Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2447: A sea of ​​blood becomes a river

The huge ape was covered with golden manes and grinned.

Wang Changsheng used his divine sense to scan the area for several times, but did not find the aura of other sixth-order monsters.

Considering that the blood-eyed golden ape has the bloodline of the mountain giant ape, Li Long did not underestimate the enemy, and asked Liu Sen to set up a formation, intending to use the formation method to solve the monster.

With a flick of Liu Sen's sleeves, thousands of cyan array flags flew out and spread in all directions. After flying thousands of miles, thousands of cyan array flags suddenly lit up with a dazzling blue light and disappeared into the ground.

He laid out three sets of sixth-order formations, one for hiding, one for attacking, and one for trapping the enemy, and he was fully prepared.

The intelligence of ape monsters is relatively high, and it is difficult to lure the blood-eyed golden ape with ordinary methods. As long as the monsters have not turned into humanoids, there is still a big gap in intelligence compared to the human cultivators.

Wang Ruyan sacrificed a talisman with a bright yellow light. There was a human-shaped pattern on the surface of the talisman. When he entered a magic formula, the talisman lit up with a dazzling yellow light and turned into a tall young man in yellow shirt.

With a little bit of eyebrows, a blue light flew out, and disappeared into the body of the young man in yellow shirt.

The young man in yellow shirt turned into a yellow light and flew towards the peak.

Liu Sen punched a magic formula into an array, and a white mist suddenly appeared on the ground, covering the figures of the five of them. It didn't take long for the white mist to dissipate, and they disappeared.

The young man in yellow robe flew into the cave, and not long after, there was a deafening roar from the cave, and the entire mountain began to shake.

A yellow light suddenly lit up in the void, turning into the figure of a young man in yellow shirt.

A golden light flew out from the cave, it was the blood-eyed golden ape, which was already a sixth-order top-grade.

As soon as the blood-eyed golden ape appeared, it immediately let out an angry roar, smashed its right arm towards the void, and heard a piercing sound of breaking through the air, and a golden fist flew out and suddenly disappeared.

The young man in the yellow shirt seemed to sense something, the runes on his body were bright, and a thick yellow armor appeared to protect his body.

There was a ripple in the void behind the young man in yellow shirt, and a golden fist suddenly appeared and hit him.

With a loud bang, the youth in yellow shirt shattered into pieces and turned into a mass of yellow gravel.

The yellow gravel gathered in one place, and after a dazzling yellow light lit up, it turned into the appearance of a young man in a yellow shirt.

The yellow shirt young man's body surfaced with yellow light, turning into a yellow light that broke through the air and walked away at an extremely fast speed.

The blood-eyed golden toad had no interest in chasing at all, and returned directly to the lair.

Ape monsters have relatively high intelligence and are not easy to fool.

In a flash of white light, the five Wang Changsheng appeared.

"It seems that the general method can't introduce it into the formation, I will seduce it myself!"

Qin Rong took the initiative to invite Ying. She was Lei Xiu, and she had mastered the Thunder Escape Technique. In terms of Escape Speed, she ranked first among the five.

"What if this beast returns to its lair once the harassment is over? Let me come!"

Wang Ruyan volunteered, but it was better for the blood-eyed golden ape to ignore her and give her time to cast spells.

"Let Junior Sister Wang give it a try! If it doesn't work, Junior Sister Qin will try to seduce this demon."

Li Long immediately made a decision and agreed to Wang Ruyan's plan.

Wang Ruyan and Wang Changsheng stood in the open space, and the three of Li Long flew into the distance. Wang Ruyan's rhythm attack was an indiscriminate attack.

Wang Changsheng's magic formula was pinched, and a large amount of blue water vapor emerged in the void, turning into a blue ocean, protecting them inside.

Wang Ruyan took out the Tianyin flute and played it.

A burst of cheerful flute sounded, which made people feel happy.

Time passed, and the flute sound became more and more rapid, like a thousand troops galloping.

