Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2568: Heavenly Soul Divine Crystal (not available today)

A box.

Wang Qingshan held the Five Elements Thunderbolt Talisman in his hand, and his eyes were full of joy.

With this Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman, plus the two defensive treasures on his body, the next big catastrophe is not stressful and can be easily passed.

Wang Ruyan got a lot of Heavenly Soul True Water from Feilong Sanren's Zuohuadong Mansion, and the Wang family's cultivators all got some, but Wang Qingshan has been reluctant to use it.

He was only in the early stage of Void Refinement, and he kept the Heavenly Soul True Water, which he only put in the storage ring, in exchange for the Five Elements Thunderbolt Talisman. He didn't need to worry about the next big catastrophe, he could practice with peace of mind or look for opportunities.

The cultivator of the Great Perfection of Void Refinement has a stronger desire for the Heavenly Soul True Water, and is about to hit the fusion period.

The family also has the Heavenly Soul Nether Lotus, and the effect of the Heavenly Soul Nether Lotus is better than that of the Heavenly Soul True Water.

No matter how precious treasures are, they are foreign objects after all. Their own cultivation and strength are the foundation. Wang Qingshan can clearly distinguish the importance.

After changing to the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman, Long Yunbin took out a beautiful yellow jade box, and took out a yellow light shining talisman from it. The surface of the talisman was covered with countless mysterious runes, and a tortoise pattern could be vaguely seen.

"The sixth-order talisman, the mysterious turtle, is transformed into a spiritual talisman! The caster can turn into a sixth-order mid-grade Tuli turtle to withstand the great catastrophe."

Long Yunbin said loudly, some secret talismans in the world of immortality are refined into the spirits of monsters, and immortal cultivators can transform into monsters to fight, escape, or transcend the great catastrophe.

The defense of high-level monster turtles is strong, and with their spirits being refined into secret talismans, cultivators can transform into monsters to survive the great catastrophe. Therefore, high-level monster turtles are easily killed by high-level monks.

As soon as these words fell, the eyes of the cultivators in the venue became hot.

"It's okay to change the inner elixir, blood essence, and soul of the sixth-order spiritual flame or the sixth-order Jiaolong, or materials of the same value."

Long Yunbin's voice spread throughout the venue.

Several cultivators sent voice transmissions to Long Yunbin, and Long Yunbin communicated with the owner.

In a box, Ye Dongyun held a communication disk in his hand and gestured for a while.

"The spirit of the seventh-order swallowing rat? If it is refined into a talisman, it should be able to use the divine power of swallowing the sky!"

Ye Dongyun was a little excited, he gestured for a while and agreed to exchange.

"I thought that Xuanyang Realm didn't have the Sky-Swallowing Mouse anymore. Since there is the spirit of the seventh-order Sky-Swallowing Mouse, there should be a seventh-order Sky-Swallowing Mouse alive."

Ye Dongyun said to himself.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"come in!"

Ye Dongyun instructed, his sleeves flicked, the door opened, and a servant in a green shirt walked in, holding a beautiful golden jade box in his hand.

Ye Dongyun opened the lid of the box, and inside there was a yellow jade bottle and a jade slip with cyan light.

He opened the cork, and a yellow light flew out, turning into a full-body yellow mini-mouse. The mini-mice was only an incorporeal body, not a real body.

He nodded, and the yellow jade bottle spurted a yellow glow, covering the mini mouse, and taking it in the yellow jade bottle.

He picked up the jade slip, swept away his consciousness, had a thoughtful expression on his face, waved his hand, and the azure-robed attendant stepped back and closed the door.

"Savage land! It seems that when you enter the integration period, you will have to travel to the wild land. There are actually seventh-order sky-devouring rats. If they grow to eighth-order, ordinary Mahayana monks are no match."

Ye Dongyun said to himself.

At the auction venue, Long Yunbin took out a beautiful golden jade box, opened the box, and took out a piece of black jade, crystal clear, with a faint black light.

