Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2469: Double happiness (not today)

The latest website: Wang Changsheng remembered something, turned around and walked into a secret room, and the Qinglian Fortune Ding came into view.

"I hope to be able to separate the blood of the ink unicorn."

Wang Changsheng's mood is uneasy, it is related to whether he can cultivate the unicorn soul destroying hand.

He opened the lid of the cauldron, and a cloud of bright red liquid floated in the cauldron, and the color of the blood sapphire stone became lighter.

Wang Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief. It was enough to be able to separate out some Qilin essence and blood. The number was a little less, but there was still that little flower that had grown for 30,000 years. To be precise, it was called Blood Linhua.

The blood unicorn flower grows on the blood unicorn stone, and it should absorb a lot of ink unicorn essence blood.

Wang Changsheng took out a blood-colored jade bottle and took away the blood of Mo Qilin.

With his current level of refining, it is not a problem to use the remnant soul of Mo Qilin to make a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, but that would be a waste of materials.

He intends to keep the remnant soul of the ink unicorn, collect the refining materials of the water attribute, and refine it into a high-grade Tongtian Lingbao, which will be used as a treasure of the town and passed on.

Of course, it is estimated that he will have to wait for him to enter the fusion period before he can hope to refine the high-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

Before that, Wang Changsheng didn't have much confidence in entering the fusion stage, but after obtaining the source of true spirit, his confidence greatly increased.

The source of true spirit can make him reborn. Relatively speaking, Wang Changsheng's effect of taking the source of true spirit is better. Mo Qilin is good at controlling water, which is in line with Wang Changsheng's practice. Wang Ruyan's effect of taking Mo Qilin's source is less.

Spiritual bodies are divided into innate spirits and acquired spirits. Congenital spirits are born as spirits, such as Gongsun Yang. Immortal practitioners refine some heaven and earth spirits, such as Tianyan Fire Beads and Wanxizhi Soil. Immortal practitioners refine them. After transformation, the cultivation speed is faster and the supernatural power is stronger.

After Wang Changsheng refines the source of true spirit, although he cannot become an acquired spirit body, his cultivation speed will be accelerated, and his supernatural powers will also be improved a lot, which is already very good.

The innate spiritual body will not have bottlenecks during the imaginary refining stage, and the cultivation speed is very fast. Song Yuchan is the representative, but after the integration stage, the cultivation speed is not so fast.

Wang Changsheng took out the Qinggang divine jade, put it in the Qinglian Good Fortune Ding, covered it with the lid, and walked out.

At this time, the thundercloud was still several dozen feet in size.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, the thundercloud tumbled violently, turning into a silver thunderbird more than a hundred feet long, with countless silver arcs all over its body.

Wang Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief. The Lin turtle, the double-eyed mouse and the wood demon advanced all attracted special power of thunder and lightning. Have a good time!

The silver thunder cockroach rushed down from the sky and went straight to the soul-devouring golden cicada.

In a huge pit with black smoke, the soul-devouring golden cicada's wings broke several large holes, and its breath was wilted.

Seeing the silver thunder scorpion rushing down, the soul-devouring golden cicada made a strange hissing sound, the golden light on its body shone brightly, and a circular light ball covered its entire body.

The silver thunder cricket rushed down, opened its **** mouth, and swallowed the soul-eating golden cicada.

It didn't take long for countless golden lights to fly out of the silver thunder scorpion, piercing the silver scorpion.

The rumbling thunder sounded, and the dazzling silver thunder light flooded the entire valley.

After a while, the thunder light dissipated, and Soul Eater Jin Chan was lying in the giant pit, with multiple blood holes on his body, his body was charred black, and his breath was sluggish.

Wang Changsheng rushed over and frowned upon seeing this scene.

Soul Eater Jin Chan advanced to the sixth rank, but the injury was even heavier than the wood demon. The wood demon can absorb the blood of the monster and the divine water to heal.

