Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2532: Sihuadongfu of the integrated sound repair

"Colorful Soul Eater?"

Wang Changsheng frowned. The Colorful Soul Eater ranked 95th on the Ten Thousand Insects List. It mastered the attack of divine consciousness and was extremely poisonous.

As far as he knows, this poisonous insect is only in Wandu Island.

"That's right, the Colorful Soul Eater is on Wandu Island. If you want to reach the lair of the Colorful Soul Eater, you have to pass through the lair of a sixth-order blood-eyed poisonous ape. Infinity, we can't do anything about it, and want to ask Daoyou Wang for help."

Huang Tianxing explained.

"Since you asked us to help, can you say openly, is it interesting to hide in the dark and observe?"

Wang Changsheng looked at a certain lotus flower.

"Sure enough, I didn't see the wrong person. Wang Daoyou's consciousness is about to catch up with the fit monk, and those guys didn't realize the existence of the old man."

A hoarse male voice came from underwater.

A blue light flew out from the bottom of the water and landed on the cyan platform, showing an old man with a hunchback.

The old man's face was ruddy, he was wearing a blue python robe, his eyes were bright, his breath was a bit stronger than Wang Changsheng's, and he had the cultivation of perfection.

"Meet Uncle Xiao!"

Huang Tianxing and Zhang Yaoyao bowed and saluted with respectful expressions.

"Uncle Xiao!"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had expressions of vigilance on their faces.

"Don't be nervous, Daoyou Wang and Mrs. Wang, the old man Xiao read it. Speaking of which, Master Xuanyin is the ancestor of the old man. We want to join hands with Daoyou Wang to hunt for treasures."

The blue-robed old man said with a smile.

"Jointly hunt for treasure? Fellow Daoist Xiao values ​​my physical strength! It's tricky to want to come to the ban, and it takes enormous strength to break it."

Wang Changsheng said meaningfully.

Xiao Nian's expression was the same as usual, but Huang Tianxing's eyes showed a bit of surprise.

"It's a pleasure to talk to a smart person. In order to show sincerity, the inner alchemy of the two sixth-order phantom beasts will be presented first. After the completion of the matter, there will be a heavy thank you."

Xiao Nianzhi took out a blue jade box and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's face revealed a brooding color. The inner core of the three sixth-order phantom beasts, the air-splitting beast refined the demon power in them, and there is a high chance of advancing to the sixth-order.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao, since it is a cooperation, you should make it clear to us whether it is the ancient monk's cave or the entrance to the secret realm! We can't let us go to treasure hunting with you in a confused way."

Wang Ruyan's complexion was solemn, and he was diligent at nothing. He was either a traitor or a thief.

"That is the Zuohua Cave Mansion of the master, the master is a disciple of Master Xuanyin, and has a cultivation base in the integration period. The master left ten pieces of music, and the master got five, and only taught me three. Mrs. Wang is also a sound repairer, after the completion of the matter, you can make a copy for you, and other treasures will be counted separately."

Xiao Nianzhi's tone was sincere, his tone changed, and he continued: "The reason why I invite you, firstly, you are not from the great forces in the Qingli Sea Area, after the completion of the matter, the road will turn to the sky, and we will each go halfway; secondly, Daoyou Wang's physical strength is stronger than Daoyou Lin, how about you can join hands with my spirit beast to break the ban?"

"The Sihua Cave Mansion of Yinxiu of the Fusion Period?"

Wang Changsheng was dubious. If it was true, this matter would be of great benefit to Wang Ruyan's future cultivation.

"Husband, we can join forces with them. With our strength, we are not afraid of them."

Wang Ruyan gave Wang Changsheng a voice transmission, the inheritance of the integrated sound repair, it is false to say whether he wants it or not.

With their strength, plus Wang Xiao, Lin turtle, and wood demon, even if they fight, they are not afraid of Xiao Nianzhi.