"Heavenly Soul Divine Crystal, an excellent material for the core of the puppet, the core of the puppet beast above the seventh rank, must use this material, and exchange for treasures that weaken the thunder tribulation. treasures."

Long Yunbin's voice spread throughout the venue.

This is something sent by a cultivator in the late stage of virtual refining. The Long family contacted this person privately and wanted to exchange it. The Long family took out a sixth-order defense formation, but the person refused to exchange it.

According to the analysis of the senior officials of the Long family, this person should be about to cross the fifth great catastrophe, maybe the sixth great catastrophe.

"Heavenly Soul Divine Crystal! The best material for the core of the puppet?"

Wang Qingshan was interested, but he couldn't come up with a seventh-order treasure that would weaken Thunder Tribulation.

In a box, Ye Dongyun's eyes lit up.

He made a gesture on the communication board, wanting to exchange this piece of Heavenly Soul Divine Crystal.

"This Heavenly Soul Divine Crystal, we have the Heavenly Mission to send."

"Our Zhenhai Palace also wants this Heavenly Soul Divine Crystal, and everything is negotiable."

The two cultivators, the disciples of the Tianji faction and Zhenhai Palace all wanted to get this heavenly soul crystal.

The two sides sent voice transmissions to Long Yunbin, Long Yunbin communicated with the owner, and the Heavenly Soul Divine Crystal finally fell into the hands of the disciples of Zhenhai Palace.

"Could it be that Zhenhai Palace wants to refine seventh-order puppet beasts?"

Wang Qingshan said to himself, he knew that Lin Tianlong of Zhenhai Palace was proficient in the art of refining, but he wondered if he could refine a seventh-order puppet beast.

Long Yunbin took out a shield that was flickering with blue light, and said, "The low-grade Tongtian Lingbao Qingyang Shield is made from the main material of eternal green sun wood. The base price is 5 million spirit stones, and the price shall not be less than 500,000 each time. ."

"five million!"

"Five and a half million!"

"Six million!"


After a period of fierce bidding, the blue sun shield was sold by Lan Fukong at a high price of 18 million.

Long Yunbin successively took out several low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, as well as a fifth-order puppet beast, all of which fetched high prices.

After taking away the fifth-order puppet beast, Long Yunbin took out thousands of yellow flags that flickered constantly, and said loudly: "The sixth-order defensive formation is a sand-defense formation, and the defensive effect is very good. Or exotic treasures."

As soon as these words fell, a number of cultivators sent Long Yunbin a voice transmission. UU reading

Xu is other cultivators' stuff, so Long Yunbin said, "The sixth-order defensive formation is a sand-repelling formation. The base price is 10 million spirit stones, and the price must not be less than 1 million each time."

After many biddings, this set of sand control array was sold at a price of 90 million and was auctioned off by Lan Fukong.

In the box, Wang Qingshan was a little surprised that Lan Fukong had actually become so rich. It seemed that Lan Fukong had gained a lot from his trip to Wanlingyuan.

"The sixth-order defensive formation is the Qianmu Great Formation. This formation has strong resilience and has a very good effect in resisting thunder calamities. The base price is 10 million yuan, and the price should not be less than 1 million yuan each time."

Long Yunbin said loudly.

The price continued to climb, and it was finally sold at a price of 110 million, which was taken away by Liu Yi.

After taking this Thousand Wood Array, the auction ended, and the monks left one after another.

Wang Qingshan also left the auction venue, and Lan Fukong walked with Wang Qingshan.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, be careful."

Wang Qingshan kindly reminded that, with the addition of the Qingyang Shield and the Sand Repelling Array, there might be an idea of ​​the cultivator of the Void Refinement to fight Lan Fukong.

"Thank you, Daoyou Wang, for reminding me, I know it well."

Lan Fukong thanked him, he wasn't afraid of trouble, he just didn't want to cause trouble.

The Lan family already has three virtual cultivators, the territory has also expanded, the income has also increased, and Lan Fukong has become richer.


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