Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2429: Coral Valley Zhangjia

The latest website: The Jinchan Mountains stretch for millions of miles. This place is permeated by miasma all year round, and it will not be scattered for a long time.

Looking down from a high altitude, this mountain range resembles a golden toad crawling on the ground, hence the name Golden Toad Mountains.

A huge alien beast appeared high in the sky, with golden scales all over its body. It was the golden-horned Leilin beast.

It has been promoted to the top grade of the fifth rank, and has provided a lot of help to Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan and other hundreds of Wang family's children stood on the back of the golden-horned thunder-lin beast, and the speed of the golden-horned thunder-lin beast was very fast.

Wang Yuanwei was standing in the crowd. She had already entered the Nascent Soul stage and went to Qinglian Valley to practice. It happened that Wang Qingshan was going to Ma's house to participate in the celebration, so she brought Wang Yuanwei with her.

The ground swayed violently, and the Golden Horned Lei Lin Beast suddenly stopped.

After the loud bang, the ground suddenly burst open, and a yellow toad with the size of a small hill emerged from the ground. It has multiple bulges on its back, which is extremely ugly, but its surface is dripping with blood.

"Tier six monsters!"

Wang Qingshan was stunned for a moment. Wang Changsheng told his clan to pay attention to the news of the sixth-order monsters. If he could capture them alive, it would be of great use.

Wang Changsheng didn't ask his clan to hunt down the sixth-order monsters on purpose, he just kept an eye on the news, either buying or capturing them.

"This fellow Daoist, stop this monster and don't let it escape."

A hurried female voice entered Wang Qingshan's ears.

The yellow toad also found Wang Qingshan and his group, and a yellow light shot up into the sky, turning into a huge toad phantom, which was like a yellow toad magnified a hundred times.

The toad phantom made a strange roar, like a heavy hammer, hitting Wang Yuanwei and others in their hearts, and they all spit out blood and passed out.

Wang Qingshan flew high into the sky, and the golden-horned Lei Lin beast carried Wang Yuanwei and others back.


The toad phantom spewed out a yellow sound wave, heading straight for Wang Qingshan.

Where the yellow sound wave passed, the void was torn apart, and thick and long cracks appeared.

Wang Qingshan moved his shoulders, and nine azure glass swords flew out from the sword box. In a piercing sound of swords, one turned into a hundred, and a hundred turned into a million.

The flying swords in the sky faced the yellow sound waves, like chopping melons and vegetables, the yellow sound waves burst instantly.

The toad's phantom claws slapped towards the void, and the void near Wang Qingshan oscillated and twisted, suddenly torn apart, and a strong pressure came oncoming, as if there was an invisible big hand imprisoning Wang Qingshan.

With a loud noise, the void was torn apart like thin paper, and a yellow claw shadow emerged out of nowhere and slapped Wang Qingshan's Tianling cover.

Wang Qingshan snorted coldly, and a blue light shot up into the sky, turning into a giant sword phantom, and the Dharma was condensed by three-tenths. one.

The giant sword phantom swayed gently, slashing through the void, and a thick and long crack appeared, and the yellow claw shadow was also shattered by the giant sword phantom.

Wang Qingshan raised his right hand, and tens of thousands of flying swords swayed, and there were bursts of harsh sword sounds, which were chopped down from the sky, and the sky was like a downpour, and dense cyan raindrops poured down.

At the same time, the weeds on the ground grew wildly and suddenly turned into flying swords, heading straight for the yellow toad.

The gust of wind was blowing, and countless earth and rocks were blown up by the gust of wind, and were cut into the shape of flying swords by the fierce gust of wind, slashing at the yellow toad.

The yellow toad spewed a yellowish poisonous mist, and at the same time urged the phantom of the toad to attack Wang Qingshan.

The toad phantom opened its **** mouth and sucked suddenly. A powerful suction emerged out of nowhere, and the void was twisted and deformed, and it was suddenly torn apart.

Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched, and the phantom of the giant sword suddenly rose in aura, turned into a silver peg, with an aura of annihilation, and went straight to the phantom of the toad.

The silver horses were imposing like a rainbow, and wherever they passed, the void was torn apart.

Toad's phantom's eyes each shot a yellow light, hitting the silver horse.

There was a loud bang, and the two yellow lights were shattered by the silver slash.

Feeling the amazing momentum of the silver training, the yellow toad did not dare to force it.

The body of the yellow toad trembled and let out a shrill moan.

The silver training aura soared, and it came in front of Toad's phantom.

The toad phantom spewed out a yellow sound wave, like thin paper, it was smashed by the silver slash, even the toad phantom was not spared.

Wang Qingshan's dharma image was condensed with silver astral crystals, far exceeding that of most cultivators.

The dharma was broken, and the yellow toad spit out a large mouthful of blood. The breath was sluggish.

The silver horses were imposing like a rainbow, and they slashed at the yellow toad. At the same time, the dense blue flying swords cut through the sky and slashed at the yellow toad.

The yellow toad's eyes turned blood red, and it let out a sharp, ear-piercing roar, spewing out a yellow sound wave, knocking off the incoming attack.

When Wang Qingshan heard this, he felt a little upset and indescribably upset.

The yellow toad kicked its legs, jumped hundreds of feet high, and ran towards the distance.

The red light flashed, and a giant seal with a continuous flow of red light suddenly appeared on top of its head. The surface of the red giant seal was wrapped in a red flame, emitting an amazing high temperature, and it fell head-on.

The yellow toad spit out a long yellow tongue, like a yellow spear, and flew away the giant red seal, but the flames spread along the yellow spear and drowned the body of the yellow toad.

A blue sky-high giant sword descended from the sky, and behind the sky-high giant sword, there was a silver piece of training.

The yellow toad spewed out a yellow sound wave again. This time, the yellow sound wave was directly smashed by the sky-high sword, and the void was split into a thick and long crack.

It kicked its legs and jumped up, but it was just a hundred meters off the ground, and a strong attraction imprisoned it on the ground, watching the sky-high sword and the silver horse train falling.

With a scream, the head of the yellow toad was chopped off, and a mini toad flew out from the corpse. Before it flew far, a green gourd fell from the sky and took away the mini toad. .

A red light flew from a distance, and it was a girl wearing a red tube top and skirt, with willow leaves curving her eyebrows, star eyes and white teeth, three thousand blue silk tied with a red ribbon, and a red dress on her clothes. Coral pattern.

"Little sister Zhang Yuqian from Coral Valley, thank you for your help. This wicked animal has killed my clansman and was almost run away by it."

The girl in the red dress bowed and said politely.

"Coral Valley Zhang Family!"

Wang Qingshan is awe-inspiring. The Zhang family in Coral Valley has been inherited for more than 50,000 years. There is a fit cultivator and there are dozens of cultivators. The Zhang family is well-known in alchemy.

"Wang Qingshan on the lower Qinglian Island, it's just a little effort, Fairy Zhang doesn't need to be polite."

Wang Qingshan reported his name and said warmly. (To be continued)

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