Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2587: Qingfeng retreats from the enemy (not today)

It is most likely a panacea to make the monsters advance to the sixth rank.

There are many passages here, extending in all directions, and it is too troublesome to explore them one by one.

Wang Mengbin flicked his wrist lightly, and a golden light flew out. It was a golden squirrel with golden eyes and a short tail.

Seeking the spirit mouse!

This is the descendant of the double-eyed mouse, which has been separated by dozens of generations.

There are many descendants of the double-eyed mouse. The royal master of the Wang family mates the descendants of the double-eyed mouse with other spirit mice, hoping to cultivate a better breed. The spirit-seeking mouse is one of them. The sense of smell is more sensitive than the ordinary double-eyed mouse. Only a thousand of them have been bred so far.

This spirit-seeking mouse is of the fifth rank and is good at finding spirit medicine.

The spirit-seeking mouse sniffed a few times, and drilled toward a narrow gap in front of it.

Wang Mengbin blasted away the stone wall and followed.

A quarter of an hour later, he appeared in an underground cave with a size of several acres. In the corner was a red fruit tree that was about ten feet high. There were dozens of golden fruits hanging from the fruit tree. The fruit was narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, resembling a mini gourd.

"Golden gourd fruit!"

Wang Mengbin suddenly realized that the golden gourd fruit blooms in five thousand years, bears fruit in five thousand years, and matures in another five thousand years, growing in a place with abundant fire and spiritual energy.

If he guessed correctly, after a long period of evolution, a gold ore vein slowly appeared here, causing the fire spirit in this place to become richer. A golden gourd fruit tree, the thunder and fire cockroach devoured the golden gourd fruit, only then can the cultivation base make great progress, thus advancing to the sixth rank.

He carefully picked all the golden gourd fruits, put them in multiple jade boxes, and left with the spirit-seeking mouse.

Not long after, he returned to the ground and joined Wang Zongyan and others.

Wang Mengbin briefly talked about the situation of the Thunder Fire Clam's lair, and planned to send his clan to occupy the place to check carefully to see if there were any other treasures. By the way, he could mine the gold ore veins. As for the golden gourd fruit tree, he sent a high-level Lingzhi husband to transplant it. .

"Yixin, Yimiao, you guys stay here, don't let others take away the golden gourd fruit tree, and after you go back, send clansmen to occupy this place."

Wang Mengbin instructed to leave the five cultivators behind and leave with the others.

The golden gourd fruit is divided into four parts, one for Wang Mengbin, one for Bai Yuqi and one for Wang Zongyan, and the remaining one is handed over to the family for good deeds.


There used to be a medium-sized azure ore vein here in the Qingying Mountains. The azure stone is a fifth-order refining material, with high hardness and high temperature resistance. The core of the fifth-order puppet beast will be refined into this material to improve its defense ability.

This is a stronghold of the Ning family. Ning Lan, the ancestor of the Ning family, came from Zhenhai Palace.

Ning Lan left the Zhenhai Palace and established a family. In order to obtain resources for immortal cultivation, the Ning family adopted a strategy of making distant friends and attacking nearby.

After many years of mining, the azure stone has long been mined. However, the resources of monsters here are rich, and there are many fifth-order monsters, which attracts many high-level monks to hunt and kill monsters here. The Ning family set up a square market here. Business is not bad.

The Su family also took a fancy to this place. In order to compete for this place, the Su family directly sent people to attack the Ning family's many strongholds. The Ning family's overall strength lost to the Su family and suffered heavy losses, so they were forced to give up this stronghold.

The Wang family stepped up efforts and invested more manpower and material resources in the inland. Ning Lan sent people to contact the Wang family, hoping to use the power of the Wang family to regain the lost territory.

The two ancestors once lived and died together, and belonged to the affiliated family of Zhenhai Palace. In addition, the Ning family had developed in the inland for many years, and had extensive communication and connections. The Wang family also wanted to use the power of the Ning family to expand their own strength. help.

Deep in the Qingyi Mountains, there is an open field.

At the top of a peak, dozens of Wang family disciples gathered together, led by Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli, with Wang Gonghu and others standing behind them.

Opposite them, there are dozens of children of the Qian family, headed by a beautiful woman in a white dress with picturesque features.

The beautiful woman in the white dress is as fat as she is, with a graceful figure, her hair is combed over her temples, and money is like the moon, in the early stage of refining.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, that's it. If you lose, Jin Yungu will belong to our Qian family."

Qian Ruyue said in a deep voice.

"a man of his words."

Wang Qingfeng agreed, the Qian family had two cultivators, and the ancestors of the Qian family came from the Five Sacred Sects.

