Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2506: Retreat diving

If there is an accident in the lower realm, Wang Zongyan can activate the formation and contact the clansmen in the upper realm, or is there an accident in the process of ascension?

"It's nothing, Old Ancestor Qingshan, what about Old Ancestor!"

Wang Zongyan asked cautiously.

"Nine uncles and nine aunts are practicing in seclusion. If you have something to say to me, Moshan, you go down first."

Wang Qingshan waved his hand and asked Wang Moshan to retreat.

He could see that Wang Zongyan had something to hide.

Wang Moshan responded and turned to leave.

"Ancestor Qingshan, these things were found by the clansmen from Feixian Ruins, and the most precious is the soul-suppressing stone."

Wang Zongyan took out a blue storage ring and handed it to Wang Qingshan.

Forget about other things, the soul-suppressing stone is one of the top ten strange stones.

To be honest, Wang Zongyan hesitated on the road, whether to hand in the soul-suppressing stone or not. This is not an ordinary thing. Materials such as Tianyue Cold Crystal are very valuable, but they are far worse than the soul-suppressing stone.

After thinking about it again and again, he still intends to hand it in. There are many clan elders who know about it. If one day Wang Changsheng uses the formation method to contact the people of the lower realm and finds out about this, it will be troublesome.

Everyone has selfish intentions, Wang Zongyan is not selfless, Tianyue Hanjing and other materials, he turned in most of the materials, and detained some.

"Soul Soul Stone!"

Wang Qingshan was surprised that he had seen the Heavenly Illusionary God Stone during an exchange meeting.

He took out an exquisite cyan jade box from the storage ring, opened the jade box, and a black stone appeared in front of him.

He has only seen written records in the classics, and this is the first time he has seen real objects.

He picked up the Soul Soul Stone and felt calm.

No wonder Wang Zongyan is so cautious. If the news is leaked, it will indeed cause unnecessary trouble, not to mention the cultivators of the virtual world, and the cultivators of fusion want to take it for themselves.

Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin didn't hide from Wang Qingshan when they obtained the Heavenly Soul Nether Lotus. The growth of the Heavenly Soul Nether Lotus is a one-time thing, and the Soul Requiring Stone is different, it can make the bearer's soul grow continuously.

To a certain extent, the soul-suppressing stone is a treasure that nourishes the soul, and a refiner with a high level of refining can refine it into a treasure, and the effect is better.

The spiritual soul of the cultivator is powerful, which is beneficial to the impact of the fit period. The monks above the fit cultivator have a strong soul and can perform some spiritual techniques.

"I see, you are doing very well, I will say hello to Moshan, reward you, and practice hard! I hope to enter the Void Refinement Stage as soon as possible. Don't mention the existence of the Soul Stone to others."

Wang Qingshan warned.

"Yes, Old Ancestor Qingshan."

Wang Zongyan agreed.

Wang Qingshan asked about the situation of the lower realm family, and when he learned that the family was all right, he showed a relieved expression on his face and warned Wang Zongyan to leave.

Soul-suppressing stones are not ordinary things, and they cannot be placed in the family treasure house. There is a lot of trouble in leaking information.

Wang Qingshan put away the soul-suppressing stone, came to Qinglian Peak, and sent a message to Wang Changsheng.

After a while, Wang Changsheng's voice rang in his ear: "Qingshan, come in and talk."

As soon as he finished speaking, the courtyard door opened and Wang Qingshan walked out.

Wang Changsheng sat in the stone pavilion with a smile on his face.

He successfully condensed a thread of divine soul, and the power was not small. He separated out another strand of divine soul, and deposited it in the Seven Star Soul Raising Lamp. The divine soul grew evenly, and then used to condense the silk of divine soul.

As soon as he exited the customs, he learned the news of Wang Zongyan's ascension to the Xuanyang Realm, and also got a soul-suppressing stone.

"Ninth uncle, this is the soul-suppressing stone."

Wang Qingshan took out the blue jade box and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng opened the jade box to take a look, picked up the soul-suppressing stone, and observed it carefully.

