Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2521: Refine Tier 6 Puppet Beast

The Lin Turtle refines a Thunder Absorbing Orb. As it progresses, the Thunder Absorbing Orb's power to absorb lightning will also increase. If a high-level monk kills the Lin Turtle, the obtained Thunder Absorbing Orb will be refined into a Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure, weakening it. The ability of Thunder Tribulation is stronger than that of Heavenly Lightning Transformation Spirit Talisman.

This is also the reason why Wang Changsheng didn't let Lin Gusi go out to hunt monsters by accident. Besides tortoise shells, absorbing thunder orbs was more precious.

The Thunder Orb in the seventh-order thunder ray body will also make a big fight with the cultivator.

There are very few clansmen who know that there are Thunder Orbs in the tortoise, and it is impossible to tell from the outside.

One after another, the thunder tribulations fell one after another, just like scratching the itch, and the tortoise was unscathed.

The deafening sound of thunder was incessant, and the thunder light soared.

The rest of the clansmen stayed in the secret room, and there were layers of restrictions on the island to prevent anyone from spying on the Lin turtle crossing the calamity. In addition, with Amethyst Island as the center, the sea area with a radius of one million miles was under martial law, and there were a large number of other people. The Wang family monks patrol.

After half an hour, there were still dozens of thunderclouds in size. In a thunderous sound that resounded through the heavens and the earth, countless silver arcs jumped, and the thunderclouds tumbled violently, turning into a silver thunder dragon with a length of more than one hundred meters.

The silver Lei Jiao lingered with thunder, exuding a terrifying aura, rushing towards the bottom.

The tortoise's head protruded from the tortoise shell, opened its mouth and spewed out hundreds of water gangster thunder, which pierced through the body of the silver thunder dragon.

After a dazzling silver thunder light lit up, it drowned half of the tortoise's body. Its size was really too big.

After a while, the thunder light dissipated, and the tortoise made a loud roar.

Wang Changsheng turned into a little blue light and disappeared. The next moment, he appeared in front of the turtle, and carefully observed the turtle.

The tortoise's first big catastrophe was very easy, and there was not a single crack on the surface of the tortoise shell.

A large dirt bag bulged in the ground, and a double-eyed rat emerged from the ground, biting a huge blue whale in its mouth. The blue whale's head had a huge blood hole.

The tortoise opened its **** mouth and sprayed out a blue glow to cover the blue whale. The blue whale quickly shrank and disappeared into the tortoise's mouth.

The tortoise and the double-eyed mouse have been playing together to a great extent. When the Wang family was first established, they often went out to sea to hunt monsters together. However, the two-eyed mouse usually lived on the seabed. Pupil enjoy.

"You guy, you will actually give the tortoise to catch the monster tonic."

Wang Changsheng said in surprise.

The double-eyed mouse made a "jiji" sound, as if to say: "I and the turtle are good friends."

Wang Changsheng smiled, took out a few 3000-year-old elixir, and fed it to the tortoise, allowing it to heal well.

He plans to travel to the Qingli Sea Area, but the straight-line distance between the Qingli Sea Area and the Xuanling Continent is more than ten trillion miles. There are many races and seventh-order monsters in this area. The cultivator wants to cross more than ten thousand miles. Trillions of miles, nine deaths.

Most of the cultivators in the Xuanling Continent traveled to the Qingli Sea Area by cross-lingu treasure ships, but not many forces were able to create cross-lingu treasure ships.

Most of the cross-ling treasure ships are medium-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and there are many powerful restrictions. However, the refining of the cross-ling treasure ship is very difficult. According to Wang Changsheng, the Xuanqing faction does not have a cross-ling treasure ship.

If you want to fly more than ten trillion miles, other flying treasures can also do it, but the speed is slower and only the ability to fly, and the cross-ling treasure ship has the ability to attack.

Wang Changsheng currently knows that both the Ye family and the Han family have cross-spirit treasure ships. The Ye family is one of the few true spiritual families in the Xuanyang world. Wang Changsheng wouldn't be clear if he didn't fight the Han family's idea of ​​crossing the Spirit Treasure Ship.

The cross-ling treasure ship is a bridge for the communication between the human races in various regions of Xuanyang Realm. No matter how powerful other races in Xuanling Continent are, they will not dare to destroy the human race. Otherwise, they will be retaliated by other human races. Strictly speaking, it is the revenge of the Ye family.

Therefore, if they want to go to the Qingli Sea Area, they must cross the Lingbao Ship to pass through the Xuanling Continent and go to the Qingli Sea Area.

If the Ye family or the Han family's cross-ling treasure ship passes through the Xuanling Continent, it will definitely stop at Tianhaifang City. Wang Changsheng has sent someone to pay attention to the news of the cross-ling treasure ship, and he will be notified immediately if there is any news.

Wang Changsheng returned to the Amethyst Hall and summoned Wang Qingfeng and others.

Their expressions were different, excited, curious, anticipating, etc. After some clansmen were instructed by Wang Changsheng, their level of refining improved a lot.

In addition to the refining tools, Wang Changsheng will also ask them about their cultivation situation and answer their difficult questions about cultivation.

"I'm going to refine a sixth-order puppet beast. Refining a puppet beast is similar to refining a magic weapon. A group of people is responsible for part of it. If you can refine a few sixth-order puppets, it depends on your level of refining."

Wang Changsheng exhorted, his face dignified.

Wang Qingfeng and the others agreed, and according to Wang Changsheng's instructions, they divided their work and cooperated.

A total of thirty-six people were divided into six groups, responsible for different parts of the puppet beast. Wang Qingfeng's group was responsible for the core parts of the puppet beast.

Before that, they had already worked together to refine a fifth-order puppet beast. With Wang Changsheng's guidance, it was not a problem to refine a sixth-order puppet beast.


An endless black sea, the sky is gray, and from time to time, thick black lightning strikes the sky and slashes downward.

A blue-glowing dragon boat was parked on the sea. The dragon boat was thousands of feet long and four hundred feet wide. There was a 36-storey cyan attic above it, and there was a pattern of nine giant lions on the sail.

The sea below the blue dragon boat froze, a huge clam demon was split in half by a sharp weapon, and the clam shell was shattered.

A team of monks was dealing with the corpses of monsters, and a burly young man in white stood on the deck with an indifferent expression.

A curvaceous young woman in a golden skirt was standing by, reporting to the young man in white.

"After so many years, there is still no news of Xuanji's ancestor, and the soul lamp of life has also been extinguished. She should have fallen!"

The young woman in the golden skirt said cautiously.

"At that time, the ten integrated monks sent by the family could not win her, let alone other integrated monks. She did not fall so easily. She is proficient in the art of refining and has one of the top ten treasures of the Ye family. , There are not many people who can kill her, I have received some news that she has appeared in Xuanguang Continent."

The young man in white shirt looked gloomy, and Ye Xuanji betrayed the Ye family, which was a stain on the Ye family.

"The soul lamp of life has been extinguished, and it hasn't fallen yet?"

The young woman in the golden skirt was surprised.

"Our family has a secret technique that can make the soul lamp of life go out. When you cultivate to the integration stage, you will be able to learn this secret technique, and at a certain time, it can play a major role."

The white-shirted youth explained.

The young woman in the golden skirt suddenly realized, and said nothing.

It didn't take long for the monsters to be processed, and the Ice Lion lit up with a dazzling white light. It didn't take long for the Ice Lion to disappear into the sky.

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