Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2570: Monsanto

Guangyuanzong, the council hall.

Li Yu, Han Shuo and other dozens of Guangyuanzong cultivators were discussing the war. Wang Shan left Guangyuanzong to travel.

The cultivators from the Sun family traveled back and joined forces to deal with Guangyuan Sect. Guangyuan sect was defeated, lost a lot of territory, killed and injured many disciples, and lost two of the cultivators.

"This time, the Sun family has gathered 20 cultivators of God Transformation, and they are aggressive. Please ask Qianyuanmen for help! Otherwise, our lives are in danger."

"Yes! We are not their opponents at all, let's ask Qianyuanmen for help! After all, Qianyuanmen asked us to deal with the Sun family."

"Yeah! The bell still needs to be dealt with. Qianyuanmen has a cultivator in charge of the virtual world. As long as Qianyuanmen shows up, the Sun family will definitely retreat."

Many elders expressed their opinions one after another, and they really want to ask Qianyuanmen for help.

Li Yu and Han Shuo don't know this truth. If they ask Qianyuanmen for help, Qianyuanmen will be able to use this to arrange people and make them empty.

At this moment, a piercing alarm sounded from outside, and the ground shook.

"Not good, enemy attack, enemy attack."

Li Yu and the others frowned, the Sun family killed them?

"Go, go out and have a look."

Li Yu and others left the conference hall.

A light cyan light curtain covers the entire Guangyuan Sect, and there are some flower and grass patterns on the surface of the cyan light curtain.

Twenty cultivators were attacking Guangyuanzong's guardian formation, led by a golden-shirted youth with handsome facial features, driving a golden flying sword.

Sun Hongfeng, in the late stage of God Transformation.

When he returned from a trip, he learned that the family nest was breached by the Guangyuan Sect, and the clansmen suffered heavy casualties. He immediately contacted his friends and allies, promising that they were going to destroy the Guangyuan Sect.

The actions of Sun Hongfeng and others have been supported by the power behind Tianhumen. The founder of Tianhumen is Tianhu, and he has a sixth-order Tianhu.

Tianhumen is bordered by the forces of Qianyuanmen. In order to compete for the resources of cultivating immortals, the affiliated forces of the two sects fought and fought a lot.

The Sun family's nest was broken by Guangyuanzong, and the prestige of Tianhumen would also be affected. Naturally, he couldn't ignore it. Tianhumen would not come forward in person, but he sent a lot of affiliated forces to destroy Guangyuanzong.

At the beginning, the Sun family was a little bit afraid, worried that Qianyuanmen would come forward. The strange thing was that not only did Qianyuanmen not come forward, but also the affiliated forces did not come forward, as if Guangyuanzong had been isolated.

After a long time, the Sun family also saw that Guangyuanzong had broken up with Qianyuanmen and became an abandoned son.

In this way, there is nothing to say.

Twenty god-turning cultivators attacked directly. No matter how strong Guangyuanzong's guardian formation is, it is only a matter of time before they can break through.

"Today is the day the Guangyuan Sect was destroyed. Let's start and destroy the Guangyuan Sect."

Sun Hongfeng shouted loudly.

With a pinch of his sword technique, the golden flying sword's sword light soared, turning into a golden rainbow, heading straight for the cyan light curtain.

The other god-turning cultivators stepped up their attacks one after another, and the dense aura drowned the cyan light curtain, and the aura of the cyan light curtain dimmed.

The faces of Li Yu and other Guangyuan cultivators were ugly, and many people were shaken.

"Send someone to send a message to Qianyuanmen and ask for help from Qianyuanmen."

Li Yu instructed that there is a teleportation array in the sect that can be transmitted to Qianyuan Valley. Qianyuan Valley is a market place opened by Qianyuanmen, and it is also a major source of income for Qianyuanmen.

"The teleportation array was closed, I don't know what happened!"

Soon, the disciples of Guangyuan Sect came to report.

Li Yu and Han Shuo's faces became ugly, so it seemed that Qianyuan Sect was going to die and wait for Guangyuan Sect to be destroyed.

