Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2572: Golden Falcon Twin Immortals (no more today)

Spring and autumn come, and the time passed quickly.

In a certain azure sea, the scorching sun is in the sky, the wind is calm, and a group of blue seagulls fly over from a high altitude.

The sea suddenly rolled violently, setting off a huge wave, and there was a shrill roar.

A golden whale with a length of more than 1,000 meters floated out of the sea, with some blue spiritual patterns on its tail, blood stains on its body, and a look of horror in its eyes.

With the golden whale as the center, a huge vortex with a diameter of 100,000 zhang emerged out of thin air. The huge vortex quickly rotated, and a huge water tornado rose into the sky. The golden whale was washed into the sky by the water tornado.

Before it fell, a blue long rainbow flew out from the bottom of the sea and went straight to the golden whale.

The golden whale spewed out a golden sound wave, like paper paste, and the blue Changhong instantly defeated the golden sound wave, directly piercing the golden whale's body, and blood stained the sky.

The blue light flashed, and the figure of Wang Changsheng appeared. He was holding the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sabre, and there was a lot of golden blood on the blade.

Wang Changsheng released the Soul Eater Golden Cicada and let it devour the soul of the golden whale, and the huge body of the golden whale fell from the sky.

On a small island not far away, the double-eyed rat drilled out of the ground. After the yellow light on the surface of the body was released, its size skyrocketed, releasing a yellow light, covering the body of the golden whale. The body of the golden whale quickly shrank and was The body involved in the double-eyed mouse disappeared.

The double-eyed mouse was lying on the ground, and its body became round.

Wang Changsheng descended from the sky and landed in front of the double-eyed mouse.

"You guy, your appetite is getting bigger and bigger."

Wang Changsheng chuckled and said, the double-eyed mouse has a large appetite, but compared to the calcareous turtle, it is still far behind.

The sky-splitting beasts were still sleeping, and Wang Changsheng came out specially to find something to eat for them.

The double-eyed mouse climbed onto Wang Changsheng's shoulder and made an excited "jiji" sound, as if to say, "Thank you, master."

"Let's go! It's not too long for us to come out, it's time to go back."

Wang Changsheng turned into a blue rainbow and left this place.

Seven days later, he returned to the deserted island where Wang Ruyan was, and the sky-splitting beast was transcending the calamity.

Wang Ruyan stood on a low soil slope, looking up into the sky.

A huge thunderous sound came from the sky, and one after another of silver lightning struck down. After this calamity, the sky-splitting beast will be able to advance to the sixth rank.

After half an hour, the thundercloud was still several dozen meters in size. After the violent tumbling, three arcs of blue, red and blue appeared.

"Three-color Divine Thunder! Fortunately, it's only one."

Wang Changsheng's face froze, wondering if the Mirage Dragon's impact on the seventh rank would attract a particularly powerful thunder and lightning power.

The thundercloud tumbled violently, turning into a three-color thunder owl more than a hundred feet long, with thunder light lingering all over his body.

The three-color thunder owl spread its wings and dashed down from the sky.

In a huge valley, the body of the fissure beast is full of scars, and its body is full of silver light, and it is not afraid of the three-color thunder owl.

As soon as the three-color Lei Xiao approached the sky-splitting beast, the sky-splitting beast spurted out a silver light, piercing the figure of the three-color Lei Xiao, and the three-color Lei Xiao exploded instantly, and a dazzling three-color scorching sun rose into the sky, submerging the entire valley.

After a while, the three-color scorching sun dissipated, and Wang Ruyan flew over.

The sky-splitting beast was lying in a huge pit with black smoke, and its body was covered in blood.

Wang Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief, took out a pale silver pill, and fed it to the sky-splitting beast.

Jade Beast Pill, this is the unique medicine of the Wu people, it can heal the wounds of spirit beasts and speed up the recovery speed of spirit beasts.

After taking the Jade Beast Pill, the Sky Splitting Beast flew into a cave to heal its wounds. After a while, its wounds were healed, and they could go to Tianmo Cave to look for the water of the Styx River.

"A cultivator has come here!"

Wang Changsheng frowned, thought for a moment, and released the mirage, which spewed out a large golden mist, covering the entire island.

Not long after, the golden mist dissipated, and the entire island disappeared.

The four rays of light flew from a distance, and the speed was very fast.

After a while, four rays of light appeared in the sky above where Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were hiding. There were four cultivators, headed by a fat black-robed old man. Their eyes were full of fear.

"I want to run, have you run?"

A cold male voice came from the sky.

As soon as the voice fell, dense gold flew from the distant sky.

The four old men in black robes sacrificed their magic weapons to resist. After a huge roar sounded, they defeated the golden light. The golden color was transformed by dense golden beetles. Their sharp fangs were exposed, and there were hundreds of thousands of them. , Insect King is the sixth-order middle grade.

"King Kong worm!"

The black-robed old man paled in shock.

Before they could react, hundreds of thousands of vajra worms swarmed up and drowned the figures of the four people. There was no sign of urging them, and the vajra worms even bit the sign.

The rumbling thunder sounded, and a huge black thunder light lit up, drowning a large number of diamond worms.

The thunder light dissipated, and the number of diamond worms decreased by thousands. Most of the diamond worms were stunned, but they soon returned to normal.

The black-robed old man turned into a black escaping light and walked away, the escaping speed was extremely fast.

A golden thunder light lit up in the sky, and a golden giant falcon appeared in the sky, and a pair of sharp claws hit the black-robed old man.

Countless black mists gushed out from the body of the black-robed old man, covering his body, and faint sounds of ghosts and wolf howls could be heard, and some hideous ghosts could be seen.

Countless golden arcs surged from the surface of the golden giant falcon, drowning the black-robed old man. Hundreds of thousands of diamond worms condensed into a golden giant sword, submerged in the golden lightning, and a scream came out.

Two escaping lights flew from the distant sky. Not long after, the two escaping lights stopped. They were an old man in golden robes with a hunchback and a young woman in silver skirts with gorgeous features.

The old man in the golden robe had a ruddy face, and he wore a golden spirit beast bracelet on his left The young woman in a silver skirt was tall and slender, with fair skin and a silver bracelet on her left hand.

Both of them have the strength in the late stage of virtual refinement.

"Golden Falcon Twin Immortals!"

Wang Changsheng recognized the identities of the two, and he had heard other cultivators mention the Golden Falcon Shuangxian more than once.

The old man in the golden robe is the master of a hundred insects and has raised a variety of spiritual insects, among which the diamond worm is the most powerful.

The King Kong worm is ranked 40th on the Ten Thousand Insects List. He likes to eat hardware and spiritual things. Tongtian Lingbao can be swallowed.

The Insect King is already a sixth-rank mid-rank, and I don't know how much effort it took to cultivate to this realm.

The young woman in the silver skirt is Mrs. Lei Falcon, who has raised many kinds of spirit beasts. The Golden Lei Falcon is the most powerful, and is currently a mid-rank 6th grade.

The two of them are dual cultivators and have great magical powers.

They drove the spirit worms and spirit birds to kill the four cultivators, which shows how powerful they are.

As soon as the Master Hundred Insects pinch, hundreds of thousands of Vajra worms flew back with four storage rings.

He found a black animal skin from a storage ring, glanced at it, and was overjoyed.

"Yes, it is indeed the map of Tianmo Cave, God helps us."

Master Bai Zong said excitedly.

They put away the spirit insects and spirit birds and left here.


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