Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2434: Composer composed by Mahayana Onton

The latest website: There are many types of monster materials, ores, elixir, talismans, etc.

These dozens of materials are indeed quite attractive to ordinary cultivators, but Wang Qingshan does not like them at all. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan can provide these things, and the quantity is more.

Su Chenguang communicated with a number of cultivators, and finally exchanged three materials. As for what was exchanged, it is unknown to outsiders.

Time passed, and the monks took turns to show the treasures and say what they wanted to exchange. Most of them wanted to exchange the materials for condensing the law, and only some monks were able to exchange successfully.

Treasures that can weaken the Great Heavenly Tribulation are naturally in high demand, and no one will exchange them. The sixth-order defensive talisman or the fifth-order formation talisman is no problem.

After more than half an hour, Wang Qingshan stepped forward, and he took out more than a dozen kinds of materials, animal skins, animal bones, demon pills, spiritual medicines, heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, and sixth-order escape spells.

"For the material of the dharma, or the whereabouts of the beasts full of blood, the treasures of heaven and earth can also be used."

Wang Qingshan said loudly, he took out seven low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, no less than Su Chenguang.

"Friend Wang Dao, are you a sixth-order weapon refiner? Are there so many low-grade heavenly treasures?"

Zhang Yuqian asked curiously.

"No, these are what I captured from aliens."

Wang Qingshan explained.

"Friend Wang Dao, I know that there is a sixth-order blood-earth beast in Zhulong Mountain. This beast's supernatural powers are not strong, its diet is very mixed, it is timid by nature, and it lives in an area filled with miasma. I am willing to accompany you."

Lan Fukong opened his mouth and said, his eyes fell on a long ge that was flickering with blue light.

The Lan family was too poor, and he didn't even have a few heavenly treasures in his hands, so he was very shabby.

"This treasure is given to you first, and it will be yours after it is completed. I want to capture this beast alive."

Wang Qingshan handed the cyan long Ge to Lan Fukong. Of course, a piece of news is not worth a low-grade Tongtian Lingbao. He bought horse bones with a thousand pieces of gold. Furthermore, there may be a sixth-order blood worm in Zhulongshan.

Lan Fukong was grateful and took over the blue long Ge.

Others communicated with Wang Qingshan and showed him the treasure, but Wang Qingshan didn't like it.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, we also have a fifth-rank top-grade blood-bone fish. The blood-bone fish is a special product of the Bone Clan. I wonder if you are interested?"

Ma Yulin said with a smile.

"Bonefish? What does Mrs. Ma fancy?"

Wang Qingshan asked.

"If Wang Daoyou likes it, I will give it to you! You saved Tianming's life, it's just a fifth-order blood-bone fish."

Ma Yulin said nonchalantly, if you can take this opportunity to strengthen the relationship with the Wang family, a fifth-order blood bone fish is nothing at all.

"No merit, no reward, give this fifth-order puppet beast to Mrs. Ma!"

Wang Qingshan didn't want to take advantage of the Ma family, eating people's mouths and taking people's hands softly. For a fifth-order blood-bone fish, he owed the Ma family a favor. This deal was too bad.

Ma Yulin did not refuse and accepted it.

After the exchange, everyone continued to chat, and the topic was racial war. Lan Fukong tried his best to tout Wang Qingshan, Wang Dafei, Su Chenguang, Su Chennian and Wang Changsheng, but he did not mention his own credit.

The sky slowly darkened, Wang Qingshan and others left one after another and went back to their respective homes. Wang Qingshan invited Lan Fukong to chat at the residence.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, have you heard of Master Xuanyin?"

Wang Qingshan asked casually, the Lan family has a longer heritage than the Wang family, maybe Lan Fukong has heard of Master Xuanyin.

