Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2487: Flying Dragon Palace, breaking the ban

There was no need, she didn't want to fight Liu Tianyan.

If Wang Changsheng was not refining the source of true spirit, she would have informed Wang Changsheng.

If Wang Changsheng came, he should be able to compete with Liu Tianyan.

Only Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin should try not to conflict with Liu Tianyan. She is not arrogant yet, so she can defeat Liu Tianyan with them and cross two small realms, which is too difficult.

The eyes of the double-eyed mouse lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and looked towards the distance.

After a while, it made a "jiji" sound and seemed to find something.

Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin turned into two rays of light and walked away, not very fast, and tried to stick to the ground as much as possible.

It didn't take long for them to stop. There was an open field in front of them. You could see some ruins and broken walls. Some wood with faint aura was scattered on the ground. You could see the corpse of a huge monster. The corpse was chopped into several pieces by sharp weapons. , you can also see some fragments of magic weapons.

It seems that someone has broken into this place before.

There are still some elixir in the Baicao Garden, which means that if the intruder is killed, he does not know whether he died in the ban or at the hands of the monster.

"Be careful, there are high-level monks here."

Wang Ruyan reminded, her face dignified.

Half an hour later, they appeared at the foot of a steep peak. Starting from the mountainside, a cyan stone staircase led to the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain was covered by a cloud of cyan fog. The area below the mountainside was attacked, and there were many huge pits .

With a flick of Wang Mengbin's wrist, the gold-devouring beast flew out of the spirit beast bracelet and landed on the ground. It had already advanced to the fifth rank.

The golden light on the gold-devouring beast's body surfaced, and it drilled into the ground.

It didn't take long for it to return to the ground, biting half of a silver dagger in its mouth, the hilt was missing, and there were a dozen slender cracks on the sword.

The double-eyed mouse let out an excited cry, looking eagerly at the top of the mountain.

The double-eyed mouse is not Wang Ruyan's spiritual beast, and her distraction cannot be placed on the double-eyed mouse, but she can be sure that there are high-year elixir here, and the age of the medicine should be no less than 30,000 years old.

Wang Ruyan urged Wufeng Famu to observe the situation on the mountain. She saw a huge bluestone plaza. On the bluestone plaza stood a glittering palace with three golden characters "Flying Dragon Palace" written on it.

The door of the Flying Dragon Hall was tightly closed, and the situation inside could not be clearly seen.

She wanted to investigate the situation in the Feilong Palace, but was blocked by a mysterious force, and she didn't know how the double-eyed mouse discovered the elixir in the Feilong Palace.

"Flying Dragon Hall, is it really the seated cave dwelling of the flying dragon scattered people? How is it built underground?"

Wang Ruyan said to herself, she told Wang Mengbin about Feilong Sanren.

Wang Mengbin sacrificed a fifth-order giant ape puppet beast and controlled the puppet beast to walk up the mountain.

It hadn't gone far before a red flame burst out from the ground, heading straight for the giant ape puppet beast.

Wang Mengbin didn't care, the fifth-order puppet beasts were invulnerable to swords and spears, water and fire did not invade, and they were not afraid of ordinary flames.

The small half of the mountain was submerged by the red flames, and the giant ape puppet beast was not affected. It came to the top of the blue stone steps. The rumbling sound of thunder came from the sky, and dozens of thick silver lightnings emerged out of thin air, smashing into the giant one after another. The body of the ape puppet beast is like tickling.

The more it went up the mountain, the more power of thunder and lightning, and the speed slowed down.

Wang Mengbin's body surface was thunderous, and he followed.

The ordinary power of thunder and lightning could not hurt Wang Mengbin.

Wang Mengbin landed on the side of the giant ape puppet beast, and a dazzling silver glow appeared on its body. The silver lightning seemed to be guided, and went straight to Wang Mengbin. The silver lightning touched the silver glow, like mud like the sea, disappearing without a shadow. No trace.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, Wang Mengbin came halfway up the mountain, and a thick blue fog blocked his way.

