Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2495: Inventory the harvest

According to the jade slip, for ordinary cultivators, the ice suffocation is harmful, and it will continue to damage their bodies, so cultivators who practice physical or suffocating qi can refine it.

At present, the only people in the clan who can practice this secret technique are Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingjing. Others forcibly practice this technique, which will damage the meridians in the lightest, and the death of the body in the worst. Unless they have a way to resolve the ice evil spirit, but in this way, there is no need to cultivate this magical power.

"What's a little troublesome is the seventh-order formation. The four seas and blue waves have a very strong defense. The two combined and the twelve Lianxu attacked for half an hour, but they couldn't shake it."

Wang Ruyan remembered something and added.

When the integrated cultivator crosses the great catastrophe, if he has a set of seventh-order defense formation, he can block some more thunder tribulations. Of course, compared to the treasures such as the Fire Cloud Orb, which weaken the great catastrophe, the Sihai Blue Wave Array is still far behind. Treasures, talismans or formations of the power of thunder and lightning are considered precious things.

For the Void Cultivator, there is a set of seventh-order defense formation, and the first three great calamities can play a big role. If this set of formations can be left, the entire family of Void Cultivators can benefit.

Liu Qingfeng knew about this formation, and he didn't ask if it wasn't because Wang Ruyan handed in a lot of things, but Chen Yueying's face, which Wang Ruyan knew very well.

They got a total of 1,632 top-quality spirit stones and 20 spirit-gathering stones, and handed in more than 100 top-quality spirit stones.

"Report truthfully! Hand in a few more things, it's best if you can keep it, but it doesn't matter if you can't keep it."

Wang Changsheng disagreed, this time the harvest is not small, the credit is not small, it should be able to exchange a lot of materials.

Speaking of which, it was thanks to the double-eyed mouse that Tianhunyoulian was found, otherwise Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin would not be able to take the lead and find the Feilong Palace.

The fly in the ointment is that they didn't get many heavenly treasures.

Two middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, a water tidal lock, and a green astral sword.

The water tidal lock is made from the tidal divine jade, and the Qinggang Slashing Demon Sword is made from the Qinggang divine jade.

"The Green Gang Demon Sword can be given to Qingshan. With this sword, Qingshan's strength will be stronger."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile, she remembered something, and added: "By the way, there are still a lot of seventh-order refining materials, there are as many as three pieces of Tidal Jade, and there is a Xuanling diagram, according to a jade slip, this is a flying dragon. The road map for the scattered people to enter the Xuanling Tianzun Dojo."

"Tidal Jade! Mysterious Spirit Diagram!"

Wang Changsheng was overjoyed, and Xuanling Tu was not a problem. Unless he could enter Xuanling Tianzun's dojo to hunt for treasure, he would not be able to use it.

Xuanling Tianzun's dojo will appear every tens of thousands of years, and the location is random. Being able to enter the Xuanling Tianzun dojo to hunt for treasure is a great opportunity in itself. It appears once every tens of thousands of years. , luck is not generally good.

The tidal jade is different. Wang Changsheng needs a lot of tidal jade to improve the rank of Dinghaizhu.

Wang Ruyan found three tidal jade jades the size of a watermelon from the storage bracelet. Feilong Sanren was so wealthy, it was beyond her expectations.

They have also explored the seated cave dwelling of True Monarch Xuangui before, and the harvest was not so great. They can only say that Xuanling Tianzun's dojo is a cornucopia.

In addition to the elixir and refining materials, there are also a lot of practice books, including some anecdotes, customs, and the cultivation experience of high-level monks.

According to the records of an ancient book, an ordinary cultivator has never taken Tiancai and Dibao to improve his physique, or he has taken medicine pills to improve his physique in batches, or other strange things to improve his physique. It is only possible to enter the integration period after five great calamities, and the five great calamities is 15,000 years.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan refining the source of true spirit, if it goes well, it shouldn't take so long.

The Feilong Loose People survived five great calamities in total during the Void Refinement Stage, and only then did they advance to the Integration Stage.

Feilong Sanren had an adventure in his early years, and obtained a seventh-order talisman Xuanlei Huayuan Talisman. The Xuanlei Huayuan talisman can weaken the power of thunder tribulation. If not, he would not have survived the five great catastrophe.

He got a top-grade Tongtian Lingbao and several sets of middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao in Xuanling Tianzun's dojo, but unfortunately they were all attack types, and the sixth-order Jiaolong also died under the ban.

Feilong Sanren has traveled to the Qingli Sea Area and the Xuanguang Continent, and has known many masters. He recorded his travels in a jade slip.

Spiritual body practitioners practice very fast, with enough resources to help them cultivate immortals. Spiritual body practitioners who are abandoned again can cultivate to the integration stage after two great catastrophes, and most of them can cultivate to the integration period after one great catastrophe. , However, after entering the integration period, the speed of cultivation slowed down, but compared to ordinary monks, the speed of cultivation of spiritual body people is still relatively fast.

There is a member of the Blood Shadow Clan in the Xuanguang Continent who cultivated to the fusion stage in four thousand years.

He knows geniuses from multiple forces. Spiritual bodies can cultivate to the fusion stage within 10,000 years. The premise is that they survive. The forces will do everything possible to protect them, and even fight for the spirits. UU Reading

The double-eyed rat made a "jiji" cry, as if asking for credit.

"This guy can easily see through those restrictions. If it weren't for it, we wouldn't have reached the Dragon Palace so soon."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile, and touched the head of the double pupil mouse.

The double-eyed mouse held his head high and looked very proud.

Wang Ruyan took out a golden ginseng with some cloud-like patterns on the surface. This is a thousand-year-old golden ginseng.

They obtained a total of forty-two thousand-year-old elixir, ten of which were given to Liu Qingfeng, and a dozen more to be given to Chen Yueying.

The double-eyed rat is also welcome, and it ate the golden cloud ginseng covering the ten thousand years. The spiritual energy contained in the elixir of ten thousand years is huge. It jumped to the ground, returned to its own spiritual orchard to rest, and refined the huge aura. Reiki.

A cyan escaping light flew from a distance, and not long after, the cyan escaping light landed in front of Wang Changsheng, it was Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan specially sent back the tidal divine jade. After all, it was a seventh-order refining material, and he was not at ease when it was handed over to other clansmen for escort.

"Qingshan, why are you back! What happened?"

Wang Changsheng was surprised and said, there is nothing important, Wang Qingshan will not come back.

"Ninth Uncle, we collected some tidal divine jade. I was afraid of an accident and sent it back in person."

Wang Qingshan took out a blue storage ring and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

"Tidal Jade? Where did you get it?"

Wang Changsheng was surprised and invited Wang Qingshan into the hospital to speak.

Wang Qingshan didn't hide it either, and told the truth.

Wang Changsheng was very pleased to learn that in exchange for the divine tidal jade, Wang Qingshan took out the only remaining divine water of good fortune.

Wang Changsheng nodded: "Qingshan, you have your mind. By the way, ma'am, give Qingshan the Green Gang Sword and the Silver Gang Crystal."

1 (to be continued)

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