"We can join forces with you, but I would like to know how fellow Daoist Xiao knows that my consciousness is catching up with the cultivator."

Wang Changsheng wondered, the strength of an immortal cultivator's consciousness generally depends on the number of treasures he controls, but he has never controlled too many treasures in front of Zhang Yaoyao.

Xiao Nianzhi flicked his wrist lightly, and a white light flew out from the spirit beast bracelet. This was a huge dragonfly with thin golden wings. Its body was snow-white, and its eyes were snow-blue.

"The sixth-order golden-winged snowfly is actually this strange insect."

Wang Changsheng suddenly realized that the Golden Winged Snowfly ranked 251st on the Ten Thousand Insects List. The ice-type spirit insect was not only very sensitive to the power of divine consciousness, but also flew extremely fast.

"When to set off!"

Wang Changsheng asked.

"Of course the sooner the better. How about tomorrow? But let me remind you, if I find out that you called someone else, don't blame us for being rude."

Xiao Nianzhi said at the end with a murderous look on his face.

"With each other, if we find out that you have called other people, we will not be polite to you."

Wang Changsheng sneered.

"Okay, let's go back and prepare. Tomorrow morning, come here to meet you."

After Wang Changsheng said this, he left with Wang Ruyan.

"Uncle Xiao, they are not spies sent by Uncle Lin! We were almost fooled last time, but fortunately Uncle Xiao found the clue."

Zhang Yaoyao asked nervously.

"Probably not. I spent a lot of effort in cultivating the golden-winged snowfly, just to prevent this. Senior Brother Lin has mastered a technique of spiritual consciousness, and his spiritual consciousness is relatively strong, but these two are even stronger than Senior Brother Lin's spiritual consciousness at the same time. Powerful, I estimate that Wang Daoyou's spiritual awareness is not much worse than the initial stage of integration."

Xiao Nianzhi said at the end, his face was full of incredulity.

"Isn't it much worse than the cultivator in the early stages of integration? No way!"

Zhang Yaoyao was surprised.

"Hmph, what's weird about this, some heavenly materials and earthly treasures can also increase their spiritual consciousness, UU reading They collect the ghosts left by monster spirits and high-level ghosts, and they should have a soul-eating golden cicada on their bodies. , or you have practiced the Divine Consciousness Cultivation Technique that is more powerful than the Nine Revolutions God Forging Dafa, but you don’t pay attention to them. Get revenge on Senior Brother Lin again."

Xiao Nianzhi said at the end, a cold glow flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Yaoyao and Huang Tianxing agreed and looked respectful.


In a secluded courtyard, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were sitting in a stone pavilion, talking.

"According to the information we have, Master Xuanyin's disciples and grandchildren have established multiple sects, each of which is in charge of its own affairs. Currently, only the known integrated Yinxiu is Tianyin layman, and the other integrated Yinxiu have not shown up for tens of thousands of years, so I don't know about Xiao Daoyou. Who is the master?"

Wang Ruyan said softly, her face solemn.

"It doesn't matter who his master is, you'll know after opening the ban, Wandu Island! Hmph, the wood demons just come in handy. If they dare to play tricks, don't blame us for being rude."

Wang Changsheng said disapprovingly, Wandu Island is full of poisonous insects, and the miasma pervades all the year round. The wood demon has always liked this kind of place, and maybe he can find something beneficial to its advancement.

"That's right, when this matter is over, let's go to Tianmodongtian again, hoping to find the water of the Styx River. Hey, I don't know what happened to Haitang."

Wang Ruyan sighed and said that Ye Haitang's natal soul lamp has not been extinguished, which means that she is still alive, so I don't know if she is in Xuanyang Realm or another interface.

"If there is fate, I will definitely see her again. I hope she is safe and sound."

Wang Changsheng had a look of reminiscence on his face. Ye Haitang was Wang Changyue's surviving daughter. He hoped that Ye Haitang would be safe.


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