Tens of thousands of years ago, Master Wudu made great achievements in the racial war. The Xuanqing Sect rewarded a piece of land and handed it over to Master Wudu to establish a sect. Unfortunately, Master Wudu died under the great catastrophe. The five holy sects did not appear to have any integrated monks again.

The thin and dead camel is bigger than a horse. There are currently no integrated cultivators in the Five Sages, and there are no less than ten cultivators. They are powerful.

The Wang family did not help in vain. If they won, the Qingying Mountains belonged to the Wang family. If they lost, the Ning family would hand over another piece of land to the Qian family. No matter whether they won or lost, the Wang family would not suffer. site.

"Okay, I also want to learn about Daoyou Wang's magical powers."

Qian Ruyue agreed and flew out. Floating high in the air.

Her body revealed a white light, and a white light shot up into the sky, turning into a huge female phantom. The phantom's head shone like a real body.

Her dharma has been condensed by one-tenth, which is not bad.

Wang Qingfeng jumped and flew out, and when the magic trick was pinched, a red light shot up into the sky, turning into a phantom of a red giant sword.

Qian Ruyue frowned and pinched the magic formula. The woman's phantom opened her mouth and spewed out a beam of white light, which flew high into the sky and turned into a white cloud hundreds of miles in size.

After the white clouds rolled violently, white ice cones flew out one after another, heading straight for Wang Qingfeng.

A large number of white snowflakes floated down in the wind, and after a blur, they turned into white ice blades several feet long, slashing at Wang Qingfeng.

Qian Ruyue threw out a command flag that was flickering with white light, and entered a magic trick. The white command flag spun around and the white light was released, turning into a white ice python that was more than a thousand feet long, and rushed towards the opposite side.

Mana Transformation!

She has been in the Void Refinement Stage for more than 4,000 years. She has deep mana, and it takes a lot of mana to activate the Dharma.

Wang Qingfeng also understood this. With a flick of his sleeve, five long knives flickering with golden light flew out. This was a heaven-penetrating treasure made from golden scorch stones.

With a pinch of his magic trick, the five golden long knives soared in aura, merged into one, and turned into a giant blade with a golden light that flickered incessantly.


Wang Qingfeng tapped his finger lightly, and the giant golden blade turned into a golden rainbow, heading straight for the opposite side.

The sound of breaking the air continued, and thousands of red sword qi swept out, like a red torrent, hitting the opposite side mightily.

A loud bang!

The white ice pick and white ice blade were like paper paste, smashed by the red torrent, and the white ice python was beaten back to its original shape by the golden Changhong as soon as it met, and turned into a white command flag.

The golden Changhong flew the white command flag and went straight to Qian Ruyue.

Qian Ruyue opened an apricot mouth and sprayed out a small white mirror that was flickering with white light. The small white mirror sprayed out a white light, covering the golden Changhong. The golden Changhong stopped and turned into a white ice blade. The ice layer was several feet thick. .

Wang Qingfeng's magic tactic was pinched, and the white ice blade emitted a burst of white smoke, the ice layer dissipated, the golden giant blade was wrapped in a golden flame, emitting a terrifying high temperature, and went straight to the money like the moon, and at the same time, the red torrent also arrived at the money. In front of the moon.

Qian Ruyue was taken aback, and while urging the Dharma image, a piece of white glow was sprayed out, freezing the red torrent, and at the same time she threw out a white shield to block in front of her.

The golden giant blade suddenly changed direction, UU reading www. slashed at the female phantom.

The woman's phantom opened her mouth and spewed out a white glow, which was instantly cut in half by the golden giant blade.

With a loud noise, the woman's phantom was cut in half by the giant golden blade, Qian Ruyue spat out a mouthful of blood, and her face turned pale.

The golden giant blade slashed head-on, with a posture of slicing Qian Ruyue in half.

"Fellow Daoist Wang stopped, the concubine admitted defeat."

Qian Ruyue hurriedly shouted loudly, her body revealed a white light that turned into a cloud of white mist and disappeared.

The golden giant blade slashed on the ground, the ground was torn apart, and a crack that was ten thousand zhang long and more than one hundred zhang wide appeared, and the ground caught fire.

A white light lit up in the void a hundred miles away, and Qian Ruyue appeared at once, with fear in his eyes.

Wang Qingfeng actually has a five-piece Tongtian Lingbao in her hand, she really can't compare.

"It's accepted, Mrs. Qian, I hope you will fulfill the agreement, otherwise, my knife will not be cut to the ground."

Wang Qingfeng said coldly.

Qian Ruyue sighed and left with her clan.

"Let's go! Let's go back too!"

Wang Qingfeng put away the treasures, withdrew the dharma, and left with his clan.

A month later, this duel quickly spread, Wang Qingfeng's reputation soared, and he was given the title of the Heavenly Sword Master.


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