Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2417: Tier 6 puppet beast

The latest website: Spring and autumn come, three hundred years have passed quickly.

As the sun rises, the golden sunshine is pouring on Qinglian Island, and Qinglian Island is like a golden tulle.

"Clang clang clang!"

Three melodious bells sounded, spreading throughout the entire Qinglian Island, and a new day began.

The cultivators of the Wang family were busy, each performing their duties, and all kinds of escaping lights swept through the sky.

A steep peak of a mountain, a waterfall more than a thousand feet long hangs on the stone wall like a silver horse, and the water mist is roaring.

Behind the waterfall is a cave that is about 100 meters long. At the end of the cave is a cave that is more than 100 meters long. The layout of the cave is simple, a blue stone bed, a blue stone table and a few blue stone benches.

Wang Yuanjiang sat cross-legged on the blue stone bed, his eyes were closed, his hands were imprinted, and there was a skeletal sound of "crackling" from his body.

After a while, he opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

He can clearly feel that his vigor has increased a lot.

Wang Yuanjiang has already entered the Nascent Soul stage. He has won a good ranking in many competitions, and he has gradually improved. He has obtained a large amount of resources for cultivating immortals, and has become a cultivator of the core cultivation of the family.

After cultivating to the Great Consummation of Formation Pill, the family provided a spiritual item for the formation of infants, and he bought a spiritual item with his own wealth and successfully entered the Nascent Soul stage.

"There is not much left of the spiritual water. I will go to pick up the quest and earn some resources for cultivation."

Wang Yuanjiang said to himself.

He got up and walked out, jumped out of the waterfall, and flew towards the Shuttle Tower.

When passing near Qinglian Peak, there was a sudden loud noise from Qinglian Peak, and the entire Qinglian Peak shook.

Wang Yuanjiang was startled and looked at Qinglian Peak with confusion on his face.

A large number of clansmen came from all over, and a majestic man's voice suddenly sounded: "It's nothing, you all step back!"

After hearing this, the clansmen retreated.

Qinglian Peak, a secret room.

Wang Changsheng's expression was excited. There were a lot of refining materials on the ground, and a huge Peng bird skeleton hovered in the sky. The surface of the Peng bird puppet was covered with mysterious spiritual patterns, and the body surface was covered with a burst of cyan glow.

After Wang Changsheng refined a number of middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, he began to try sixth-order puppet beasts. After all, there are many sixth-order monster beasts' bodies.

It took him more than 200 years to finally refine the first sixth-order puppet beast. Before that, he also tried to refine the sixth-order puppet beast, and they all ended in failure. This time, he finally succeeded.

After all, the sixth-order puppet beast is a dead thing, and cannot use the magic sign. Its supernatural power is not small. It is definitely not a problem to deal with the sixth-order monster. Driving the sixth-order puppet beast requires a lot of consciousness. Drive the sixth-order puppet beast.

It is only a matter of time before he can refine the first sixth-order puppet beast and then the second sixth-order puppet beast.

The sixth-order puppet beasts need to be driven by high-grade spirit stones, and the seventh-order puppet beasts must use the best puppet beasts. However, in the Xuanling Continent, most Dafang cities can buy sixth-order puppet beasts. As for seventh-order puppet beasts, they are quite rare. I have never heard that there are seventh-order puppet beasts for sale in Dafang City on Xuanling Continent.

Wang Changsheng put away the puppet beast and walked out.

Walking out of the secret room and entering the courtyard, Wang Changsheng saw a blue-colored sound transmission, flicked with two fingers, and a blue light flew out, hitting the sound transmission, the sound transmission suddenly spontaneously ignited, and Sun Yuejiao's voice sounded: "Father, the clansmen have been from one to one. I got a spirit beast egg in a secret realm, which is said to be brought out by the real person of the beast from Xuanling Tianzun's dojo."

"Spirit beast egg? Xuanling Tianzun's dojo?"

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised, Xuanling Tianzun is a big celebrity in the Xuanyang world. It can be said that everyone knows it. If it is really a spirit beast egg brought from Xuanling Tianzun Dojo, it must be extraordinary.

Wang Changsheng took out the communication disk and contacted Sun Yuejiao: "Yuejiao, you bring that spirit beast egg, I have something to ask you."

"Understood, Dad, I'll go right over."

Sun Yuejiao agreed.

The double-eyed mouse suddenly ran out of the adjacent courtyard and quickly climbed onto Wang Changsheng's shoulder.

Its injuries have almost recovered, and there is no serious problem.

"Swallowing Rat, it would be great if you could change shape."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, fondly patted its head, took out more than 30 thousand-year-old elixir, and fed it to the double-eyed mouse.

The Sky-Swallowing Rat is the most powerful rat demon with a large appetite. If it grows to a high rank, its supernatural powers are far superior to ordinary monsters of the same rank.

Countless auras suddenly appeared in the void, and a deafening roar came from the sky.

Wang Changsheng seemed to have sensed something. He flew into the sky, and he could clearly see that a huge vortex of spiritual energy appeared in the sky, and after a dazzling blue light lit up, it turned into a huge phantom shadow of blood-colored thorns.

After a while, the aura vortex suddenly rolled violently, and raindrops the size of beans poured down, all of which were pure five elements of aura.

Raindrops fell on the phantom of blood-colored thorns, and the phantom of thorns burst into a dazzling blood light.

It didn't take long for the thorny shadow to dissipate, and it suddenly disappeared.

The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, and a huge thundercloud suddenly appeared high in the sky, with lightning and thunder, and countless silver arcs crowded together, densely packed, making people's scalp numb.

There was a flash of silver light, and a silver lightning pierced the sky and slashed down.

"Wood demon!"

Wang Changsheng's face became serious, the wood demon was attacking the sixth-order, it was the descendant of Bloodthirsty Jing.

After arriving in the spiritual world, Wang Changsheng checked many classics, and also inquired about wood demons with other high-level monks.

Most wood demons are spirit wood or spirit flowers, and it is unheard of for thorns to become spirits.

The wood demon has refined the crystal nuclei of many high-level wood demons, and now it has only hit the sixth-order, and I don't know if it can advance to the sixth-order.

The gold-eating ant queen has died under the thunder tribulation, and I hope the wood demon can succeed.

If you want to advance to the sixth rank, you can only rely on the wood demon himself, and Wang Changsheng can't help.

At this time, Sun Yuejiao also rushed over.

She took out a huge spirit beast egg and gave it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Qingshan is not interested in expelling insects and beasts, UU reading www.uukanshu. com sent the spirit beast egg back to the family, passed it on to Sun Yuejiao, and handed it over to Wang Changsheng. As for how Wang Changsheng dealt with this spirit beast egg, Wang Qingshan was not interested.

"Tell me about how you got this spirit beast egg!"

Wang Changsheng instructed that he could clearly feel that this spirit beast egg exudes a powerful vitality.

Sun Yuejiao did not dare to neglect, and told the truth.

"So, this spirit beast egg has been stored for at least tens of thousands of years, and it has absorbed a lot of sapphire divine milk, so its vitality is so strong."

Wang Changsheng had a thoughtful expression on his face. The real Heavenly Beast took great pains to set up a high-level formation and use the sapphire divine milk to incubate this spirit beast egg. This spirit beast egg is definitely not an ordinary spirit beast.

"That's right, I was worried that this spirit beast egg was damaged, so I didn't let the spirit master try to hatch it."

Sun Yuejiao nodded and said that she knew the value of this spirit beast egg, so she naturally did not dare to let it hatch. If something went wrong, it would be troublesome. (To be continued)

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