Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2445: Biyue Qiongyuguo (no more today)

The latest website: Qin Rong flicked her wrist, and a seven-colored aura flew out from the spirit beast bracelet, which was a huge cricket.

The cricket has six legs and four wings, and the six legs are snow-white.

"Snow-riding seven-color crickets!"

Wang Changsheng recognized the origin of this worm, and the seven-colored cricket treading snow ranked 185th on the list of ten thousand insects.

This snow-pacing seven-color cricket is only a fifth-rank top-grade, and Qin Rong was distracted and attached to the snow-pacing seven-color cricket.

After a while, she regained her distraction and said excitedly: "Jiyue Jade Primordial Fruit, the main ingredient for brewing Biyue Spirit Wine, even if you take this fruit alive, you can improve your mana."

The Biyue Yuyuan fruit tree blooms for 6,000 years, bears fruit in 6,000 years, and matures in another 6,000 years. It can be used by cultivators to improve their mana. , if it is brewed into spirit wine Biyue Spirit Wine, the effect is better, and you can also ask sixth-order alchemists to refine it into Biyue Jade Spirit Pill.

Wang Changsheng's distraction was attached to the double-eyed mouse. He could clearly see that in a cave in the valley, there was a light blue fruit tree. There are more than a hundred half-moon-shaped fruits hanging on the tree, like hundreds of cyan crescents hanging on the tree.

He didn't see other monsters, it seems that this monster is proficient in concealment.

"The demon spirit plate didn't respond either. It seems that this beast's concealment technique is really powerful."

Li Long frowned.

"As long as it's not a seventh-order monster, there's no problem."

Wang Ruyan smiled confidently, raised his right hand, and a talisman flew out, with a bright light, and suddenly turned into a tall young man wearing five-color armor, the eyes of the tall young man were dull.

A blue light flew out from Wang Ruyan's eyebrows, submerging into Fu Bing's body, Fu Bing's eyes were turning, and he strode towards the valley.

Fu Bing walked into the cave without encountering any obstacles.

When the Fu Bing approached the Biyue Yuyuan fruit tree a hundred feet, a sudden change occurred, and two yellow lights flew out of the ground without warning, and went straight to the Fu Bing.

Fu Bing opened his mouth and spewed out a thick red flame, blocking two yellow lights.

Fu Bing's figure retreated, and before he flew far, he suddenly landed on the ground.

A lump of earth swelled up on the ground and moved quickly towards the rune soldiers.

Fu Bing's body surface gushed out billowing flames, his arms moved, and two huge red fire fists flew out, with an amazing heat wave, hitting the soil bag.

With a loud rumbling sound, the ground burst open, and a monster beast resembling an elk appeared in the cave. This beast had no antlers, but had a sharp yellow horn on its head, and its eyes were yellow.

"The stone deer beast of the sixth-order low grade, this monster is proficient in earth-type supernatural powers, but I haven't heard that it is proficient in concealment. Is it a mutant monster?"

Qin Rong wondered.

The stone deer beast stomped its forelimbs on the ground, and a yellow light disappeared into the ground. The ground turned gray-white at a speed visible to the naked eye, and each of its eyes shot a yellow light, heading straight for the rune soldiers.

Fu Bing wanted to resist, his body weighed hundreds of millions of kilograms, the body surface was bright with runes, and two yellow lights hit it one after another, and Fu Bing turned into a stone sculpture at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The petrochemical supernatural power is indeed a mutant monster. I want to capture this beast alive."

Qin Rong suddenly realized that the lightning flashed on her body and suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, Qin Rong appeared in the cave. With a flick of her right hand, a cyan ball flew out and turned into a curtain of cyan light, covering the Biyue Yuyuan fruit tree. She pinched the magic trick, and the dense cyan arc went crazy. It poured out and hit the stone deer beasts one after another.

A yellow earth wall hundreds of feet high broke out and blocked it.

The yellow earth wall shattered, the smoke billowed, and the stone deer beast had disappeared.

The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, and a huge silver thunder cloud appeared high in the sky, with lightning and thunder, and thousands of thick silver lightning flew out and smashed around the cave.

A huge explosion sounded, the cave collapsed directly, the ground turned into scorched earth, and there was no stone deer beast.

"Senior Sister Qin, this demon escaped, let's help you catch it back!"

After Wang Changsheng said this, he and Wang Ruyan went underground and disappeared.

Qin Rong was about to follow, but was stopped by Li Long.

"Let them go! If you can't even catch a sixth-order monster, Master Zhao wouldn't be able to name Junior Brother Wang."

Li Long also wanted to see how capable Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were.

Hundreds of feet underground, the double-eyed rat moved forward quickly, followed by Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan covered with a yellow light.

The double-eyed mouse has already locked the aura of the stone deer beast. Unless the stone deer beast can escape thousands of miles at once, it will definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of the double-eyed mouse.

After a cup of tea, the double-eyed mouse suddenly stopped and let out a screeching cry.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness has been locked on the stone deer beast, and suddenly he can't sense the aura of the stone deer beast.

Wang Ruyan took out a wooden flute with a bright blue light, which was the Tianyin flute.

Just listening to a cheerful flute sounded, a green sound wave swept out, and wherever it passed, the ground burst open, and smoke billowed.

A yellow light flew out from the ground and flew towards the sky.

A man shouted loudly resounding for thousands of miles, and the yellow light suddenly fell from the sky. It was the stone deer beast.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's divine senses and mana were superimposed, and they cast the roar of the gods, and the stone deer beast of the sixth rank was directly knocked unconscious.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew out from the ground. He put away the stone deer beast, and the double-eyed rat turned into a yellow light and flew high into the sky. After a while, it landed near a huge lake, and dozens of blue spirit horses fell to the ground. They were shocked to death by the roar of the goddess.

The double-eyed mouse's body surface is yellow, and its body is soaring.

"Let's go! Don't be greedy, there are good things for you to eat later."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew over and returned with the double-eyed mouse.

Seeing Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan returning so quickly, Li Long was not surprised, but Li Long was shocked when he saw the stone deer beast with no scars on the surface. Not the slightest scar.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Wang, there are a total of 121 Jade Moon Fruits, I'll give you my share!"

Qin Rong said gratefully, UU reading www.uukanshu. A sixth-order monster with petrochemical supernatural powers is worth far more than twenty blue moon jade fruit.

"Senior Sister Qin is too polite. It's just a little effort. If we hunt down the sixth-order monster, just give me the soul of the monster."

Wang Changsheng said modestly.

At Qin Rong's insistence, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan got a total of 60 pieces of Biyue Jade Primal Fruit. Wang Ruyan's effect of taking Biyue Jade Primordial Fruit was better. Liu Hongxue had already entered the refining stage, so she could be refined into pills to take. ,Better results.

Qin Rong proposed to give the Biyue Yuyuan fruit tree to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. Liu Sen and Li Long had no objection. If it wasn't for the double-eyed mouse, they would not be able to find the Biyue Yuyuan fruit.

Wang Changsheng took away the Biyue Yuyuan fruit tree with a thousand spirit bottle, and later transplanted it to Qinglian Island.

They continued to move forward, and the five disappeared into the vast mountain.


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