Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2438: Catch blood worms

The latest website: "Thanks to the three fellow Daoists for helping, I'm really sorry for interfering with your hunting of monsters."

Duan Tongtian said politely, his eyes fell on the corpses of the monsters in the valley.

The three of Wang Qingshan should be hunting monsters, but they didn't succeed. I don't know if they were disturbed by him.

"It's just a little effort, by the way, have fellow Daoists ever seen a blood worm?"

Wang Qingshan asked sincerely.

"Blood worms? Three million miles west of this place, I once encountered blood worms there, you might as well try your luck there."

Duan Tongtian reminded.

"Thank you, let's go."

Wang Qingshan thanked him and flew to the west, followed by Wang Yingjie and Lan Fukong. After a while, the three disappeared into the sky.

"Blood beasts? Do you want to refine sixth-order demon pills that replenish qi and blood? Who is injured?"

Duan Tongtian frowned, and he immediately thought of Dong Xueli.

The inner alchemy of the blood earth beast can be used to refine the medicinal pills to replenish qi and blood.

Wang Qingshan specially rushed to Zhulong Mountain to find the blood beast, indicating that the Wang family was looking for the blood beast.

Duan Tongtian put away the body of the red giant dove and dived into the ground.


A vast black dense forest, with a large number of black trees growing in the dense forest, these black trees have no leaves, and there are many holes on the surface, as if they were bitten by insects.

There were a lot of puddles on the ground, and a blue miasma filled the sky above the dense forest.

Wang Qingshan, Lan Fukong, and Wang Yingjie stood above the dense forest with solemn expressions.

"Just here! I hope to find the sixth-order blood worm this time."

Wang Qingshan said in a deep voice.

Wang Yingjie sacrificed a cyan cloth bag and entered a magic trick. The cyan cloth bag suddenly spewed a cyan glow, and a group of khaki porcupines flew out. They hadn't died yet, and most of them were of the fourth order.

The cyan whisk in Lan Fukong's hand flicked lightly, and the whisk suddenly swelled, and countless cyan filaments flew out, easily piercing their bodies, and instantly killed them.

The cyan filament was retracted, and the yellow porcupine fell to the ground, bleeding profusely.

The three of Wang Qingshan flew into an open space. He took out the white bone fan, and with a light blow, a white mist swept out and covered their bodies.

After a while, the white mist dissipated, and the three of Wang Qingshan disappeared.

From time to time, monsters and monsters are attracted by the smell of blood. As soon as they approached the body of the porcupine, some slender blue threads suddenly flew out of the void, piercing their bodies, and the smell of blood was heavier.

More than two months later, the corpse of the monster was seriously decomposed, and a large number of maggots could be seen. The blood stained the ground red, and a large number of corpses of the monster could be seen.

A shrill hissing sound came from the sky, and more than a dozen golden-winged vultures appeared in the sky. They hovered in the sky for a while, and suddenly swooped down from the sky at a particularly fast speed.

Just as they approached the monster's body, the ground shook violently, and a blood-red earthworm burst out of the ground. It had no eyes, only a large **** mouth, and there were some yellow spiritual patterns on its body.

It is the blood worm.

As soon as the **** beast appeared, it opened its **** mouth and spewed a pungent blood-colored poisonous mist, heading straight for the golden-winged vulture.

The golden-winged vultures touched the blood-colored poisonous mist and let out a scream. The body turned into a pool of blood at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was swallowed by the blood worm.

The blood earth beast opened its **** mouth and sucked it suddenly, all the corpses of the monster beasts were sucked into its mouth and swallowed into its belly.

Almost at the same time, the void vibrated and distorted, and countless five-color auras emerged, suddenly condensed, and turned into a five-color hand as big as a mountain, which was photographed head-on.

The blood worm quickly spurted out a blood-colored aura, and the five-colored big hand touched the blood-colored aura.

Taking this opportunity, the blood worms drilled into the ground.

The ground suddenly lit up with a dazzling yellow light, which quickly turned gray and white, and the blood worm was blocked, but soon, the yellow spirit pattern on its body suddenly brightened, and it quickly drilled into the ground.

After the loud bang, the ground suddenly burst open, the dust flew up, and the blood worm was blocked by a yellow light wall.

The five-colored big hand suddenly brightened, the blood-colored aura suddenly dissipated, and the five-colored big hand was photographed head-on.

The blood worm spurted a thick blood-colored beam of light, piercing the five-colored big hand.

There was a deafening sound of thunder in the sky, and a huge golden thundercloud suddenly appeared in the sky, with lightning and thunder, and hundreds of thick golden lightnings pierced the sky and went straight to the blood beast.

The dazzling blood light burst out from the surface of the blood worm, blocking all the golden lightning, and the sword light from the sky slashed head-on, looking like it was about to be chopped up.

Lan Fukong sacrificed the blue long ge, turned into a blue long rainbow, and slashed at the blood worm.

A **** light shot up into the sky and turned into a huge blood-colored earthworm phantom. As soon as the earthworm phantom appeared, it immediately spewed out a **** light, facing the sky-filled sword light and the cyan Changhong.

As soon as Lan Fukong's tactic was pinched, the cyan Changhong suddenly escaped and swelled, avoiding the blood light, and the sword light touched the blood light, and bursts of blue smoke suddenly appeared, and all of them collapsed and disappeared.

Wang Yingjie directly summoned the dharma image, and the palms of the five-colored giant phantom patted the phantom.

The phantom of the earthworm spurted out a thick blood-colored flame, blocking the two large five-colored hands.

After a loud noise, the five-colored hands and the blood-colored flames perished together.

Nine azure flying swords shot out, suddenly merged into one, and turned into a azure sky-high giant sword. phantom.

The blood worm was about to cast a spell to resist, the five-colored giant phantom let out a loud shout, and the void shook and twisted, and there were thick and long cracks.

The Sky-high Sword was slashed on the phantom of the earthworm, and the phantom of the earthworm was cut in half, turning into a little bit of aura and disappearing.

The dharma was broken, the blood worm made a shrill roar, and its huge body twisted non-stop.

The blue silk descended from the sky, hitting the blood worms one after another, and there was a muffled sound of "ding ding".

The void fluctuated together, and a big hand of Qingtian flashing with five-color aura emerged out of nowhere and slapped the **** beast.

The blood worm screamed again and again, and its body kept twisting.

The Sky-High Sword slashed on its body, and immediately cut a thick and long bloodstain, the blood flowed non-stop, and a cyan flame spread along the Sky-High Sword, drowning most of the blood worm's body.

The golden thunderclouds in the sky rolled violently, and hundreds of golden lightning bolts smashed on the blood worms one after another.

The rumbling sound of rumbling sounded, and the blood worm was drowned by the dazzling aura. UU reading

After a quarter of an hour, the spiritual light dissipated, and most of the blood worm's body was charred black, its breath was sluggish, and it was not dead yet, and was seriously injured.

Lan Fukong was about to kill this monster, but was stopped by Wang Qingshan: "Wait a minute, fellow Daoist Lan, I want a living blood beast."

Wang Qingshan sacrificed a small tower with cyan light flashing constantly, released a cyan glow, and took away the blood worm.

The jungle has turned to scorched earth, and they have left this place to find other places to ambush.

After a cup of tea, Duan Tongtian emerged from the ground with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"A living blood worm?"

Duan Tongtian said to himself, it seems that the Wang family wants blood worms to be of great use, the higher the rank, the better.

He turned into a flash of light and left the place.


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