Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2460: Accident

In a piercing sound of breaking the air, the giant stick of the sky turned into a heavy stick shadow, falling down like a giant peak, and the void was distorted and deformed.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and the glazed axe flew out and landed on the right hand of the humanoid phantom.

The humanoid phantom waved the glazed axe and greeted him.

Accompanied by an ear-piercing sound of breaking the air, countless blue waters rushed out like a blue torrent, heading towards the Giant Peak.

There was a loud bang, and the giant peak of the sky was smashed by the blue sea water. The glazed spirit cutting axe collided with the purple giant stick. There was a muffled sound of "keng", and a powerful air wave broke out.

The man in the purple shirt stood in the void, and the Yaksha phantom above his head held a giant purple stick.


The phantom of Yaksha made an extremely bizarre roar, spewing out a purple sound wave, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

The left palm of the humanoid phantom slapped lightly towards the void, and countless blue waters rushed out, and a giant blue palm emerged out of nowhere, defeating the purple sound wave.

The giant blue palm went straight to the purple-shirted man, and before he even got close to the purple-shirted man, it was smashed to pieces by Yasha's phantom wielding the purple giant stick.

The rumbling sound of thunder came from the sky, and thousands of blue thunder **** fell from the sky and smashed at the man in purple.

The man in the purple shirt was startled, and before he could avoid it, a loud horn sounded.

He felt that his body was limp, and he used the slightest mana in the same way.

A huge explosion sounded, and the dense blue thunderballs drowned the purple shirt man, screaming again and again.

With a flash of blue light, a huge Peng Bird suddenly appeared high in the sky. The Peng Bird's eyes were empty, and the body surface was covered with mysterious spiritual patterns, which was obviously a sixth-order puppet beast.

The Peng Bird puppet has a pair of wings, and countless slender blue lights fly out, submerging into the blue thunder light, and there is a muffled sound.

The phantom of Yasha was pierced by the dense blue light, and it disintegrated into a little aura.

The giant purple stick fell on the hand of the man in the purple shirt. He waved the giant purple stick and smashed it at the Peng Bird puppet.

The Pengbird puppet flapped its wings lightly and disappeared into a breeze.

The old man in the golden shirt is urging the dharma to attack the golden Buddha lock demon formation.

The Golden Buddha Locking Demon Formation is a Buddhist formation, and the formation talisman cannot exert its full power, and it is not so easy to break.

A blue light lit up above the black ghost, and the phantom of the Peng Bird appeared.

A dazzling blue light bloomed on the surface of the Peng Bird phantom, covering the black ghost.

A nine-colored arrow flew toward him, and after one blurred, it turned into a nine-colored thunder python that was more than a hundred feet long, rushing towards the black ghost.

The man in the purple shirt wanted to help, but the sound of the flute in his ear became more and more harsh, his heart beat fast, his head was dizzy, and a strong killing intent appeared in his mind.

There was a loud thunderous sound from high in the sky, thousands of blue thunderballs fell from the sky, the man in the purple shirt flapped his wings gently, and disappeared from the spot, the wind escape technique.

The next moment, the man in the purple shirt appeared above the scale turtle, waved the giant purple stick, and smashed it at the scale turtle.

The surface of the scale turtle's body rose sharply, and countless blue electric arcs surged out, hitting the man in the purple shirt.

The giant purple stick was like a rainbow, smashing the dense blue electric arc, and hitting the scale turtle, the scale turtle turned into a little blue light and disappeared.

A shrill devil's cry sounded, and the man in the purple shirt subconsciously turned his head and looked at it, a puff of blue smoke rose from the black ghost figure, a blue glow covered the black ghost figure, and two soul-eating golden cicadas bit the black ghost figure's body.

A nine-color arrow was inserted into the black ghost's chest, and countless nine-color arcs drowned its body.

The black ghost made a shrill roar, and the black light on the body shone brightly.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng shouted loudly.

The black ghost screamed, the black light on the body dimmed, and the breath was sluggish.

A snow-blue lotus flower fell from the sky and landed on the black ghost. The black ghost froze at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into an ice sculpture.

A blue-colored sound wave swept in, smashing the ice sculpture, a black ball fell to the ground, and a soul-eating golden cicada spewed a golden glow, rolled the black ball into its mouth, and swallowed it.

Soul Eater Jin Chan swallowed the Yin beads left by the sixth-order ghost and became drowsy.

At this time, the man in the purple shirt realized that something was wrong, and the wings on his back kept flapping and disappeared from the spot.

Wan Guixi's black light was released, smashing at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Changsheng blew the Zhenling Horn, and the loud horn sound spread all over the country.

Wang Ruyan carried the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao Jinpeng Pei, which had no effect. Wan Guixi suddenly stopped, and a man in purple appeared in a certain void. His eyes turned blood red, and his expression was hideous.

"Kill kill kill, kill you all."

The purple-shirted man muttered to himself.

A blue lightning ball with a diameter of 100 feet fell from the sky and hit the man in the purple shirt.

With a loud bang, a dazzling blue thunder light appeared high in the sky.

With a flash of red light, a huge red brick hundreds of feet high appeared in the sky and fell head-on.

After a loud bang, a peak was smashed into pieces by the red giant bricks. After the red giant bricks flew up, the man in the purple shirt turned into a pool of minced meat.

A mini Nascent Soul flew out of the body, and a big blue hand emerged, grabbing the mini Nascent Soul.

A stern look flashed in the eyes of the Mini Nascent Soul, and he was about to expose himself. The flute sound became more and more excited, and the Mini Nascent Soul's expression became dull, and a silver talisman flew over and stuck to its body.

On the other side, inside the golden light curtain, the old man in the golden shirt did his best, but failed to break out.

His face was flushed red, full of anger, and his mind was full of killing intent.

Wang Changsheng was about to urge the treasure to kill this person. When he noticed something, he snorted: "No, be careful."

As soon as these words fell, a gust of wind blew, and a blue-shirted man with blue-faced fangs and a pair of blue wings appeared behind Wang Ruyan. The blue-shirted man had long ears and high nose. .

Refinement is great!

As soon as the man in the blue shirt appeared, a blue light shot up into the sky and turned into a huge cyan phantom.


The Yaksha phantom screamed up to the sky, and a sharp, ear-piercing roar sounded, spewing out a green sound wave, hitting Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

When Wang Changsheng heard this, his head felt dizzy, and he was feeling a little better by running the Taixu Forging Divine Art.

They teamed up to deal with a Yaksha clan in the late stage of refining, but the two were a little bit laborious. They could only run when they were perfect for the upper refining.

He hurriedly urged Dharma to attack the blue sound wave.

A loud The blue sound wave burst, and Wang Changsheng was blown away by the powerful air wave.

The man in the blue shirt opened his mouth and spewed out a small fork that gleamed with cyan light, which instantly swelled, with a terrifying aura, it was a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

He held a cyan giant fork and stabbed Wang Ruyan.

Wang Ruyan was about to avoid it when the phantom of Yaksha opened his mouth and spewed out a blue glow, covering Wang Ruyan.

With a muffled sound, Wang Ruyan's defense was like a piece of paper, pierced by the giant blue fork, which pierced through Wang Ruyan's head.

Wang Ruyan's corpse lit up brightly and turned into a blood-red ball, which was the bead for Jie.

With a "click" sound, the Bead of Tribulation was torn apart and turned into a pile of debris.

If it wasn't for Jiezhu, she would have died.

The man in the blue shirt was a little surprised and looked into the distance.

An aura lit up in a certain void, and a figure of Wang Ruyan appeared. Her face was slightly pale and her face was full of fine sweat.

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