Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2471: Li Qingyu

"Hmph, this old man never brags, just wait! Qinglian Immortal Companion is the next Qiankun Immortal Companion."

A very familiar male voice sounded.

On the fifth floor of the teahouse, Lan Fukong and the four cultivators sat together drinking tea and chatting.

"Hey, Wang family disciple, fellow Daoist Lan, didn't you say you know Qinglian Immortal Companion? You should know some Wang family disciples!"

An old man in green robe with white hair and beard noticed Wang Qingshan and his group and asked.

Lan Fukong swept the eyes of the old man in green robe, his eyes brightened, and said excitedly: "Wang Daoyou, long time no see, are you also here to participate in the auction?"

"Fellow Daoist Lan, long time no see, I still have something to do, I'll talk to you later."

After saying this, Wang Qingshan left with Wang Yingjie and others.

"Look! The old man didn't lie. I told you 10,000 times, and you don't believe me. You always say I'm bragging."

Lan Fukong looked proud.

"Last time you said that you knew Fairy Li of the Li family, but no one knew you. You just met at a party. If you met with you once, you dare to say you know each other."

"That's right, it's not that you like to brag too much. You participated in the integration celebration of Qiankun Xianlu, and you didn't say a word to Qiankun Xianlu, you just said that you had a great time talking."

"You are participating in Senior Long's long live birthday. You and other monks are toasting Senior Long. You dare to drink with Senior Long for three days."

"When you listen to Senior Sun's sermons with other monks, you dare to say that Senior Sun personally instructs you to cultivate."

The other Void Refining cultivators exposed their shortcomings one after another. Lan Fukong didn't feel blushing at all, but instead showed a proud expression.

In a secluded courtyard, hundreds of people including Wang Qingshan gathered in the courtyard.

"You act freely, don't leave Fang City, don't conflict with others, and make as many friends as possible."

Wang Qingshan gave a warning, and let the clansmen disperse and act on their own.

Wang Qingshan and Wang Yingjie were sitting in a green stone pavilion, and a shrewd middle-aged man was reporting to them the business dealings of Qinglian Pavilion and the collected resources for cultivation.

The middle-aged man was Wang Liangming. In the early days of Spirit Transformation, he was the head of the Wang family in Golden Gourd Mountain.

Qinglian Pavilion's business scope is relatively wide, selling weapon formations and purchasing various materials.

"By the way, this is five thousand years of dried sun grass that was collected."

Wang Liangming took out a beautiful red jade box and handed it to Wang Qingshan.

Wang Changsheng obtained a pupil technique, Qianyang Illusionary Eye, from Qingyunmen. It takes five thousand years of dry Yang grass to refine Qianyang Jade Liquid. If you want to practice Qianyang Illusion Eye, you need a lot of Qianyang Jade Liquid.

Wang Qingshan and Wang Yingjie both knew the existence of this pupil technique, and they could practice as long as they got the dry Yang Jade Liquid.

This pupil technique was obtained by Qingyunmen from the enemy. Even if outsiders knew that the Wang family cultivators mastered this pupil technique, it would not be a big deal. Out of prudence, Wang Changsheng instructed the clansmen not to easily perform this technique in front of outsiders. Pupil surgery.

"Dry sun grass! Yingjie, please accept it!"

Wang Qingshan handed the red jade box to Wang Yingjie. Cultivation of Qianyang Illusionary Eyes requires a lot of Qianyang Jade Liquid. Gathering the materials, Liu Hongxue can help refine the Qianyang Jade Liquid.

Wang Qingshan thought it was too troublesome, so he did not practice this pupil technique. If he wanted to psychedelic enemies, a psychedelic treasure could do it. Wang Yingjie and Liu Hongxue were Taoist companions, so it was more suitable for Wang Yingjie and his wife to practice this pupil technique. .

"Many thanks to the ancestors of Qingshan."

Wang Yingjie thanked him and accepted the dry sun grass.

He has long wanted to cultivate the illusion of dry yang, and he has collected all the auxiliary medicines, only five thousand years of dry sun grass.