"All the disciples obey the order and follow me to fight. Junior Brother Lin, you should retreat with some of your elite disciples! Leave some fire for Guangyuan Sect."

Li Yu ordered.

With a loud bang, a huge golden giant seal smashed the cyan light curtain, and the guardian formation was broken.

"Kill, and leave none."

Sun Hongfeng's face turned cold, blood for blood, tooth for tooth.

"With me here, I see who dares to move Guangyuan Sect."

A icy male voice came from the sky.

A yellow long rainbow flew from a distance and stopped high in the sky. It was Wang Mengshan.

After consolidating his realm, he returned to Qinglian Island to report to Wang Moshan.

Wang Moshan once wanted to take action against Qianyuanmen, but in this way, Wang Mengshan was exposed, and other forces also knew that Wang Mengshan was from the Wang family.

Wang Mengshan rejected Wang Moshan's proposal, he had his own plans.

In order to reward Wang Mengshan for his credit, Wang Mengshan got five low-grade Tongtian Lingbao and a sixth-order puppet beast, but he couldn't sacrifice a sixth-order puppet beast to the enemy unless it was a last resort.

As soon as Wang Mengshan came back, he learned that the Sun family and other forces were targeting Guangyuanzong, and they rushed back day and night.

"Void Refinement! He has entered the Refinement Stage."

Sun Hongfeng and other cultivators were shocked and fled for their lives.

"Do you want to run now? It's too late."

Wang Mengshan's face turned cold, and a yellow light shot up into the sky, turning into a yellow human-shaped phantom, holding a long sword with yellow light.

The humanoid phantom waved the yellow long knife in his hand and slashed towards the void.

With a piercing sound of breaking wind, tens of thousands of yellow saber auras swept out, heading straight for Sun Hongfeng and the others.

Wang Mengshan held a long yellow saber and slashed towards the void, releasing a dense yellow saber aura.

A shrill scream sounded, and most of the cultivators were beheaded on the spot. Sun Hongfeng's escape speed was relatively fast, and he escaped the catastrophe.

"Hmph, let me see how far you can run."

Wang Mengshan turned into a yellow light and chased out.

The disciples of Guangyuan Sect were overjoyed, Li Yu and other cronies were overjoyed, and some elders who secretly took refuge in Qianyuan Sect looked a little unnatural.

More than an hour later, Wang Mengshan came back.

He killed Sun Hongfeng and searched for the soul of Nascent Soul. He didn't know the existence of that secret realm, which means that the insider was dead.

The family has already made arrangements, and Wang Mengshan just needs to cooperate.

"Congratulations to the master for entering the virtual refining period, master, this is the storage ring of the Li Yu handed over more than ten storage rings of different colors, with a respectful expression.

"You have worked hard. I got some opportunities to go out and entered the virtual refining period. By the way, send someone to inform Qianyuanmen that I have entered the refining virtual period. In addition, immediately send someone to receive the sites of these forces, such as If there is resistance, kill without mercy.”

Wang Mengshan instructed that Guangyuan Sect needs to expand its territory if it wants to grow and develop, and now is the best excuse.

The new official took office as three fires. He had just entered the stage of refining virtual, and he did not know whether Tianhumen and Qianyuanmen gave him face.

Those with bare feet are not afraid of those who wear shoes. Who is afraid of whom?

In the worst case, Wang Mengshan revealed his identity and returned to his family.

"Yes, Master."

Li Yu complied and left.

Soon, the news that Wang Shanjin entered the virtual refining period spread quickly, Guangyuanzong took the opportunity to expand the site, Qianyuanmen also sent Luo Qinghong to congratulate at the first time, Wang Mengshan did not embarrass Luo Qinghong.

"Little friend Luo, go back and tell fellow Daoist Lin that we are on the same front. We will support each other in the future and fight against Tianhumen together."

Wang Mengshan instructed.

Luo Qinghong repeatedly claimed that he was, and did not dare to refuse.

He could see that Wang Shan had been hiding his cultivation, otherwise he would not have advanced from the late stage of God Transformation to the Void Refinement Stage within a few decades. This chance is too great.


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