Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2534: The power of high-level tone repair

Tianxing Islands, a certain sea area.

The sea water is cyan. If you look closely, you can see a lot of cyan kelp. Under the reflection of sunlight, the sea water appears cyan.

Cloudless and sunny.

Wu Dao Dangguang appeared in the distant sky. Not long after, Wu Dao Dangguang stopped, and three men and two women appeared. It was Wang Changsheng who had changed his face.

They kept changing directions halfway through, taking various detours and testing each other, all worried that someone would follow, but fortunately they didn't find anything unusual.

Xiao Nianzhi originally wanted to use the teleportation array he set up on the deserted island to teleport to a certain place, but Wang Changsheng refused. Who knows where the teleportation will be, and he can take the teleportation array. Forget the teleportation array, he and Xiao Nianzhi are not close friends, so he must be on guard.

"At our current speed, it will take less than half a year to reach Jin'aofang City."

Xiao Nianzhi said softly.

"There are high-level demon birds coming, and there are still a lot of them. There are as many as three of the sixth-level."

Wang Changsheng raised his brows and looked towards the northeast.

He didn't mind showing off his strong consciousness. This was a warning to Xiao Nianzhi not to make other ideas.

They have been away from Qixingfang City for five years. With his powerful spiritual sense, Wang Changsheng can detect monsters or immortals in advance, avoiding a lot of trouble.

There are many high-level monsters in the Tianxing Islands. They even encountered seventh-level monsters. Fortunately, Wang Changsheng discovered the seventh-level monsters early and avoided them in advance.

In addition to high-level monsters, they also encountered high-level monks fighting, killing people and stealing treasures, so they naturally wouldn't mind their own business.

"Three sixth-order demon birds?"

Xiao Nianzhi narrowed his eyes and looked towards the northeast.

After a while, dozens of black dots appeared in the sky, flying towards them.

The black spot is a black owl with four wings on its back, and its claws are golden. One is a high-rank sixth-rank, two are a middle-ranking sixth-rank, and the rest are all fifth-rank.

"Black Wind Owl!"

Wang Changsheng's heart moved, Wang Xiao's body is a double-headed owl, and the sixth-order Hei Feng Xiao's demon pill is a great supplement to him, and it is very beneficial to his cultivation.

Demons are different from immortal cultivators. Devouring the same kind of demon pills is good for them to advance, but they need to be swallowed in large quantities.

Wang Xiao was only in the early stage of virtual refinement.

If he killed these three sixth-order Heifeng Xiao and let Wang Xiao refine their demon pills, it would save thousands of years of hard work. The inner pills of other demon birds of the same order might not have such a good effect.

Xiao Nianzhi has been paying attention to Wang Changsheng's reaction. He can see that Wang Changsheng seems to want to kill these three sixth-order black wind owls.

"Let's do it! Destroy this batch of demon birds."

Xiao Nianzhi ordered.

Zhang Yaoyao and Huang Tianxing responded and took out a blue phoenix-tailed qin and a white jade flute respectively.

Zhang Yaoyao's ten fingers brushed over the strings, and the sound of the piano was loud.

Huang Tianxing put the white jade flute to his mouth, and began to play, and the cheerful sound of the flute spread.

The blue and white sound waves swept out, and the calm sea set off a wave of waves, and the air oscillated and distorted.

At this time, Hei Feng Xiao also discovered them.

Hei Feng Xiao's wings lightly flapped, and the black wind blades that filled the sky flew out, piercing the sky like a meteor, heading straight for them.

The dense black wind blades came into contact with the blue and white sound waves, and instantly dissipated like snow melting in the spring, and disappeared without a trace.

The wind was blowing, and two fifth-order black wind owls appeared out of thin air, appearing above Zhang Yaoyao and Huang Tianxing's heads.

The sixth-order Hei Feng Xiao has no transforming shape, and his intelligence is not low. He knows that he will send his subordinates to test the supernatural powers of Zhang Yaoyao and Huang Tianxing.

Zhang Yaoyao's reaction was very fast. She opened her mouth and made a sharp sound. A blue-green sound wave swept across the bodies of two fifth-order Hei Feng Xiao.

The two fifth-order black wind owls let out a scream at the same time, and fell from the sky. There were no scars on the body surface, but all the internal organs were shattered, and only the spirit escaped.

As soon as the spirits of the two Hei Feng Xiaoxiao left their bodies, a cyan sound wave swept in, and the spirits were torn apart.

Wang Ruyan had an interested expression on her face. This was the first time she had seen high-level sound training, and she had not mastered this magical power.

Zhang Yaoyao's magical power is somewhat similar to the Buddhist lion's roar, but it is different.

The sound of the qin mixed with the sound of Xiao, and the sea tumbled violently, splitting in two, and two blue water walls with a height of ten thousand feet appeared on the sea.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan retreated into the distance, but it wasn't that they couldn't bear it, they just wanted to confuse Xiao Nianzhi.

All things in the world interact with each other, and the physical body of physical cultivation is strong, and it is no problem to resist sword attacks, but it is difficult to say sonic attacks.

At this time, the fifth-order Heifeng owl became violent and began to attack the sixth-order Heifeng owl.

The three sixth-order Hei Feng Xiao's wings spread out, bursting out ten thousand slender black lights, directly piercing through the fifth-order Hei Feng Xiao's body, but the soul could not escape.

Three sharp bird calls sounded, and three huge black owl phantoms appeared high in the sky.

They flapped their wings at the same time, the wind gusted, and the void oscillated and twisted. Thousands of dark hurricanes appeared on the sea, and a large amount of sea water was swept into the black hurricane by the powerful airflow.

Where thousands of black hurricanes passed, the void vibrated and twisted, and many islands were smashed by the dense hurricane, and the dust was flying.

A large number of low-level monsters were strangled by the hurricane, and the blood stained the sea water.

Thousands of black hurricanes hit the sky like thousands of sharp knives, slashing at Wang Changsheng's five people from all directions.

The sound of the piano was loud and loud, and blue and white notes appeared in the void. They circled Huang Tianxing and Zhang Yaoyao and turned into a blue and white light curtain. There were a lot of mysterious notes on the surface of the light curtain.

A phantom figure of a huge man appeared high in the sky, shining with white light, holding a jade flute in his hand.

A gigantic female phantom floated above Zhang Yaoyao's head, UU reading www.uukanshu. The blue light flickered non-stop, the female phantom was holding a blue guqin, and the Dharma was condensed by three-tenths.

The male phantom and the female phantom shouted at the same time, spraying white sound waves and cyan sound waves respectively, and greeted them.

When the black hurricane touched the white sound wave, it first froze, then shattered, and when it hit the blue sound wave, it exploded directly.

The void fluctuated together, and a huge golden bird's claw appeared above Zhang Yaoyao and Huang Tianxing's heads, and shot it on the blue and white light curtain. The two-color light curtain shook slightly, and the notes on the surface were broken a lot.

The black hurricane swept in, and the powerful air waves made Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's hair flutter.

Wang Changsheng flicked with five fingers, and several black lights flew out, hitting the black hurricane. The speed of the black hurricane slowed down and turned into an ice sculpture. Even the sea surface began to freeze.

There are a lot of ice evil jade in Feilong Sanren's sitting in the cave. Wang Changsheng refines the ice evil energy in it, which can hurt the enemy and attack with evil energy.

Xiao Nianzhi was a little surprised to see Wang Changsheng forming a black hurricane so easily.

"Get rid of them early! Just a few beasts."

Xiao Nianzhi urged.


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