"As expected of the top ten strange stones, it is a pity that it is the soul-suppressing stone. If it is the stone of Yuanci, it will still be useful to me. Please accept it! Qingshan."

Wang Changsheng gave Wang Qingshan the soul-suppressing stone. The soul-suppressing stone can nourish the soul, but the time is too long, and it is useless without ten thousand years.

Wang Changsheng has a seven-star soul-cultivating lamp, and the split soul can continue to grow, which is much stronger than the soul-suppressing stone.

He also has the Heavenly Soul Nether Lotus and the Heavenly Soul True Water. Of course, it is not that the soul-suppressing stone is not precious, but Wang Changsheng has the seven-star soul-cultivating lamp.

Soul nourishing wood has similar effects to soul-suppressing stone, but the effect of soul-nourishing wood depends on the age.

If Wang Zongyan submitted it directly, Wang Changsheng would naturally keep it for himself, but since Wang Zongyan gave it to Wang Qingshan first, let Wang Qingshan keep it!

"Thank you, Uncle Jiu!"

Wang Qingshan's expression was excited, he was very clear, even if Wang Changsheng said it lightly, even a fit cultivator would covet this thing. With the soul-suppressing stone in hand, Wang Qingshan's divine soul would grow slowly, and it would be very difficult for him to impact the fit stage in the future. Certainly good.

"It's not too long for you to enter the Void Refinement Stage. Cultivation is important, so you should retreat and cultivate as much as possible, and improve your cultivation as much as possible. I will also be in retreat for a while."

Wang Changsheng warned that he has a lot of sixth-order spiritual water in his hands, so he can practice with peace of mind.

When he improves his cultivation, he will go to the Qingli Sea Area to find the water of the Ming River.

"Got it, Uncle Ninth."

Wang Qingshan agreed and turned to leave.

Wang Changsheng walked into the secret room, took out a blue gourd, punched in a magic formula, and a blue liquid emitting a biting chill flew out. This was ice cold water.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, a soft blue glow appeared on the surface of his body, and the icy cold water seemed to be guided by some kind of direction, flying towards him, sticking to the surface of his body, and pouring into his body along the pores.

The ice-cold water entered his body, Wang Changsheng shuddered, and there was a skeletal sound of "crackling" in his body.


Yuyang Valley, a secluded courtyard.

Duan Tongtian stood at the door, walking back and forth, looking uneasy.

After a while, there was a knock on the door outside.

Duan Tongtian looked happy, and quickly opened the courtyard door, Dong Xueli was standing at the door.

"Xue Li, come in and talk."

Duan Tongtian invited Dong Xueli in, looking a little nervous.

Dong Xueli suddenly came to him, which made Duan Tongtian overjoyed.

"If your mother knew that you had entered the Void Refinement Stage, she would be very happy."

Duan Tongtian's face was full of relief.

"Don't mention my mother. Last time my husband came to see you, you gave him a lot of things. I don't owe you this thing."

Dong Xueli took out a cyan jade box and handed it to Duan Tongtian.

Wang Qingfeng didn't tell Dong Xueli that he gave Duan Tongtian the Jiezhu instead.

In fact, she knew very well that Wang Qingfeng must have given Duan Tongtian something precious.

Duan Tongtian opened the jade box and saw that there was a pale silver round bead inside, which was a defensive heavenly treasure.

Duan Tongtian was in tears, and his daughter Mo Ruofu, Dong Xueli, was a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted man.

For many years, Dong Xueli has been avoiding him, let alone giving him something.

"Okay, take the things, I'm leaving."

Dong Xueli turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Duan Tongtian.

"Last time your father-in-law gave me the Dharma Qingfeng also came to see me, now you give me something again, Dad is satisfied, you keep this pearl for the robbery, Qingfeng is a good boy, you You're right."

Duan Tongtian took out the replacement bead and handed it to Dong Xueli.

"For Jiezhu! My husband gave it to you?"

Dong Xueli raised her brows, she knew that Wang Changsheng had given Wang Qingfeng a replacement robbery bead.

"Well, this kid is stupid, has a good heart, and is a good match for you. If you are doing well, Dad will be happy."

Duan Tongtian wiped his tears and said with a smile.


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