Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2442: Task

The latest website: "Leading the team is a cultivator named Li Long."

The ancestors of the Wang family are naturally Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, while Wang Qingshan and others have names, such as Wang Qingshan, and the younger generation of the family are called Qingshan ancestors.

Wang Moshan did not dare to neglect, and ordered: "Quickly invite them to the reception room, and I will go there right away."

"Yes, master."

Putting away the communication tray, Wang Moshan instructed: "You go back first! Report to me tomorrow, I have other things to deal with."

All the clan elders agreed, got up and left.

Wang Moshan used the communication disk to contact Wang Qingcheng. Soon, the communication disk responded, and Wang Qingcheng's magnetic voice came: "Moshan, what happened?"

After Wang Moshan became the head of the family, Wang Qingcheng didn't care about clan affairs, and completely delegated powers, allowing Wang Moshan to play freely, and Wang Moshan did a good job.

"The ancestors of Qingcheng, Senior Li Longli from Zhenhai Palace came to visit and said that they were looking for the ancestors. I have already invited them to the reception room."

Wang Moshan answered truthfully.

"Understood, I'll go right away."

Putting away the communication tray, Wang Moshan came to the reception room, and Wang Qingcheng also rushed over.

Not long after, a young man in a golden shirt strode in, a fat old man in a green robe and a young woman in a red dress with gorgeous features followed behind the young man in a golden shirt.

"Disciple Wang Qingcheng pays respects to the three uncles."

Wang Qingcheng bowed and saluted.

"Where's Junior Brother Wang! We have something important to talk to him about."

The young man in the golden shirt looked serious.

"Uncle Li, my parents are in retreat. I don't know what the three uncles have to do with their parents? If it's a small matter, I can handle it."

Wang Qingcheng said politely.

"We came here on the orders of Uncle Zhao, and we need to discuss with Junior Brother Wang in person. You should inform Junior Brother Wang immediately."

Li Long commanded in an unquestionable tone.

Wang Qingcheng was stunned for a moment, pondered for a moment, and said: "The three uncles wait a moment, I will report to Dad."

After saying this, he got up and left the reception room, where Wang Moshan entertained the three of Li Long.

When they came to Qinglian Peak, most of the peaks of Qinglian Peak were shrouded in white fog, and Wang Qingcheng sent a message to Wang Changsheng.

After a while, Wang Changsheng's voice suddenly sounded: "Qingcheng, come in!"

Wang Qingcheng responded with a sound, turning into a flash of light and flying into the thick white fog.

He felt a flower in front of him, and suddenly appeared in a blood-colored space, the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling was loud, and some ferocious ghosts could be seen.

Wang Qingcheng was taken aback, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed. He suddenly appeared on a blue ocean, the sound of the tsunami was incessant, the waves were huge, and the sea breeze was blowing.

"Dad, don't make fun of me."

Wang Qingcheng said with a wry smile, he knew that Wang Changsheng kept a mirage.

"I'm not kidding you, it's that it wants to try new magical powers."

Wang Changsheng's cheerful voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as the voice fell, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, Wang Qingcheng suddenly appeared in a quiet courtyard, Wang Changsheng was sitting in a cyan stone pavilion, smiling all over his face.

Mirage has advanced to the fifth rank, and is currently the fifth rank lower grade, and the illusion created is even more powerful.

"Father, Uncle Li and the others came to visit, saying that they were ordered by Uncle Zhao and could only have an interview with you."

Wang Qingcheng reported truthfully.

"I see, I'll go over right away, you go back to practice!"

Wang Changsheng agreed, turned into a flash of light, left Qinglian Peak, and came to the living room.

"Moshan, go get busy! I'll greet Senior Brother Li."

Wang Changsheng waved his hand and asked Wang Moshan to retreat.

"I have seen Senior Brother Li, Senior Sister Qin, Senior Brother Liu."

Wang Changsheng looked at Li Long and the others and greeted them.

It was the first time he met Li Long, the old man in the green robe was named Liu Sen, the young woman in the red skirt was named Qin Rong, Li Long was in the late stage of virtual refining, and Liu Sen and Qin Rong were in the middle stage of virtual refining.

"Junior Brother Wang, Senior Brother Zhao has entered the integration period, and now it is Uncle Zhao. Uncle Zhao asked us to travel to the wild land with you to pick the 20,000-year-old Blood Linzhi. After this is done, we can get Zhenhai Pearl. If you cross the big catastrophe once, Zhenhaizhu can weaken the power of thunder catastrophe."

