Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2560: plan (not today)

There are a lot of thunder and lightning power here. The monks stationed on the island of the Wang family usually collect the power of lightning and lightning, just to use it to kill monsters.

The low-level monster was struck by the power of thunder and lightning, and instantly vanished.

The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, and the dense silver lightning pierced the sky and slashed in all directions. One by one monsters fell from the sky, and there were a large number of monster corpses floating on the sea.

Millions of miles away, Dong Xueli and Wang Qingfeng were attacking a blue whale that was more than a thousand feet long. They released white sword energy and red sword energy respectively, hitting the blue whale one after another.

The surface of the blue whale was dripping with blood, and the blood flowed continuously, and the blood stained a lot of sea water.


The blue whale let out a loud roar and spurted out a blue sound wave. At the same time, a huge wave was set off on the sea surface, with the power of billions of miles, and slapped at Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli.

The female shadow above Dong Xueli's head swung her sword towards the void, and a white sky-high sword light swept out, crushing the blue sound wave and hitting the sky-high waves.

The giant wave split in two, and the sea quickly froze.

The Qingtian sword struck the blue whale, and half of the blue whale's body was frozen. A red rainbow descended from the sky, slashed on its body, and billowing flames swept away.

In the double sky of ice and fire, the blue whale exudes a scorched aura, and there is a look of fear in its eyes.

Its tail swept away suddenly, and the sea swelled violently, setting off huge waves.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli glanced at each other, nodded to each other, turned in place, and the two turned into a white and red tornado, heading straight for the blue whale and swept away.

Where the two-color tornado passed, the sea was divided into two. The blue whale dived into the bottom of the sea and wanted to escape, but it dived thousands of feet and was blocked by an invisible light curtain.

It slammed into the invisible light curtain frantically, making a muffled "bang bang" sound, which was useless.

The sea water receded, the two-color tornado appeared in front of it, and the strong suction pushed it into the two-color tornado.

A two-color tornado shot up into the sky, and the dense white sword qi and red sword qi slashed at the blue whale one after another, beheading its head.

After a while, the two-color tornado disintegrated and turned into the figures of Dong Xueli and Wang Qingfeng, their faces paled slightly.

"Finally kill this monster."

Dong Xueli breathed a sigh of relief. This sea-turning whale was a mid-rank 6th-grade whale, with a lot of supernatural powers. If it hadn't been trapped with treasures, it would have escaped.

Wang Qingfeng grabbed towards the bottom of the sea with one hand, and three blue-colored flags flew out from the bottom of the sea, turning into three blue lights, and disappeared into his sleeve.

"Let's go! Let's go to support the other islands."

Wang Qingfeng put away the body of the overturned whale and left with Dong Xueli.


Jinxin Island, a large amount of Jinxin wood is planted on the island. Five thousand years of Jinxin wood can be used to refine fifth-order puppet beasts. The Wang family planted a lot of Jinxin wood on the island.

A large number of houses on the island collapsed, and the bodies of many members of the Wang family can be seen.

There are too many sites, and the outbreak of a large beast tide will inevitably fail to take care of it.

Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao were attacking a red giant owl. The red giant owl responded quickly, and most of their attacks were in vain.

A small umbrella with cyan light flashed above Sun Yuejiao's head, and a thick cyan light curtain covered her whole body.

Wang Qingcheng was wearing a khaki-colored armor, holding a short blade with yellow light flashing in his hand.

Wang Qingcheng's sleeves flicked, and three yellow flags flew out and entered a magic trick. The three yellow flags flew in place and turned into three yellow tornadoes more than a thousand feet high, heading straight for the red giant owl. go.

Sun Yuejiao took out three small mirrors with golden light flowing incessantly, and with a pinch of the magic trick, the mirror surfaces of the three small golden mirrors were bright, and countless slender golden lights swept out, hitting the red giant owl.

The red giant owl felt the astonishing momentum of the three yellow tornadoes, and was about to avoid it when a loud shout from a man sounded, and its body trembled.

When it came back to its senses, three yellow tornadoes had already arrived in front of it, involving it.

After the loud rumbling, a dazzling fire lit up, three yellow tornadoes disappeared, and the plumes on the red giant owl fell off a lot, dripping with blood.

A sharp bird chirping sounded, and a seven-colored peacock suddenly appeared on the top of the red giant owl's head. It was the Qixiaque.

After Sun Yuejiao's years of training, Qixia Que is already at the sixth rank, which just came in handy.

Qixia Que's wings spread out, bursting with five-colored auras, covering the red giant owl. At the same time, a dense golden light lasing came, piercing the red giant owl's body, and a lot of blood fell from the sky.

The red giant owl opened its mouth and spewed out blazing flames, and went straight to the Qixia Queer. The Qixia Queer had two wings, and the dense plumes flew out, defeating the flames. The plumes, like swords, hit the red giant owl one after another. on the body.

There was a strong gravity on the ground, and a yellow giant hundreds of feet tall appeared on the island, with yellow lights flickering all over his body, apparently transformed by a heavenly treasure.

The giant palm of the yellow giant slapped the giant red owl. The speed of the giant red owl was not as fast as before. When it was hit by the giant palm, its huge body hit the ground and smashed a big hole.

With a flash of golden light, a huge golden jade seal appeared on top of its head and smashed down.

The red giant owl wanted to avoid it, but a large number of yellow earth ropes broke out and tied it into meat dumplings.

When it broke free, the golden jade seal fell.

After the loud rumbling sound, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the red giant owl was smashed into flesh.

Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao both breathed a sigh of relief. This sixth-rank middle-rank Huo Yanxiao was very difficult to deal with. He killed a lot of clansmen, but fortunately he eliminated this monster.

They put away the treasures, instructed the tribe to repair the formation, and rushed to other islands for support.

A large-scale beast tide broke out in this sea area, and the major forces were busy dealing with the beast tide. Many small forces were directly wiped out, and the big forces defeated the beast tide, and the losses were not small.


Qinglian Island, a secluded courtyard.

Wang Moshan and Bai Yuqi were sitting in a blue stone pavilion, talking about something.

"In this way, that piece of land must be You have to find a suitable reason, otherwise it will be too conspicuous."

Wang Moshan's tone was heavy.

Qiandie Ridge is several trillion miles away from Qinglian Valley. It is unreasonable for the Wang family to occupy Qiandie Ridge.

"You have to be cautious. By the way, how did the spy discover the secret realm? Besides him, how many people know about it?"

Bai Yuqi remembered something and asked solemnly.

"He has already dealt with it, but to be cautious, I will ask him again, and I can send someone else to come forward. By the way, why is there a Renshuixian apricot fruit tree in that secret realm? Have you checked it?"

Wang Moshan asked, the Renshuixian apricot fruit tree is not an ordinary fruit tree, and the Lin family is definitely not ordinary.

"I spent a lot of money to buy news from Qiyuelou and found out the situation of the Lin family. The ancestors of the Lin family were from the Xuanqing faction. The Renshuixian apricot fruit tree should have obtained the core, but to be cautious, we have not touched the Renshuixian apricot fruit tree, and we have to send someone over to take a look."

Bai Yuqi suggested that there are many forces like the Lin family in the Xuanling Continent. Except for some long-standing forces that recorded the situation of the Lin family, ordinary forces really don't know the origin of the Lin family. Fortunately, there is Qiyuelou.

Qiyuelou specializes in collecting information, selling information, clearing money and goods, and no one knows anyone after the fact.


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