"By the way, at You Shi the day after tomorrow, Saint Ximen will hold a party. It is said that many cultivators will attend. The venue is in the Golden Gourd Palace. As long as cultivators are cultivators, they can participate."

Wang Liangming remembered something and added.

Wang Qingshan nodded and said: "We know, you can go and get busy! By the way, pay attention to the panacea for healing spirit worms. The injury was caused by lightning strikes."

The Wang family opened stores in major square cities and dispatched clansmen to manage the stores, mainly to collect immortal cultivation resources. Once Wang Changsheng and others needed to collect any materials, they would be distributed to the person in charge of each Dafang city as quickly as possible to improve efficiency.

"Yes, the ancestor of Qingshan, the grandson will pay attention."

Wang Liangming agreed and bowed down.

"Yingjie, let's have a good walk too!"

Wang Qingshan said hello to Wang Yingjie, left the residence, and the two moved separately.

Wang Changsheng was an artifact refiner, Wang Ruyan was a talisman maker, Liu Hongxue was an alchemist, and Bai Yuqi was an array mage. Wang Qingshan had no shortage of common things.

He wandered the streets, walked around and saw a lot of interesting things.

He went to several big shops and bought some refining materials, and planned to give Wang Qingfeng a refining tool.

There are more ores in the inland, and metal ores can also be used to refine puppet beasts.

After a cup of tea, Wang Qingshan appeared in an extremely large bluestone square. In the center of the square was a large silver tree more than 100 feet high.

This big tree is made of Yinhua stone, which is mainly used for lighting. Some ancient monks' caves also use Yinhua stone for lighting.

There are many stalls in the square, and there are various things on the stalls.

Wang Qingshan walked around and took a look. After a while, he stopped in front of a booth. The owner of the booth was a tall and thin old man in golden robes. However, in the spiritual transformation period, there were a lot of ores on the booth, colorful.

"How to sell this Yue Lei stone?"

Wang Qingshan's eyes fell on a piece of khaki ore and asked casually.

"Senior has good eyesight. This Yue Lei stone was found by the younger generation from the body of an ancient beast. There is absolutely no problem in refining the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure, 200,000 spirit stones."

The golden-robed old man said with a smile.

"Is it really found in the body of an ancient beast?"

Wang Qingshan's voice became heavy.

The golden-robed old man's face tightened, UU reading www.uukanshu. com said quickly: "Junior remembered wrongly, it was found in an extinct volcano in the wild land."

In order to go a step further, many God Transformation Sanctuaries had to venture into the wild.

"Just this one?"

Wang Qingshan picked up the ore and observed it carefully.

"There are several pieces, but a few were bought by a fairy."

The golden-robed old man said truthfully.

Wang Qingshan nodded and paid the Lingshi. He hadn't gone very far when a young girl in a green dress with delicate features and an old man in a green robe with a ruddy face came towards him.

There is a pattern of golden leaves on their clothes, which is the symbol of the Li family in Jinye Island. The Li family is one of the three families, and there are fit monks sitting in the town.

The two glanced at the booth, disappointed.

"Where's Yue Leishi! Did you sell it to someone else?"

The girl in the blue skirt asked.

The golden-robed old man did not answer, but looked at Wang Qingshan who was leaving.

"This senior, junior Jin Yedao Li Qingyu, can you transfer Yue Leishi to this junior? The junior is willing to pay double the price."

The girl in the green skirt quickly chased after her and said politely.

Wang Qingshan turned around, shook his head and said, "I'm not short of that spirit stone."

The girl in the green dress wanted to say something, but was stopped by the old man in the green robe. He saw the blue lotus flower on Wang Qingshan's clothes, which was the symbol of the royal family on Qinglian Island.

"It turned out to be Senior Wang from Qinglian Island. Disrespectful and disrespectful, Qingyu, don't make a fool of yourself."

The Li family's name is not small, and it is no problem to use it to scare small forces. Behind the Wang family is Zhenhai Palace, just a piece of ore, so there is no need to do so.

Li Qingyu also saw the blue lotus on Wang Qingshan's clothes. She didn't know Wang Qingshan, but she knew that the blue lotus was the symbol of the royal family on Qinglian Island.

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