Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2413: Make friends

The latest website: The Jinyan Mountains stretch for thousands of miles, with peaks competing for show, exotic flowers and plants, and waterfalls hanging in the sky.

More than 20,000 years ago, Xu Tianluo had no hope of entering the stage of immortality, leaving the Nine Flame Sect and establishing a family in the Jinyan Mountains. Up to now, the Xu family has 18 cultivators, and there are more than 100,000 immortal practitioners in the clan. cloud.

Xu Guangyin is the head of the Xu family, and has a cultivation base in the late stage of God Transformation.

A manor with a very wide area, pavilions, pavilions, waterside corridors, rockery gardens.

Xu Guangyin was sitting in a blue hexagonal stone pavilion, holding a blue teacup in his hand, and a tall and tall young man in blue shirt was reporting the situation to him.

"The invitations have been distributed, and Senior Li of Jiuyanmen agreed to attend the meeting."

The blue-shirted youth said respectfully.

Long live Xu Sicheng, the ancestor of the Xu family, and the Xu family invites guests widely. As the backing of the Xu family, Jiuyanmen naturally also received the invitation.

Xu Guangyin nodded with satisfaction, and said, "I ordered to go on, increase the patrolling staff, long live the old ancestors, and must do the scenery, can't..."

Before he could finish speaking, he frowned. He took out a cyan communication disk from his arms and entered a magic formula. A respectful female voice suddenly sounded: "Patriarch, Senior Wang from the Qinglian Island Royal Family is visiting."

"The royal family of Qinglian Island?"

Xu Guangyin was stunned for a moment. He had naturally heard of the Wang family. The Wang family was a cultivator family affiliated to Zhenhai Palace. It had developed well over the years. Master Taihao killed many aliens who were in the imaginary stage in the racial war, and his name moved.

The Xu family mainly develops in the inland and has little to do with the Wang family.

"Invite him to the reception room, I'll go there right away."

Xu Guangyin gave an order and put away the communication disk.

"Go down first! I'm going to entertain the Wang family cultivator."

After Xu Guangyin said this, he left the residence and came to the reception room.

After a while, a nine-foot-tall red-shirted youth strode in. The red-shirted youth had big shoulders and round waists, bulging muscles, exposed blue veins, and a dazzling red light faintly shot from his eyes.

Wang Qinglong, he is a descendant of Wang Qingcheng, a double-cultivator of law and body, and one of the law enforcement elders of the Wang family.

"Under Wang Qinglong, I met fellow Daoist Xu."

Wang Qinglong clasped his fists in a salute and said politely.

"Young Daoyou Wang is very polite, I don't know what you are doing for Daoyou Wang?"

Xu Guangyin asked curiously, the Xu family had nothing to do with the Wang family, and he didn't know the purpose of Wang Qinglong's visit.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, this is what happened. A group of evil cultivators killed our monks from the Wang family. I found them hiding in the Yue family in Qingyanling. The Yue family is your in-laws. Can Daoyou Xu come out and say hello to the Yue family? We are grateful to the Wang family. Endless."

Wang Qinglong looked sincere.

Killing people and stealing treasures is not uncommon in the world of immortals. If the Xu family was not involved in this matter, Wang Qinglong would have done it a long time ago.

"Evil repair? The Yue family."

Xu Guangyin's brows wrinkled, it was Xu Sicheng's long-lived birthday, it was really hard to deal with such a thing.

Behind the Wang family is Zhenhai Palace, so he can't help but give face, but the Yue family is the in-laws of the Xu family, so to let the Yue family hand over people, it seems that the Xu family is too cowardly and afraid of the Wang family.

"Our ancestors have heard of Senior Xu's name for a long time, so we must have a good relationship with the Xu family. I heard that Senior Xu is long live, and Wang also wants to ask for a drink. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Xu will give this opportunity."

Wang Qinglong said with a smile.

"Young Daoyou Wang is very polite. Even if you don't come, I will send someone to invite you. That's it! I'll contact the Yue family to find out the cause and effect. What is the name of the evil cultivator you're looking for?"

Xu Guangyin asked politely, Wang Qinglong moved out of the Taihao real person, and Wang Qinglong opened his mouth to show his favor, and to participate in Xu Sicheng's birthday, Xu Guangyin must give this face.

