Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2497: Soul Chopping

"Follow your orders, Master Bai."

Yang Xuemei agreed.

"Fortunately, I stayed behind, otherwise you would really run away."

Bai Ruohan flicked his right hand, and a white light flew out. This was a small bird with a whole body white, but the size of a slap, with a golden beak and snow-white eyes.

The golden-billed snow hummingbird, the sixth-rank low-grade spiritual bird, can easily see the situation in the distance with a pair of snow cloud pupils.

He did tricks on the red jade box, not afraid of Liu Tianyan running, but afraid that Liu Tianyan would not run.

Seeing this scene, Master Jin Sha suddenly thought of something, and secretly said in his heart: "Old monster, really left behind."

"You must be thinking, I actually left behind. The treasure you gave him should also leave a special mark! I don't believe you are so kind."

Bai Ruohan said meaningfully.

How can a monk who can cultivate to the integration stage easily trust outsiders.

Master Jin Sha sneered and said: "The junior did leave a special mark, so he was afraid that he would lose that treasure, but I can guarantee that he will never find it. If he dares to use this treasure to deal with me, I have a thought that the silk of the divine soul will fly out of the treasure, and even if he cannot destroy him with the divine soul in the late stage of his Void Refinement, It's okay to hit him hard."

"That is to say, everything you gave me has the silk of the soul?"

Bai Ruohan's tone turned cold, the guy who can cultivate to the fusion stage is really not a good person.

"No, the juniors dare not. If you want to condense a thread of divine soul, you need one-tenth of the caster's divine soul. The silk of divine soul is attached to the treasure, and it takes many years of sacrifice to completely integrate with the treasure. Destroyed, forced to give up the body, in order to deal with those two guys, before Nascent Soul collapsed, two threads of divine soul were condensed. The younger generation can condense the two threads of the divine soul, and still take the Heavenly Soul Nether Lotus, and use the Heavenly Soul True Water to nourish the divine soul, the divine soul is extremely powerful, and only then can this technique be performed."

Master Jin Sha hurriedly explained that he condensed the two threads of the soul to deal with the two clones, but it was useless.

"There is no weakness in this technique? Is there any way to prevent it?"

Bai Ruohan asked, he wasn't worried that Liu Tianyan would run away, he looked like a bamboo in his chest.

"This technique was brought out by my body from the dojo of Xuanling Tianzun. It can be restrained by the treasures of the gods and souls or the beasts with the power of the gods! It is very rare. I am willing to swear by the demon of my heart. Go backwards, and you will never be able to advance to the integration period.”

Jin Shazhen explained, looking nervous.

"Hmph, I hope you are telling the truth. If I find out that you lied to me once, you will be dead."

Bai Ruohan put all the things given by Jin Shazhen into a golden storage ring, put it in a white jade box, and put a silver talisman on it, and put it away.

"Let's go! Follow that guy with me, but I want to see how far he can run. In addition, teach me the cultivation method of this technique."

Bai Ruohan left Fangshi with Jinsha Zhenren, and soon, a group of Lengyan cultivators also left Fangshi to arrest Liu Tianyan.


Qinglian Island, Qinglian Peak.

In a secret room, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a blue futon, with a black jade slip between his eyebrows, and hundreds of jade slips were placed beside him.

Wang Ruyan got a lot of jade slips from the Feilong Palace, which recorded a lot of content. Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin just read it through a rough filter.

"Heaven Soul Slashing Technique!"

Wang Changsheng muttered to himself, took down the jade slip, and looked a little excited.

This jade slip records a secret technique of attacking the soul, condensing part of the soul into silk, and hurting the enemy at critical moments. In addition, the silk of the soul can also be attached to the treasure for a period of time. The silk of the soul is integrated with the treasure, and it can plot against others.

Cultivating this secret technique requires a very strong spirit. If the spirit is too weak, if the spirit is too weak to practice this technique, the caster will suffer from damage to the spirit, and if it is serious, the cultivation will be backward.

Wang Changsheng thought of the seven-star soul-cultivating lamp for the first time. The seven-star soul-cultivating lamp can strengthen the soul, and use the strong soul to condense the silk of the soul, which can be used as a trump card.

According to the records of the classics, the stronger the soul that condenses the silk of the soul, the greater the power of the silk of the soul, and it is not a problem to destroy the enemy's primordial spirit. This is similar to Zhenshen's Roar.

The difference is that some treasures can restrain the attack of the divine sense, and there are very few treasures to restrain the attack of the divine soul.

The Zhenshen Roar can destroy the sea of ​​consciousness of the immortal cultivator, making him lose consciousness, unable to move, and become a living dead.

For cultivators who fit together above, the soul, the Nascent Soul, and the physical body are all independent. Generally speaking, after the physical body is destroyed, there is no suitable carrier, the Nascent Soul slowly disintegrates, and finally the soul. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

For the cultivators below the fit, the soul is not independent, and it must be attached to the Nascent Soul.

If the soul is destroyed, it will disappear completely, and the real death will disappear.

This secret technique is too terrifying. Even if there is no Heavenly Soul Nether Lotus, Wang Changsheng will be able to condense some spiritual threads without losing much soul.

That's right, some soul threads.

The seven-star soul-cultivating lamp can strengthen the soul, and it can be used to condense the silk of the soul. The power is definitely not small, which is much better than refining the clone.

It depends on whether Wang Changsheng wins by quantity, or by power. If he wants to be powerful, he will spend thousands of years cultivating split souls to condense the silk of the soul.

This secret technique must be practiced at least in the middle stage of the virtual practice. Wang Changsheng has a seven-star soul-cultivating lamp, and Wang Ruyan can use the seven-star soul-cultivating lamp to cultivate the split soul, condense the silk of the soul, and use it as a trump card.

If they had mastered this secret technique last time, they wouldn't have been beaten by Bayin so that they could not resist. Wang Ruyanhai was almost killed, thanks to Jiezhu's protection.

After Wang Qingshan and others have cultivated to the middle stage of virtual refining, they can also practice this secret technique. , used as a hole card.

"Such a powerful secret technique, wouldn't it be the secret technique recorded in the Tianxu Jade Book!"

Wang Changsheng made a bold conjecture.

The jade slip did not mention the origin of this technique, and there was no Tianxu jade book in the storage bracelet, which could not prove Wang Changsheng's conjecture.

After returning from Dongli Realm, Wang Changsheng deposited a strand of soul-splitting soul in the seven-star soul-cultivating lamp. He originally wanted to use this strand of soul-splitting lower realm, cultivated for more than a thousand years, to condense the silk of the soul, the power is definitely not strong. Small.

1 (to be continued)

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