch for thousands of miles, with hundreds of thousands of large and small peaks. The peaks are beautiful, and the ancient trees are towering. This was originally the site of the Song family. After negotiating with the Zhenhai Palace, the Song family exchanged the island with the Wang family .

A cyan light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards the Feiling Mountains quickly.

It didn't take long for the azure escape light to stop, and it was a picture scroll with azure light. More than 2,000 monks from the Wang family stood on it, from foundation building to virtual refining, led by Wang Qingshan.

A yellow escaping light flew out from the depths of the mountain range, and it was a shrewd old man in yellow robe. The old man in yellow robe was only in the late stage of spiritual transformation.

"But Senior Wang of Qinglian Island?"

The old man in yellow robe asked cautiously.

Wang Qingshan took out a square cyan token with the word "Song" on it.

The old man in yellow robe checked it carefully, and after confirming that it was correct, he said respectfully, "Junior's task has been completed, and this place will be handed over to Senior Wang."

After saying this, the old man in yellow robe bowed and left the place.

Wang Qingshan's tactic was pinched, and the cyan painting scroll increased in aura, speeding up his escape.

Less than half an hour later, the cyan scroll stopped, looking down, you could see a lot of buildings.

Of course, the Song family was not so kind. These buildings were built with spirit materials, and they were worth a lot of spirit stones. The Wang family also left buildings on the islands, so let’s make it easier for each other!

"Kong Hu, take someone to check it out, send someone to build a formation, and establish Qinglianfang City here."

Wang Qingshan instructed that there are more elixir and ores in the inland, and these resources are in short supply for the current Wang family.

It is not a problem for the Feiling Mountains to accommodate 50,000 cultivators. If it were not for the lack of manpower in the family, Wang Qingshan would have brought more manpower.

This is a good thing for those low-level monks who are accompanying them. When they practice here, they can achieve twice the result with half the effort and can speed up their practice.

"Yes, Old Ancestor Qingshan."

Wang Gonghu agreed to come down and give orders to the clansmen, and the clansmen performed their duties and got busy.

More than 10 million miles away, Hongye Ridge.

Hongye Ridge is named after the large number of red maple trees that grow. The leaves of the red maple trees are red, and when you look at it, you will see a crimson red, like a sea of ​​red fire.

Wang Lihe and other 300 monks stood on a flying boat whose blue light was flickering constantly, and their expressions were excited.

"It's finally here. Check the buildings left by the Song family to make sure that there are no problems before building the formation. Send someone to contact the ancestors of Qingshan, and establish a direct teleportation formation to facilitate support."

Wang Lihe ordered.

"Yes, my ancestor."

The Wang family members were busy, performing their respective duties, some planted elixir, some arranged formations, and some patrolled the terrain.

The Wang family sent a large number of monks to the newly occupied sites to develop new sites and collect immortal cultivation resources. (To be continued)

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