In a few words, Li Long explained the ins and outs clearly.

"Twenty thousand years of blood Linzhi!"

Wang Changsheng frowned, it seems that Zhao Yunxiao was seriously injured during the impact fit period.

Zhao Yunxiao is a cultivator of Tianlinggen, and was cultivated by Chen Yueying as the leader of the next generation of Ascension Faction. It is not surprising that he has entered the integration period. The power of the Seven Nine Thunder Tribulations is much greater than that of the Six Nine Thunder Tribulations. Zhao Yunxiao is a physical cultivator. Being seriously injured, he must have attracted a very powerful lightning force.

"Brother Li, why does Uncle Zhao want me to go to the wild land?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously, there are experts in Zhenhai Palace, so there is no need to send Wang Changsheng there!

"There is a sixth-order blood-eyed golden ape guarding Xue Linzhi. It has the bloodline of the mountain giant ape and is extremely powerful. Ordinary virtual cultivators can't handle this monster. Master Zhao said that your physical training is good, let you run with us. Come on, Junior Sister Qin is Lei Xiu and Junior Brother Liu is the Array Master, this matter is good for us."

Li Long said truthfully, to tell the truth, he did not understand why Zhao Yunxiao wanted Wang Changsheng to go too. In his opinion, they were enough, and Wang Changsheng was not needed at all. He politely proposed to let a colleague in the virtual refining period. Replacing Wang Changsheng was severely reprimanded by Zhao Yunxiao.

This was Zhao Yunxiao's order, Li Long did not dare to disobey, so he could only obey.

The new official took office as three fires, and Wang Changsheng naturally would not refuse Zhao Yunxiao's orders.

"Brother Li, give me a few days to handle the chores within the clan."

Wang Changsheng said politely.

"No problem, finish the family affairs as soon as possible and get on the road early."

Li Long agreed.

Wang Changsheng called Wang Moshan and asked Wang Moshan to arrange accommodation for the three of Li Long.

Back at Qinglian Peak, Wang Changsheng sent a message to Wang Ruyan.

It didn't take long for Wang Ruyan to come out, Liu eyebrows furrowed.

She is still in the early stage of virtual refining, but she has condensed three-tenths of the law, and she also has a low-grade Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure made from Tianyin Shenmu.

Two pieces of Tianyin Shenmu, Wang Changsheng refined a Tianyin pendant and a Tianyin flute, the Tianyin pendant is an auxiliary treasure, and the Tianyin flute is an attacking treasure.

"Madam, have you mastered those three compositions?"

Wang Changsheng asked with concern that the three compositions he mentioned were the ones left by Master Xuanyin.

"I have mastered two songs. Losing my soul has high requirements on mana and spiritual consciousness. I can't use it at the moment, but I have mastered two songs. It is also very powerful."

Wang Ruyan said confidently.

Wang Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief, and told Wang Ruyan what happened. He wanted to run with Wang Ruyan.

Wang Ruyan naturally had no opinion and agreed.

Wang Changsheng called Wang Moshan and told him a few words.

"Ancestor, do you want to call Old Ancestor Qingshan back?"

Wang Moshan suggested cautiously.

Wang Changsheng shook his head: "No, it's enough to have us, the wild land is too dangerous, the Qingshan cultivation base is too low, and he doesn't need to go to the wild land to take risks..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly looked up into the sky.

A large amount of aura appeared in the sky, colorful, and after a blur, it turned into a blossoming five-color auspicious cloud.

A gust of wind suddenly blew from Qinglian Island, and these five-color auspicious clouds seemed to be guided by some kind of direction and converged towards a certain place.

Tens of thousands of five-color auspicious clouds gathered in the sky above a peak, collided with each other, and burst open. com turned into a huge vortex of spiritual energy, and a red light shot up into the sky, turning into a phantom shadow of a red giant sword more than a hundred feet long.

The vortex of spiritual energy suddenly rolled violently, and dense raindrops of five colors poured down.

After a cup of tea, the aura vortex disappeared, and the red giant knife also disappeared.

The rumbling thunder sounded, resounding through the world.

A huge dark cloud suddenly appeared high in the sky, with lightning and thunder, the thundercloud rolled violently, divided into six parts, and countless silver arcs could be seen beating.

A deafening thunder sounded, and a silver lightning pierced the sky and slashed downward.

A red flame emerged from the mountain peak, and the sea of ​​red flames covered the entire mountain peak.

The silver lightning sank into the sea of ​​​​fire and disappeared without a trace, and soon, a second silver lightning struck down.


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