"Jinchan Sanren, this person has a fifth-order blue-eyed Jinchan. He joined forces with many evil cultivators to kill many of our Wang family's Nascent Soul cultivator, and stole a set of five-element puppet beasts and a set of spiritual treasures. I thought it was unknowing, but I found it anyway."

Wang Qinglong said slowly.

"Okay, Daoyou Wang, wait a moment, I'll come when I go."

After Xu Guangyin said this, he got up and left.

Wang Qinglong sat on the chair and waited quietly.

After half an hour, Xu Guangyin came back.

He used a large communication array to contact the Yue family, and learned that Jinchan Sanren was a worshiper of the Yue family. The head of the Yue family called Jinchan Sanren to his residence and used the treasures to question him. Jinchan Sanren admitted that he had killed the Wang family cultivator, but he did not know that at the time. Knowing that it is a monk of the Wang family, after all, the other party is wearing casual clothes.

The Yue family intends to abandon the car and protect the commander. It is only a worship. It is not worth offending the Wang family.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, how is it?"

Wang Qinglong asked, looking forward to it.

Xu Guangyin nodded and said, "It's true, the Yue family has already captured this person and sent them to our Xu family. I don't know what Daoyou Wang plans to do with this person."

Jin Chan Sanren is sure to die, so I don't know if the Wang family will publicize it. If this matter spreads, it will affect the reputation of both the Yue family and the Xu family.

"If this person really did it, it would be unavoidable to extract the soul and refine the soul. Of course, we will not publicize this person's identity, so let him disappear silently! This time, I would like to thank Daoist Xu, the next is the law enforcement of the Wang family. One of the elders, if we need our royal family’s help in arresting criminals in the future, we will do our best.”

Wang Qinglong said gratefully, arresting the real culprit is enough. If Jinchan Sanren is widely promoted as the worship of the Yue family, it will definitely affect the reputation of the Yue family, and it will not be a good thing for the Xu family.

"Okay, Daoyou Wang will stay at our Xu family first and participate in the long live birthday of our ancestors."

Xu Guangyin said enthusiastically, and sent someone to arrange a place for Wang Qinglong to live there.


Tianshu Mountain is a sub-rudder of Qixian Mountain. Qixian Mountain was created by seven Confucian monks. At present, there is a combined monk who is a master.

A large number of buildings spread from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and there was a faint sound of reading aloud.

In a secluded courtyard, seven men and two women sat in a simple green bamboo building, drinking tea and discussing Taoism.

"Brother Boyu is worthy of being Senior Chen's disciple, and he is so accomplished in poetry and poetry at a young age."

A girl in a green skirt with delicate features said with a smile.

"It's a pity that Daoyou Sun's master died at the hands of ghost repairers, otherwise he would definitely shine in the race war."

Sun Boyu sighed and said, "Yes! Speaking of which, Qinglian Jianzun, the elder of Daoyou Wang, also participated in the suppression of demons. According to Senior Ma, Qinglian Jianzun contributed a lot."

The cultivators all looked at a gentle and gentle youth in green shirts. The youth in green shirts had neat and clean facial features.

Wang Liangshu, in the early days of Spirit Transformation, he followed Wang Qingshan to the inland to develop, and made friends with Spirit Transformation cultivators from other forces.

"Ancestor Qingshan is really powerful. I heard the elders of the clan say that the ancestor of Qingshan understood the sword intent during the foundation-building period, and he performed very well in the race beheaded many aliens in the refining period, Of course, our ancestor Tahoe is even more powerful."

Wang Liangshu was full of pride.

The monks praised one after another. They all heard of Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingshan's deeds against alien races, but they did not expect Wang Qingshan to understand the sword intent during the foundation-building period.

"It's not difficult to comprehend the Sword Intent, but the difficulty is the completion of the Sword Intent. I heard that after the Sword Intent was mastered, Jian Xiu's supernatural powers greatly increased."

Sun Boyu said at the end, his face full of envy.

"Sword Intent should not be difficult for Qinglian Sword Sovereign, maybe Qinglian Sword Sovereign will be promoted to the fusion stage in the future."

"Yeah! Qinglian Jianzun understood the sword intent when he built his foundation, and his future achievements are limitless."

The monks complimented him.

Wang Liangshu smiled slightly, his face full of pride.


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