"Of course I have heard that tens of thousands of years ago, it is said that the dojo of the Xuanling Tianzun appeared in the Qingli Sea. Many Mahayana monks fought fiercely. Master Xuanyin participated in the battle and injured a Mahayana of the Nine Dragons Palace. If you want to know more about Master Xuanyin, you can buy news from Qiyuelou, there is a branch of Qiyuelou in a market near Zhulong Mountain."

Lan Fukong said slowly that the Qiyuelou was selling all kinds of news, including the deeds of some seniors.

Wang Qingshan nodded and asked about the situation of the blood worm, Lan Fukong told the truth.

After chatting for half an hour, Lan Fukong left.

In the next few days, Wang Qingshan and other cultivators often gathered together to drink tea and discuss Taoism.

He inquired about Master Xuanyin from several cultivators. Many cultivators had heard of Master Xuanyin. As for whether Master Xuanyin left the music, they were not sure.

Seven days later, Wang Qingshan invited Lin Buer to the residence, called Wang Yuanwei, and went straight to the topic: "Friend Lin, can you show me the composition?"

He doesn't understand the rhythm, Wang Yuanwei is a music repairer, if the music is good, it should be able to recognize it.

The safest way is to ask Lin Buer to go to Qinglian Island to have a face-to-face interview with Wang Ruyan, which will make Lin Buer feel that the Wang family has a lot of good fortune.

"I can only show you one. After the exchange is successful, I will also give you the remaining two compositions. I can guarantee that they are absolutely authentic."

Lin Buer had a sincere expression on his face. He was not a music repairer, so it was useless to ask for music.

He took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Wang Qingshan, who gave it to Wang Yuanwei.

Wang Yuanwei put the jade slip between her eyebrows, and her divine consciousness immersed in it.

As time passed, Wang Yuanwei's expression became dazed and sweating profusely.

Wang Qingshan realized that something was wrong, and with a light drink, Wang Yuanwei was shocked and came back to her senses. She breathed a sigh of relief and gasped for breath.

Judging from her reaction, Wang Qingshan knew that there was no problem with the music, and Yuan Ying’s Yin Xiu fell into it when he checked the music score. If he played it, wouldn’t it be even more powerful.

"Ancestor Qingshan, the composition is very powerful. If it weren't for you, my grandson would not be able to wake up."

Wang Yuanwei said solemnly.

"I know, you go down!"

Wang Qingshan waved his hand and asked Wang Yuanwei to retreat.

"The value of the three compositions created by Mahayana Yinxiu is immeasurable. Of course, Ming people don't speak secretly, and I have sold them to others. If Wang Daoyou dislikes it, then forget it."

Lin Buer looked sincere.

Wang Qingshan pondered for a moment, and took out a cyan porcelain bottle. A porcelain bottle could hold more than a hundred drops of the divine water of good fortune. This porcelain bottle only contained ten drops.

This is the most valuable thing on his body. If he wants to change the composition created by Mahayana Yinxiu, he can get the divine water of good fortune. The sapphire divine milk is useful for hatching spirit beast eggs, and its value is far less than the divine water of good fortune. Lin Buer took off the cork, and an extremely pure spiritual energy rushed out.

"This is ten drops of divine creation water, how about it?"

Wang Qingshan asked.

"This is a composition created by Mahayana Yinxiu, only ten drops of the divine water of good fortune? At least twenty drops."

Lin Buer negotiated the price.

"Friend Lin thinks the divine water of good fortune is Chinese cabbage? Since Daoyou Lin feels that it is a disadvantage, then forget it."

Wang Qingshan didn't talk nonsense, he was about to take back the divine water of creation.

Lin Buer shyly smiled, and quickly took out a golden jade slip, handed it to Wang Qingshan, and said, "Don't misunderstand Wang Daoyou, deal, deal, I explained in advance that the lost soul requires the caster's mana, and it is below the late stage of virtual refining. It is not recommended to play this tune, otherwise the caster may be depleted of mana, and there is no way to stop this tune from playing." (To be continued)

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