Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2547: get away

Tens of thousands of meters below the ground, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were lying on the huge double-eyed rat, and a khaki light curtain covered them. Wherever the yellow light passed, the soil avoided everything.

The opponent has space treasures, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's attacks can't help this person at all, they can only run.

Xiao Nianzhi has already separated from them, and it depends on who has bad luck.

With a muffled sound, the double-eyed mouse stopped, it made a "jiji" cry, and circled nearby.

They encountered a special metal ore vein, and the double-eyed rat could not pass through it.

I don't know why, Wang Changsheng always felt a little uneasy, restless, and always felt that something was going to happen.

"Go back to the ground."

Wang Changsheng gave the order to the double-eyed mouse, and the double-eyed mouse quickly moved towards the ground.

Not long after, they returned to the ground and appeared in a long and narrow valley. There was a huge cave in the valley, and a lot of weeds grew in the valley.

I don't know why, the double-eyed mouse became very impatient, his body shrank rapidly, and he got back into Wang Changsheng's arms, his body trembling.

Wang Changsheng's distraction was attached to the double-eyed mouse, and the double-eyed mouse's eyes lit up with a dazzling yellow light.

He could clearly see that in the depths of the cave, there was a burly man in a green shirt. The man in the green shirt was slightly pale and injured.

The green shirt man's eyes were tightly closed, but just as Wang Changsheng observed the green shirt man, the green shirt man opened his eyes.

"Integrated cultivator!"

The corners of Wang Changsheng's mouth twitched, the front door rejected the wolf and the back door met the tiger.

His face sank, and he released the Mirage.

A golden light soared into the sky, turning into a huge mirage dragon phantom, emitting an air of contempt.

As soon as the Mirage Dragon phantom appeared, the monster beasts with a radius of 100,000 li shivered and slumped to the ground.


A dragon roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the mirage phantom spewed out a golden mist, covering a radius of 100,000 miles.

The man in the green shirt stood up, and as soon as he walked out of the residence, he heard the roar of the dragon. For some reason, he felt that it became difficult to breathe, and his body was shivering.

"Blood suppression! Are they chasing after them?"

The man in the green shirt thought of something, and his consciousness widened, but he found nothing.

He walked out of the cave, just in time to see a black light flying from a distance. After a while, the black light stopped, and a burly old man in black shirt appeared, with two dragon horns growing on his head.

"Ao Yan, it's really you. I've already hid in Wandu Island, and you have to kill them all. Do you really think I'm easy to bully!"

The man in the green shirt shouted loudly, and the green light on his body released a lot. With a dragon roar resounding through the heavens and the earth, he turned into a whole green dragon, more than a thousand feet long, and many scales on his body fell off.

The black-shirted old man was stunned for a moment, he was a cultivator of the Wu clan.

He traced it here, but he didn't find Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, but he encountered a seventh-order Jiaolong. Could this be an illusion?

Without waiting for him to think about it, the green Jiaolong had already rushed over.

The black-shirted old man didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly sacrificed treasures to resist.

There was a loud rumbling sound, one person and one dragon fighting non-stop, the black light and the green light were blazing, and the air was like a tidal wave.

Tens of thousands of meters below the ground, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were lying on the body of the huge double-eyed rat, the double-eyed rat's eyes flashed with yellow light, and a thick yellow light enveloped them.

Wang Changsheng asked the mirage dragon to urge the Dharma to create illusions, causing the green-shirted man to fall into an illusion. He didn't expect the green-shirted man to be a seventh-order Jiaolong.

"They've been fooled, let's go!"

Wang Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief, and the double-eyed mouse's body surfaced with yellow light, moving quickly underground.

There was a deafening roar from the ground, the mountain peaks were leveled by the powerful air waves, and a large number of monsters were killed by the powerful air waves.

More than half a day later, in a huge pit with a diameter of ten thousand feet, a green flood dragon fell into the pit. The left arm of the black-shirted old man was missing, and his face was pale.

The black-shirted old man was holding a miniature Jiaolong in his right hand, his eyes gloomy.

"Fighting in the Nine Dragons Palace, it's cheap for me. I didn't catch up with the two juniors in the refining stage. I killed a wounded seventh-order poisonous dragon. The next time I cross the big catastrophe, it will be stable."

The black-shirted old man laughed and looked excited.

He cut off his own arm and used three sixth-order spirit worms to cast a spell, and then he killed the seventh-order poisonous dragon. This was because the seventh-order poisonous dragon was seriously injured. Kill a seventh-order poisonous dragon.

The body of the seventh-order Jiaolong is tyrannical, and the dragon's skin can be used to refine the inner armor for defense, as well as scales, blood essence, and inner elixir.

He searched for the soul of the seventh-order poisonous dragon, and found that the Kowloon Palace was fighting. This seventh-order poisonous dragon was a loser. In addition, the Kowloon Palace was being cleaned up. This is a great opportunity to deal with the Nine Dragons Palace. The Mahayana period Jiaolong has not been seen for tens of thousands of years and has disappeared.

The black-shirted old man put the poison dragon spirit into a golden porcelain vase, put away the poison dragon's body, and left the place.

As long as this news is reported, it will be a great achievement.

As for the six subordinates who died, it was nothing.


Tianwu Islands, northwest corner.

Golden Crow Island, this is the island controlled by the Li family of Golden Crow Island, and it is also where a market is located.

The geographical location of Jinyafang City is superior, and there are many business travelers.

Two escaping lights appeared in the distant sky. Not long after, the two escaping lights stopped. It was Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

After they left Wandu Island, the double-eyed mouse took them through the seabed. They took a large teleportation array and came to the Tianwu Islands, mainly looking for Li Qinghuan.

Wang Changsheng knew that a large-scale beast tide would break out within three hundred years. No matter which market they went to, the result would be the same. They had some friendship with Li Qinghuan, and it was better to go to Golden Crow Island to avoid the limelight.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan entered Jinyafang City, and the streets were full of people and traffic, making it very lively.

They rented an independent courtyard and lived there.

This trip to Myriad Poison Island has not been a small They have obtained five storage rings from the Void Refining Stage Wu clan, there are 25 Tongtian Lingbao alone, and the Wu clan cultivates spirits Insect's experience, some elixir and some witch clan secret arts.

The witches are good at spell killing. They can kill people in the air, and they are hard to guard against. However, they all need a medium. The medium is usually a spirit worm.

In the battle that day, if it wasn't for the Mirage Dragon's illusion, they would never be able to escape.

Mirage is worthy of being the descendant of the true spirit, and the integrated monk will also be affected, but its rank is not high, and when its rank increases, it will definitely become more powerful.

If the mirage grows to the seventh rank, its strength is by no means comparable to that of ordinary seventh-rank monsters.

Wang Changsheng can no longer use the Jewels for Jie, he can use other treasures for Jie. He has already put the Ji-Je Talisman out of Wang Ruyan into his body and cultivate it with baby fire.

If you want to use the robbery talisman, you need to cultivate for hundreds of years.

In a short period of time, they will not go to the Heavenly Demon Cave, until he has cultivated the talisman for the robbery.

Xiao Nian's whereabouts disappeared, and he got the belongings of a Wu clan in the refining stage.

The Wu clan has a medicine called "Golden Whale True Liquid". Spirit worms absorb the Golden Whale True Liquid, and the survival rate of transcending the great catastrophe will be higher. Spirit worms below the seventh rank can use it.


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