Before long, the blood-eyed golden ape rushed out of the nest.

Wang Ruyan and Wang Changsheng were protected by a piece of azure sea water, and the rushing flute sound kept coming out.


The blood-eyed golden ape roared in the sky, spewing out a golden sound wave. Wherever the golden sound wave passed, the void was distorted and deformed, and thick and long cracks appeared on the ground.

The azure sea tumbled violently like boiling water, and a large piece of blue sea water turned into a blue sky-high hand, hitting the golden sound waves.

Qingtian's big hand, like thin paper, collided with the golden sound wave and shattered instantly.

A green sound wave flew out from the red dust flute and greeted the golden sound wave.

With a loud bang, the two perished together, and a powerful air wave broke out, shattering the ground in a radius of a hundred miles, and long and thick cracks appeared in the void, and the cracks quickly healed.

There were ripples in the sky above the blue sea, and a huge golden palm appeared out of nowhere, and slapped Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. Before the golden palm fell, thick and long cracks appeared in the void, with a terrifying momentum.

The blue sea tumbled violently, and a thick water tornado rose into the sky, defeating the golden hand.

The blood-eyed golden ape's arms slapped his chest, and a golden light flew out from the body, turning into a yellow giant ape phantom more than a hundred feet tall, the giant ape phantom grinned, exuding a wild aura.

Mountain Giant Ape!

The appearance of the blood-eyed golden ape is the mountain giant ape, which means that it has inherited some of the magical powers of the mountain giant ape.

The giant ape phantom let out a roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth, and spewed out a yellow sound wave. Wherever the yellow sound wave passed, cracks appeared in the void, thick and long cracks appeared on the ground, mountain tops burst, and landslides appeared. crack.

The yellow sound waves hit the blue sea, and the sea water splashed everywhere. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were hit by the yellow sound waves, and disappeared as little auras.

The sound of the flute continued to come, and it became more and more excited. The blood-eyed golden ape became irritable and stomped his right foot on the ground.

With a loud bang, the mountain shook violently. With the mountain where it was located as the center, the ground within a radius of thousands of miles was torn apart, the tops of the mountains exploded, and the dust flew into the sky.

Its eyes lit up with dazzling blood, and it was useless to find Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The rapid sound of the flute continued to enter its ears, and the blood-eyed golden ape urged the Dharma to attack the surroundings.

The booming sound continued, the air waves were like tides, and the flute sound became more and more rapid, like a galloping horse.

The giant ape phantom suddenly let out a loud roar that resounded throughout the world, reverberating for tens of thousands of miles around.

When Li Long and the three heard this, their brows were wrinkled, their eardrums felt extremely tingling, their heads were dizzy, and they could not stand still.

"It's not bad that it's a monster with the bloodline of the mountain giant ape. I'm afraid Junior Sister Wang can't stop it."

Qin Rong said with a frown.

The sound of the flute became sharper, as if thousands of troops were fighting, a strong killing intent appeared in the minds of Li Long and the three, and their breathing became rapid.

"Kill kill kill!"

The three of Li Long were taken aback, and they quickly retreated, retreating for more than ten thousand miles, UU reading www. then feels better.

"What composition is this?"

Li Long was astonished. He had become very bloodthirsty just now, and he wanted to fight with the blood-eyed golden ape. This was not his subjective wish at all.

The blood-eyed golden ape's face flushed red, and his eyes turned blood red, urging the law to control the surrounding.

Its body surface shines with golden light, and it turns into a golden light and walks away. It is not stupid. If it stays here, it will definitely die.

A little blue water vapor first appeared in the void, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan appeared at once.

Wang Ruyan continued to play and stopped after half an hour.

"This sea of ​​blood is very powerful. It's not a matter of fact that it was composed by Mahayana Yinxiu."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile, she and Wang Changsheng have superimposed mana, and the mana has been raised to the late stage of virtual refining, which can easily repel the blood-eyed golden ape.

The blood-eyed golden ape could not find their place. If they continued to stay here, they would surely die.

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