Wang Changsheng took out a green marrow pill, fed it to Soul Eater Jinchan, and brought it back to Qinglian Peak for recuperation.

He called Wang Moshan and instructed: "Go down and collect the elixir of healing from spirit insects."

The Wang family now has tens of thousands of immortal cultivators, and the power is huge, and it is much easier to collect immortal cultivation resources.

"Yes, ancestor, I am here..."

Before Wang Moshan's words were finished, he seemed to have noticed something. He looked towards the sky, and colorful auras appeared in the sky. These colorful auras gathered together and turned into five-color auspicious clouds, there were as many as tens of thousands.

Tens of thousands of five-color auspicious clouds converged in a certain direction, collided with each other, shattered, and turned into a huge vortex of spiritual energy.

A white light shot up into the sky and turned into a huge female phantom.

The aura whirlpool gently rotated, and countless five-color raindrops poured down, falling on the female phantom one after another, making the female phantom more dazzling.

After a cup of tea, the aura vortex dissipated and disappeared, and the female phantom also dissipated and disappeared, replaced by a huge thundercloud.

"Yuqi is in the impact refining stage!"

Wang Changsheng's eyes were fixed on Leiyun high in the sky. If Bai Yuqi entered the Void Refinement Stage, there would be a sixth-order Array Master in the Wang family, and Wang Changsheng would also be able to practice the fifth-level Taixu Divine Art of Forging.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, a thick silver lightning pierced the sky and slashed downward.

On an island in a lake, Bai Yuqi sat cross-legged on a bluestone square in the center of the island, with a firm gaze.

She punched a magic formula into a blue array plate, and the lake water around the island tumbled violently, turning into a thick blue water curtain, protecting her.

The silver lightning struck the blue water curtain, and the blue water curtain sank and quickly returned to normal.

Soon, the second thunder robbery fell, followed by the third...

One after another thunder robbery smashed down, and one was more powerful than one.

Bai Yuqi blocked all of them with multiple fifth-order formations, but her face also turned pale, and her mana was severely consumed.

She hurriedly took a golden jade back to Yuandan, and it didn't take long for her face to return to rosy.

Time passed, and Wang Mengbin also received the summons and sent it back.

He looked at the thunderclouds high in the sky, and he didn't dare to breathe, and he looked worried.

After a cup of tea, the thundercloud was still several tens of meters in size. After the violent tumbling, some blue arcs appeared, and the thundercloud turned blue.

The blue thundercloud tumbled violently, turning into a blue thunder python more than a hundred feet long, and dashed down from the sky.

Bai Yuqi was not afraid at all, the magic formula changed, the lake water tumbled violently, and eighteen thick water tornadoes shot up into the sky, like eighteen blue water spears, stabbing at the blue thunder wolf.

Eighteen water wave tornadoes concentrated on the blue thunder python one after another, the blue thunder python's body burst open, and a dazzling blue thunder light drowned for several kilometers.

After a while, the thunder light dissipated, Bai Yuqi's body was covered with a faint silver light curtain, and there were many light curtains on her body, her face was pale.

She successfully entered the Void Refinement Stage, and both the Heavenly Lightning Magic Talisman and the sixth-order medicinal pill played an important role.

Wang Mengbin rushed over immediately, took out a green marrow pill, and fed it to Bai Yuqi.

Wang Changsheng also rushed over with a smile on his face.

"Old Ancestor, there is still some power left in the Tianlei Spirit Transformation Talisman, and Zhenhaizhu has not been used yet."

Bai Yuqi handed over the dimly lit Tianlei Transformation Talisman and Zhenhaizhu to Wang Changsheng. The remaining power of the Heavenly Thunder Transformation Talisman is not much, it is good to say that it can withstand the five or nine thunder tribulations. Thunder robbery.

"Heal well, there is a very important thing that needs your help, Meng Bin, take Yuqi back first!"

Wang Changsheng exhorted to accept the Tianlei Hualing Talisman and Zhenhaizhu.

Wang Mengbin responded and left with Bai Yuqi.


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