Wang Mengbin let the giant ape and puppet beast walk in front, he stayed where he was, and Wang Ruyan communicated with him through voice transmission.

There was nothing unusual about the giant ape puppet beast coming to Qingshi Square, but before it went far, there was a rumbling sound of thunder in the sky, and thousands of thick silver lightnings fell from the sky one after another, smashing on the giant ape puppet beast.

The giant ape puppet beast was about to retreat, and countless silver runes appeared on the floor, turning into dense silver chains, entangling its body, and thousands of silver lightnings smashed on the giant ape puppet beast one after another. The puppet beast was submerged by the dazzling thunder light.

This is only the first round, there will be a second round soon.

Not long after, the thunder light dissipated, the giant ape puppet beast disappeared, and the ground was intact.

"Lightning attribute ban!"

Wang Mengbin's face showed contemplation. He took out a small mirror with silver light, and the mirror surface lit up with countless silver runes.

With a flash of silver light, a thick silver thunder light flew out and went straight to the gate of the Feilong Palace.

As soon as the silver thunder light appeared in the bluestone square, thousands of silver lightning bolts fell from the sky, directly destroying it.

"Meng Bin, are you sure? Forget it if you're not sure."

Wang Ruyan transmitted a voice transmission to Wang Mengbin, knowing this, he brought a Heavenly Thunder Spirit Transformation Talisman.

"Ancestor, it should be fine."

Wang Mengbin took a deep breath and strode forward. A dazzling silver glow erupted from his body, and countless silver arcs surged out, turning into a thick silver armor.

As soon as he appeared in Qingshi Square, thousands of silver lightnings fell from the sky, smashing on him one after another, drowning his figure.

Soon, Leiguang quickly disintegrated, and Wang Mengbin was safe and sound.

He is cultivating the thunder attribute exercise, and he is supposed to absorb the power of thunder and lightning, which is nothing to him.

Wang Mengbin strode towards the Flying Dragon Palace. Along the way, many silver lightnings fell from the sky, all of which were absorbed by him.

When he came to the entrance of the Flying Dragon Palace, with a huge roar, three thick black lightnings pierced the sky and came straight to Wang Mengbin's head.

Wang Mengbin hurriedly urged the dharma image, and a silvery giant phantom appeared above his head. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

A silvery glow gushed out from the right palm of the giant phantom, grabbing three black lightning bolts like lightning, and countless silver arcs rushed out, drowning the three black lightning bolts.

After a while, the silver thunder light dissipated.

The giant phantom flicked his wrist lightly, and a silver lightning ball flew towards Wang Mengbin. Wang Mengbin rolled up his sleeves, and a silver glow swept out, and the silver lightning ball was rolled into his sleeve and disappeared.

To be able to get three special lightning powers, after refining it, it is a great help.

The giant phantom moved his arms and patted the gate of the Dragon Palace.

After the loud bang, it was torn apart, and a spacious and bright hall appeared in front of Wang Mengbin.

The center of the hall was empty, and eighteen thick stone pillars supported the entire hall, and each stone pillar was engraved with a cyan python.

There is a bluestone corridor on the left, I don't know where it leads.

Wang Mengbin released a spider puppet beast and let it move in the hall without any restrictions. He returned to the foot of the mountain and took Wang Ruyan across the Qingshi Square and into the Flying Dragon Hall.

The spider puppet beast walked in front, and they followed behind with a look of vigilance.

It didn't take long for them to stop, and three separate stone chambers appeared in front of them, and the doors of the stone chambers were closed.

After blasting open a stone door, a spacious stone room appeared in front of them. In the stone room, there was a magic circle as large as a hundred feet. There were thousands of grooves of the same size on the magic circle, and there was a spiritual stone in each groove. , most of them turned gray.

"So many top-quality spirit stones!"

Wang Mengbin and Wang Ruyan took a deep breath. Feilong Sanren is so rich? No wonder the ban is so hard to break.

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