Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2456: Remnant soul of ink unicorn

After careful observation, the scales of the Biyou Python fell off in many places, and where the scales fell off, the flesh and blood were blurred. It seemed that it was not lightly injured.

He wanted to see further, but was blocked by a mysterious force, the eyes of the double-eyed mouse could only see the Biyou Python.

Wang Changsheng frowned, his spiritual sense opened wide, and he surveyed the situation for thousands of miles. He scanned it several times. Except for the specific situation of the True Spirit Cave, there was no abnormality found in other places, and he was relieved.

The monk Yuanxiao raised his right hand, and eighteen golden talismans flew out and floated in the air. The surface of each talisman was covered with golden runes the size of grains of rice, which vaguely formed a mysterious pattern.


Monk Yuanxiao gave a light drink, and the eighteen golden talismans spread out in all directions, flew more than a hundred miles, and then stopped.

"Sixth-order formation talisman! Master Yuan Xiao's attainment in talismanism is not low! Arrange formations with talismans."

Wang Ruyan exclaimed that if you want to refine the talisman, you need to be proficient in talismans and formations. Wang Ruyan can only say that he has a little understanding of formations, but he is not proficient in formations.

"Hey, compared to the master, the poor monk is far behind."

Monk Won Hyo laughed and said with a proud face when he mentioned his master.

Monk Yuanxiao arranged the formation, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked to the center of the formation, a little blue water vapor appeared in the void, Wang Ruyan was about to play, the double-eyed mouse on Wang Changsheng's shoulder immediately made a harsh cry, and got back to Wang Changsheng's house In his arms, his body trembled, and he kept making "jiji" sounds, as if he had encountered something terrible.

"No, Biyou Python found us."

Wang Changsheng's face changed greatly, and he exclaimed.

"I was in the Great Calamity Tribulation before, and I was too lazy to care about you, but I dared to bring someone to come to the door. It's just that, after taking your supplements, I will recover faster."

An extremely cold female voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as the voice fell, a blue light lit up in the void, and a green python with a whole body appeared. It was the Biyou python with scars on its surface.

As soon as it appeared, it opened its **** mouth and spewed out a green light. After flying high into the sky, it turned into a thousand-mile-long green cloud, and the sky suddenly darkened.

After the green cloud rolled violently, pea-sized green raindrops poured down.

A large amount of blue water vapor emerged from the void near Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, turning into a piece of azure sea water.

Wang Changsheng flicked two fingers, and a white light flew out, submerging into the water wave tornado. The water wave tornado instantly froze and turned into a white ice spear, stabbing the green cloud.

The green raindrops fell on the white ice spear, and a burst of blue smoke suddenly appeared, and the white ice spear corrupted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The green raindrops fell on the ground, immediately corroding a large hole, falling on the grass and trees, and the grass and trees directly withered.

Monk Yuanxiao sacrificed a golden wooden fish the size of a slap, and lightly tapped the wooden fish with a mallet.

Accompanied by the sound of Sanskrit, the golden circles spread out, and the green raindrops touched the golden circles and disintegrated instantly.

Hundreds of hills were corrupted by dense green raindrops, and a large number of plants and trees died quickly, and then vanished into nothingness by the dense green raindrops.

A large number of low-level monsters escaped from the lair, but they couldn't escape very far. Dense green raindrops fell on them, and their bodies were quickly corroded and eventually vanished into ashes.

The Biyou Python spewed out a green glow, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had disappeared before they touched them, and a large amount of blue water vapor appeared within a hundred miles, turning into famous Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, there were dozens of them. so many names.

Dense green raindrops fell on them one after another, and bursts of blue smoke rose from their bodies and disappeared.

Bi You Python was about to resort to other means when a sound of breaking the air came from behind, and a black long rainbow came from behind.

Bi You Python was about to avoid it when a loud shout from a man resounded throughout the world.

It was very weak after the great catastrophe, and its reaction and defense were not as good as before. Hearing this life, Bi You Python's body trembled, and the black Changhong also hit it, and instantly disappeared into its body.

The soul-killing arrow is designed to hurt the soul. It will not kill this monster, but it can also re-inflict this monster.

Biyou Python let out a painful scream, and a golden talisman fell from the sky, bursting suddenly, and countless Buddhist runes flew out and turned into a giant golden bell, trapping Biyou Python inside.

A majestic Buddha image can be seen on the surface of the golden giant clock, and the aura flashes constantly.

Eighteen golden lights shot up into the sky and turned into eighteen thick golden beams of light. The surface of these golden beams of light was covered with mysterious Buddhist runes, and suddenly turned into a huge cage, covering the Biyou python inside.

That's not enough, a round bowl with azure light floated high in the sky out of thin air, emitting a cyan glow, covering the golden cage and the golden giant bell.

A seventh-order talisman, a sixth-order array talisman, and a low-grade spirit treasure. Monk Yuanxiao has already attached great importance to the Biyou Python. If the Biyou Python was in its heyday, it would not have been so easy to get trapped, but it survived the great catastrophe. Not long after, he was injured by the soul destroying arrow again, and his strength was not as good as before.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan turned into two rays of light and flew towards the cave of the true spirit.

It didn't take long for them to appear in a cave with a size of more than 100 acres. The rock wall was full of pits, and a burst of blood was vaguely reflected. There was a pool more than 100 feet in the lower left corner. Small flowers with nine leaves.

A blue light flew out from the stone wall and suddenly turned into a huge black unicorn phantom. A large amount of water vapor gathered, and the nearby void became tight.


The unicorn phantom let out a loud roar, and opened his mouth to spew out ten thousand blue rays of light, covering Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan suddenly had blue chains on their limbs, and the blue chains were misty and not real.

The ink unicorn is a natural water-attribute true spirit, and is good at the art of controlling water.

The blue light of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's body surface soared, Wang Changsheng's breath skyrocketed, and it was promoted to the late stage of virtual refining.

His body was torn with all his might, all the blue chains were broken, and with a move of his arms, UU read www. dense blue fist shadows flew out, shattering the incoming blue rays of light.

The unicorn phantom was blurred and suddenly disappeared.

Wang Changsheng thought of something, and he secretly screamed badly, his breath quickly shriveled, and Wang Ruyan's breath soared.

Wang Ruyan shouted loudly, the void vibrated and distorted, the unicorn phantom suddenly appeared in front of her, and stepped on Wang Ruyan's Tianling cover.

The phantom of the unicorn in front of him was nothing but a remnant of the black unicorn's soul. Even so, it was not something ordinary cultivators could resist.

Countless blue notes appeared on Wang Ruyan's body, which suddenly turned into a thick blue sound cover, covering himself.

The front foot of the unicorn phantom hit the blue sound cover, and the blue sound cover was like a paper paste, and it shattered instantly.

Wang Ruyan's sleeves flicked, and a golden talisman flew out, exuding amazing aura fluctuations.

The seventh-order talisman Jiuyang Destroyer Talisman, attacking talismans and restraining ghosts, this talisman was obtained from Jin Shuo, the young patriarch of the Jinpeng clan, and it came in handy.

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