Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2566: damaged foundation

"Dry Gold Divine Crystal? This kind of material is very rare. True Monarch Ganjin in the Qingli Sea Area refines a piece of Dry Gold Divine Crystal with the body of a mortal and becomes an acquired spirit body. He will enter the Mahayana period in less than 20,000 years. I heard that One of the three major clans in the Xuanyang realm, the Tianyue clan, the treasure of the five town clans, is made of dry gold divine crystal as the main material."

Liu Yi said with emotion.

"Dry Gold Dragon Slaying Blade is the treasure of Xuantian refined by the day after tomorrow. In order to collect the dry gold divine crystal, the Tianyue Clan spent tens of thousands of years. I heard that they went to more than a dozen interfaces, and only then did they collect enough dry gold crystals. Jin Shenjing, but the power of this treasure is indeed great, the Mahayana monks of the Tianyue Clan used this treasure to kill the three Mahayana of Guangyun Realm."

Ye Dongyun said with a light smile.

Don't look at his lightheartedness, when he heard this, he was also greatly shocked.

If the human race in the Xuanyang realm has a powerful Xuantian treasure, they can become the fourth largest race in the Xuanyang realm.

"The treasure of Xuantian of the day after tomorrow! Killing three Mahayana? Guangyun Realm!"

Lan Fukong and the others all showed shocked expressions. It was the first time they heard about it.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, your Ye family's strength is so strong, have you ever thought of creating an acquired treasure of Xuantian?"

A curious expression appeared on Wang Qingshan's face.

The rise of the Ye family is not too short. If you can have a treasure of Xuantian, even if it is refined the day after tomorrow, it can improve the strength of the human race.

"There are many defective products, but there are no genuine products. It is very difficult to refine the treasure of Xuantian, and the materials are hard to find. It is very good for a Mahayana monk to have a defective product."

Ye Dongyun shook his head and said that the Ye family sent a large number of people to go to various places, firstly to find Ye Xuanji, and secondly, hoping to take this opportunity to collect materials and create an acquired treasure of Xuantian.

This kind of thing, other races are also doing, the innate treasure of Xuantian is too rare, to have an acquired treasure of Xuantian is very good, even if it is the treasure of Xuantian refined, the power is very different.

It is not easy to collect materials. It is impossible for the Ye family to say a word, and the cultivators of the human race or families will open the treasure house one after another, and let the cultivators of the Ye family choose materials, they can only exchange things for things.

Some rare materials fall into the hands of small forces, which cannot be recognized by small forces, and some rare materials are located in various dangerous places in Xuanyang Realm, which requires a lot of time and energy.

Ever since the Ye family became a family of true spirits, the Ye family wanted to build an acquired treasure of Xuantian. They collected materials everywhere and could only refine incomplete products.

The power of incomplete products is one-tenth of that of genuine products, and most of the defective products are only one-tenth of that of genuine products. Even so, only a few Mahayana monks can have a defective product, and most Mahayana monks still use high-grade Tongtianling. precious.

The Xuanqing Sect of the Xuanling Continent has refined a Xuanling Heavenly Flag, which is also a defective product. Its power is only one tenth of the genuine one, and its mana consumption is very large. The Jinghuo clan and the Yaksha clan have long been wiped out.

"Fellow Daoist Ye is joking. The Ye family is a real family. I believe that sooner or later, the treasure of Xuantian will be refined."

Lan Fukong boasted, with a flattering look on his face.

"I hope to honor your auspicious words!"

Ye Dongyun nodded and said, if it was so easy to refine, the Ye family would have refined it long ago.

Lan Fukong looked at Wang Qingshan and asked, "Fellow Daoist Wang, I heard that Taihao Master is proficient in the art of refining. Do you have any opinion on this?"

"I don't know about refining, but I heard Jiu Shu mentioned that refining is to condense various materials into one. If there is an error in the refining process, the quality of the treasure will be lower, and the power will be affected."

Wang Qingshan said truthfully, he has tried to learn to forge, but if it wasn't for that material, he wouldn't bother.

Ye Dongyun nodded: "The principle of alchemy is similar to that of alchemy, the theory is the theory, and the actual operation is another matter. The materials that can be used to refine the treasure of Xuantian are rare, and the Mahayana monks of the Tianyue family have all run away. More than a dozen interfaces, it took tens of thousands of years to collect enough dry gold crystals, this is still a material, and it is not difficult to refine."

In this regard, the monks all agreed.

After chatting for more than two hours, the party ended, and the monks left one after another.

Back at the residence, Wang Qingshan glanced at the stone man.

The stone man asked for the soul-suppressing stone many times. The soul-suppressing stone is one of the top ten strange stones in the world of immortals.

If the stone man mutates and has great supernatural powers, then it's not a loss.

Wang Qingshan walked into the attic, sat down with his knees crossed, and closed his eyes to rest.


Qiandie Ridge, in the secret realm.

Qingmu Hall, a stone room.

In front of the Renshuixian apricot fruit tree, Wang Lin's palm lit up with bursts of blue light, covering the Renshuixian apricot fruit tree, and carefully probed.

Qingguang came to the roots of the Renshuixian apricot fruit tree. She could clearly see that there were many small cracks in the roots, and there were also many cracks on the surface of the main trunk.

"No wonder there are so many divine waters of good fortune here. It turned out to be transplanted and damaged the foundation."

Wang Lin frowned.

She crushed the teleportation amulet and teleported it out.

Outside the secret, there is an underground cave several acres in size.

Wang Yingjie sat cross-legged next to the teleportation formation, frowning tightly.

After a while, the teleportation array shook violently, illuminating a dazzling light, and Wang Lin appeared.

"How is it? Can the Renshuixian apricot tree be transplanted?"

Wang Yingjie asked impatiently.

"If it is transplanted again, even if there is divine water of good fortune, the Renshuixian apricot tree will die."

Wang Lin's expression was solemn, she remembered something, and then said: "This Renshuixian apricot fruit tree was transplanted from other places. If it wasn't for the creation of divine water, it would have died long ago, and the foundation of this Renshuixian apricot fruit tree is damaged. Seriously, growth is frustrated."

"It's not enough to have the divine water of good fortune? How can I restore it?"

Wang Yingjie asked.

"The divine water of good fortune is not omnipotent, it just continues its life. If you want it to recover, you need the crystal core of a high-level wood demon, so that it can absorb enough grass and trees to heal slowly. Of course, if there is cultivation The combined cultivator of the wood attribute exercise can also make it recover faster."

Wang Lin explained.

If there is the divine water of good fortune, it can be cured, and the golden magnetic spirit wood transplanted by the Wang family can survive and not die.

The divine water of good fortune is good for the growth of the elixir, but it is not for healing, not to mention that the foundation of the Renshuixian apricot fruit tree is damaged.

"If I guessed correctly, someone must have forcibly transplanted the Renshuixian apricot fruit tree. The process was too rough, and it was attacked, and its foundation was damaged. It is equivalent to a medicinal pill suitable for cultivators below Mahayana, which can improve mana, and if the cultivator is seriously injured, such as soul, lightning strike, and poison, special medicinal pills can be used to solve it.”

Wang Lin gave an example to facilitate Wang Yingjie's understanding.


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