Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2411: The treasure left by the real beast

The latest website: Qingyuan Mountains, a small hillside.

Wang Qingshan and Lu Shisan were chatting while Cao Yihong and the others stood aside.

"Wang Daoyou, I heard that the founder of the Heavenly Beast Mountain, Tianzhu Zhenren, entered the dojo of Xuanling Tianzun and captured a sixth-order lightning falcon. It is said that he has a trace of Lei Peng blood. Tianzhu Zhenren died under the great catastrophe. This Lei Peng has also disappeared, I don't know if there are any descendants left."

Lu Shisan sighed, meaning something.

"Who knows, it's been so many years."

Wang Qingshan shook his head and said, hearing is false, seeing is believing.


A rolling green mountain range, a hidden underground cave.

A burly young man in a golden shirt stood aside, a golden spider puppet and a red giant ape puppet were attacking a black giant bear with a dark body.

There is a black tree more than ten feet high in the lower left corner, with dozens of dark fruits hanging on the tree.

Wang Lianghong, he is the descendant of Wang Qingfeng, a yellow mouse lying on his shoulders, it is a double-eyed mouse.

When Wang Qingxing flew to the Xuanyang Realm, he brought some double-eyed mice with him. Many members of the Wang family raised double-eyed mice to find elixir.

With a loud bang, the black giant bear was drowned by the billowing flames, and a golden spider web fell from the sky, covering the black giant bear.

The black giant bear's claws grabbed the golden spider web and pulled it hard. The golden spider web was suddenly torn apart. The giant ape puppet had already rushed in front of it, and a billowing flame poured out from its right arm, hitting the black giant bear's head.

A shrill roar sounded, and the black giant bear's head burst open like a watermelon, turning into a mist of blood.

A mini black bear flew out of the body, Wang Lianghong sacrificed a blue gourd and took away the mini black bear.

He picked the spirit fruit and even dug up the spirit fruit tree.

Walking out of the cave, Wang Lianghong sacrificed a flying eagle puppet beast and flew towards the sky.

The rumbling sound of rumbling sounded, and a huge cyan lotus flower appeared high in the sky, which was very conspicuous.

Wang Lianghong was startled, this is the clansman asking for help.

With a pinch of his magic trick, the flying eagle puppet accelerated.

After a cup of tea, Wang Liangpu appeared above a steep peak. More than a dozen disciples of the Wang family were confronting more than a dozen disciples of Tiandaomen. The two sides seemed to be fighting for something.

Wang Lianghong's tactic was pinched, and the flying eagle puppet fell on the ground, looked at a graceful young woman in a golden skirt, and asked, "Yiyan, what's going on?"

"Uncle Lianghong, you came just in time. The Cao cultivator reported to us that there are good things here."

Wang Yiyan sent Wang Lianghong a voice transmission with an excited tone.

"nice one?"

Wang Lianghong's consciousness opened wide, and he probed the mountain, but found nothing abnormal.

"Friend Wang Dao, how about we cooperate to get treasure?"

A tall, thin, golden-shirted old man said politely that they met the Cao family cultivator. After a **** battle, they beheaded the Cao family cultivator and searched for the soul of their Nascent Soul. When they found that they were concentrated here, they hurriedly summoned a manpower to rush them. When I came here, I did not expect that the monks from the Wang family also rushed over.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, there is a treasure here, the treasure left by the ancestors of the Heavenly Beast Mountain Li Sect."

A pale-faced young woman in a green skirt said through voice transmission, her tone a little weak.

"Heavenly Beast Mountain Li Sect Patriarch?"

Wang Lianghong's eyes lit up, and he instructed, "Set up a puppet formation and meet the enemy."

As soon as the words fell, the children of the Wang family released two fourth-order puppet beasts one after another, and the war was about to break out.

The complexion of the golden-robed old man became ugly. The Wang family's puppet formation was relatively famous, and if they fought to the death, they might not be able to take advantage.

Wang Lianghong took out a talisman whose red light kept flowing, exuding terrifying aura fluctuations, which was a fifth-order talisman.

Several members of the Wang family took out a fifth-order talisman, and they were in a stance that they would do it if they disagreed.

One after another escaped light flew from afar, most of them were the children of the Wang family, and they all sacrificed fourth-order puppet beasts.

The golden-robed old man sighed lightly and said, "I'll leave it to you here! Let's go."

He didn't know what treasures were here, and he wouldn't be able to get much benefit from a deadly battle with the Wang family cultivators, so he might as well go to other places to search for immortal cultivation resources.

"Yi Yan, immediately set up a formation and block this place."

Wang Lianghong instructed that they came prepared and brought three sets of fifth-order formations, and one-fifth of the clansmen had fifth-order talismans. Law.

To be cautious, it is better to lay out a formation.

Wang Yiyan responded and ordered the clan to form an array.

Wang Lianghong looked at the young woman in the green skirt, and asked through voice transmission, "Mrs. Cao, what exactly is here?"

"I don't know, the ancestors asked us to gather here, saying that there are treasures here."

The young woman in the blue skirt shook her head and said.

With this mountain as the center, the radius of 100 miles is within the coverage of the formation.

Two sets of fifth-order formations, one set of defense and one set of attack, could not exert the maximum power of the formation with their strength. There was absolutely no problem with Nascent Soul cultivator. It was still very difficult for Nascent Soul cultivator to break this formation.

Twenty-five monks of the Wang family, three disciples of the Cao family, and twenty-eight people gathered here to investigate the situation of the mountain.

Two days passed and they found nothing.

Wang Lianghong frowned, and withdrew from the place with the clan, and took out a red flag, and the seventeen people took out a red flag. The aura was amazing, it was obviously a spiritual treasure.

Eighteen Nascent Soul monks waved the red flags one after another. After the flags were brightly lit, each shot out a red light, which gathered in the sky above the peak and turned into a huge cloud of red fire.

After the red fire cloud violently rolled and rolled, red raindrops poured down and landed on the peak, and a raging fire was suddenly ignited, and the fire was soaring into the sky.

The other seven Yuanying cultivators drove the puppet beasts to attack Gao Feng, and the Cao cultivators were not idle either.

A huge explosion sounded, the ground shook, and the smoke billowed.

After three days, they stopped attacking and turned pale.

This mountain has turned into scorched earth, no grass grows, and there are bursts of black smoke.

After a while, the mountain suddenly collapsed and disappeared, replaced by a green mountain with a cave opening several feet in the middle of the mountain. A yellow light curtain blocked the opening, and there were seven patterns of yellow pythons on the surface of the light curtain.

Wang Lianghong's face was filled with joy, and he hurriedly took the elixir to restore mana, UU reading www.uukanshu. com controls Lingbao to attack the yellow light curtain.

Even after so many years, the twenty-eight Nascent Soul cultivators had to attack for three days before breaking the outer ban.

A day passed, and the yellow light curtain did not move.

Wang Lianghong's face sank, and he sacrificed a fifth-order talisman Jin Yanzhan Spirit Talisman.

With a muffled sound, the talisman turned into a giant golden blade with a length of more than 100 feet. The surface was wrapped in a golden flame, emitting a terrifying high temperature, and slashed on the yellow light curtain.

With a loud bang, the entire mountain shook violently, and a golden flame spread.

The seven yellow pythons on the surface of the yellow light curtain twisted one after another, and another golden giant blade more than 100 meters long slashed on the yellow light curtain.

Wang Lianghong's eyes brightened, and his expression became excited.


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