Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2577: The water of the Styx is in hand (not available today)

Half a year later, there was a rolling black mountain range. Looking around, the vegetation here was dense, and most of the vegetation was black.

Two escaping lights flew from a distance, and after a while, the two escaping lights stopped, showing Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, their faces solemn.

According to the clues given by Chen Yan, they ran to many places, but they did not find the water of the Ming River. They killed a few sixth-order monsters, but they also encountered seventh-order monsters. Fortunately, they found it early and let them The sky-splitting beast casts space supernatural powers and hides in a temporary space for refuge.

This is the last place, I hope to find the water of the Styx.

The double-eyed mouse emerged from Wang Changsheng's arms, and his eyes lit up with a dazzling yellow light.

Wang Changsheng was distracted by the double-eyed mouse. He could clearly see that there was a black pool in an underground cave dozens of miles away. .

Before that, Wang Changsheng had collected two kinds of black spiritual water, neither of which was the water of the Styx.

Inside the cave was a huge black toad, covered in blood, lying in the corner.

"A seventh-order monster!"

Wang Changsheng frowned, it seemed that this black toad was injured, but he could try it.

They had previously obtained two sets of sixth-order formations on Wandu Island. The formations were damaged, but they could be used. Together with the Sky Splitter and Mirage, they could try it out.

Wang Ruyan took out two sets of sixth-order formations, and laid out formations in an open area, one for attack and one for defense. As long as they trap the seventh-order monsters for a period of time, that's fine.

Wang Ruyan arranged the formation, Wang Changsheng turned into a blue light, and flew into the distance.

It didn't take long for him to appear in that underground cave, and as soon as he entered the cave, a biting chill came on his face.

The eyes of the double-eyed mouse flickered with yellow light, and Wang Changsheng could clearly see the situation inside the cave.

When he approached the entrance of the cave, the black toad seemed to have discovered Wang Changsheng, turned into a black rainbow, and flew out.

A loud roar sounded, and a dark sound wave swept out, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng had been prepared for a long time, his right fist released a blue light, and he smashed it towards the void. Countless blue sea water poured out, turning into a huge blue fist shadow, shattering the black sound wave.

A long black tongue, like a long black whip, easily defeated the blue fist shadow, and instantly appeared in front of Wang Changsheng, piercing Wang Changsheng's body.

Wang Changsheng turned into a little bit of blue water vapor and disappeared, the water escape technique.

The black Changhong flew out of the cave, and countless blue water vapors emerged from the void dozens of miles away, taking the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng turned into a blue rainbow and flew away, but before he flew far, a strange roar sounded, Wang Changsheng was wearing the Golden Peng Pendant, which was not affected at all.

A long black tongue descended from the sky and patted Wang Changsheng.

The blue light on Wang Changsheng's body emitted a great deal of light, turning into ten, flying in different directions. Most of Wang Changsheng was hit by the long black tongue and collapsed one after another.

The long black tongue slapped on a peak, and the peak exploded, torn apart, and smoke billowed.

The black toad did not chase, and was about to return to the cave.

Countless blood-colored thorns drilled out of the ground, heading straight for the black toad.

The black toad spewed out a black demonic fire, burning the blood-colored thorns with no residue left.

The ground shook slightly, and green vines burst out of the ground, turning into a dense green forest in a radius of fifty miles, and you could see towering trees one after another.

There was a gust of wind, and a large amount of blue light emerged from the void, turning into blue wind blades one after another, slashing at the black toad.

The black toad spewed out a dark sound wave. Wherever it passed, the ashes of the towering trees disappeared, and the blue wind blade could not touch the black toad, so it was defeated by the black sound wave.

Soon, more green trees emerged from the ground, surrounding the black toads.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Changsheng turned into a blue light and flew into the cave.

He came to the black pool and offered a flying knife with blue light shining. The tip of the knife touched the black pool water. The blue flying knife quickly froze, and the ice layer was black.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, the blue flying knife flew to the ground and smashed to pieces.

"The water of the Styx!"

Wang Changsheng was overjoyed, he quickly sacrificed the Qinglian Fortune Ding, and entered a magic trick. The Qinglian Fortune Ding instantly swelled in size, emitting a cyan glow, covering the water of the Styx.

It didn't take long for the water of the Ming River to be taken away by the Qinglian Fortune Ding Cauldron. The quantity was not too large, and it could condense Wang Changsheng's dharma to seven-tenths, which was already very good.

Wang Changsheng put away the Qinglian Fortune Ding and flew out.

At this time, the black toad had already broken two sixth-order formations. These two sixth-order formations had been damaged, and their power was not as strong as before. Even a wounded seventh-order monster could be easily broken.

There was a huge toad phantom on the top of the black toad's head, and the toad phantom spewed out a dark sound wave, heading straight for Wang Ruyan.

At the same time, the black toad spewed out a long black tongue, like a long black whip, and slapped at Wang Ruyan.

The flute sounded lingeringly, and waves of blue sound waves swept out.

The black sound wave collided with the blue sound wave, and the blue sound wave shattered instantly.

Wang Ruyan swayed, avoiding the long black tongue, which landed on the ground, the ground was torn apart, and the smoke billowed.

A tsunami sounded, and a piece of blue water rushed forward, heading straight for the black toad.

The toad phantom spewed out a dark sound wave, and the sea water burst instantly, turning into countless water droplets, spreading in all directions.

The radius of a hundred miles was razed to the A huge blue blade flew towards the black toad.

The black toad sensed something was wrong, and was about to avoid it when a loud shout from a man resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the black toad's body trembled slightly.

The blue giant blade hit the black toad, and it disappeared into its body.

The power of the divine consciousness transforming attack is much stronger than that of Zhenshen's Roar.

The spiritual consciousness of the cultivator can transform into a form attack, but the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator is still very weak and does not have such great power.

Wang Changsheng's attack took most of his divine sense, and the power was huge. This was the new supernatural power he mastered after cultivating the "Taixu Forging Divine Art" to the seventh level—the Blade of Destruction!

The God-destroying Blade is a physical attack, directly attacking the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

If it is used to deal with monsters below the seventh rank or cultivators, the effect of the God-destroying blade is even better.

The black toad let out a painful roar, and the phantom of the toad became looming.

A dragon roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and countless golden mists poured out from the ground, covering the black toad.

A quarter of an hour later, the golden mist dissipated and a black toad appeared. At this time, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan also disappeared.

It was trapped by the Mirage Dragon's illusion, otherwise, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would not be able to escape.

The black toad had not spent a long time in the great catastrophe, and had no intention to pursue Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and returned to the lair to heal.


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