Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2590: Delicate mind Wang Gonghu (not today)

Millions of miles away, in an endless emerald green mountain range, a huge red Flood Dragon quickly swept through the sky at a very high speed.

The four Wang Gonghu stood on the head of the red dragon. He didn't intend to rush to Dafang City. If Master Tianzhu pursued them, he would definitely block them in Dafang City.

He did the opposite and went to Xiaofang City.

Su Yunxin is talking to Wang Gonghu about the development of Tianyuanzong over the years. This is what Wang Gonghu asked him to talk about, including which enemies Tianyuanzong has, which forces have a bad relationship with, and who has offended, including Huochan's social circle.

This is a good way to plan an escape route. If it is a force that has a good relationship with Master Huochan, it is natural to avoid it.

"What? You're in the Spirit Transformation Stage, and Master Huochan and the others gave you something? You take it with you?"

Wang Gonghu frowned and asked, this is not good news.

"Yeah! Uncle Lin and the others gave me spirit beasts, spirit treasures and spirit medicines, but I've checked them many times and there are no problems."

Su Yunxin wondered.

"Did they give you things before? Was the thing especially expensive?"

Wang Gonghu asked.

"I used to give it away, and it wasn't particularly expensive. My great-grandfather and I checked many times and found nothing abnormal, so I accepted it."

Su Yunxin explained.

"Take out all the things they gave you, and don't leave one behind. For the sake of your life and mine, you'd better not take chances."

Wang Gonghu said solemnly, he is not afraid of 10,000 just in case, he would rather be cautious than be careless.

Su Yunxin didn't dare to be careless, and quickly took out the gifts from Master Huochan and others.

Wang Lihe flicked his wrist, and a large piece of fierce sword energy swept out, hitting the ground, and a huge pit suddenly appeared on the ground. Su Yunxin threw all these things into the giant pit and buried them.

With a flick of Wang Gonghu's wrist, dozens of cyan butterflies flew out from the spirit beast bracelet. The cyan butterflies flew towards the trees near the giant pit and landed on the trees.

He separated dozens of distractions and attached them to the bodies of dozens of cyan butterflies. When the magic trick was pinched, the red flood dragon increased its speed and soon disappeared into the sky.

After a cup of tea, the four-winged flying cockroach chased up, and the dharma plate in the hands of the young woman in the blue skirt kept resounding.

She frowned, grabbed the ground with one hand, and a red-golden bead flew out from the ground and floated in front of her.

The golden round bead is a spiritual treasure-seeking bead, and it is a matching treasure with the inspiration plate in her hand. It was passed down from the Qingli sea area. The spirit-seeking bead was refined with the eyeballs of some kind of fifth-order golden shark beast. So, as long as Su Yunxin brings the spirit-seeking bead, within ten thousand miles, the spirit plate will respond.

The Spirit-seeking Orb is a Spirit Treasure, and the Spirit-seeking Disk is the Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure. The relationship between the two is a bit like the Spirit Insect and the Insect King. They are specially used to track the enemy, but she can use the Spirit-seeking Disk to track Su Yunxin, but Su Yunxin cannot use the Spirit Seeking Orb to track. she.

When Su Yunxin entered the spirit-transforming stage, she specially gave the Spirit-seeking Orb as a congratulatory gift, just to monitor Su Yunxin's movements. If they failed to force the palace, or Su Qinghe broke out of the siege, she could use the spiritual disk to track it.

"They found out the hands and feet I did, it shouldn't be!"

The face of the young woman in the green skirt became ugly.

Master Sky Spider seemed to sense something, and he grabbed his right hand towards the void, and dozens of blue butterflies flew towards him, which were crushed by him.

"It's interesting. Not only did they discover your hands and feet, but they also released spirit butterflies to monitor. It seems that they have already discovered us, but they probably haven't run far."

The Celestial Spider sneered, and released a patch of pale golden bees. The bees had four wings on their backs. They circled in the air a few times, and then chased in the direction where Wang Gonghu and the others fled.

His divine sense can be extended for more than 3,000 miles, and no matter how far away it is, it will not be able to sense it clearly.

The spirit chasing bee's sensitive sense of smell comes in handy.

"Chase, don't let them run away."

The Spirit Chasing Bee flew more than a hundred miles away, and the Spirit Chasing Bee suddenly split into three groups and flew in different directions.

Venerable Sky Spider couldn't be sure whose hands the thunderballs were sucked in.

The four of them were divided into three groups, the Heavenly Spider and the young woman in the green skirt pursued one way, and the two disciples each pursued one way.

After flying more than one million miles, Venerable Tianzhu appeared in a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. There was a lot of people talking inside. big letters.

"The real Huochan colluded with the evil cultivators to harm innocent people. The cultivators of the Wang family on Qinglian Island assisted the head of Su to clean up the door. Master Tianzhu contributed a lot."

A tall, thin middle-aged man stood outside the valley, holding a piece of Echo Bamboo in his hand, which he kept replaying.

"Who told you to let it go?"

The young woman in the green skirt asked.

"It was the cultivator of the Wang family of Qinglian Island who asked the junior to do this. He gave the junior 50,000 spirit stones, and asked the junior to publicize it here. Some people in Fang City used the echo bamboo to play it back."

The middle-aged man said truthfully.

The Heavenly Spider's face was ashen. In this way, as long as the children of the Wang family were killed, the Wang family would think of the Heavenly Spider. This was Wang Gonghu's warning to the Heavenly Spider, unless the Heavenly Spider could hear all the words. It is obviously impossible to kill all the monks. Although Fang City is small, there are also teleportation formations.


Master Tianzhu was still reluctant to give up, and walked into the valley with a young woman in a blue skirt. There were monks in the streets and alleys holding the Echo Bamboo and replaying this passage.

They came to the hall where the teleportation array was located, and were surprised to find that the teleportation array the other party was riding on was temporarily suspended. Needless to say, the other party teleported over and immediately destroyed the teleportation array. It would take a certain amount of time to repair it.

No matter how sensitive a spirit chasing bee is, it cannot detect a target hundreds of thousands of miles away. After all, it is only a fifth-order spirit insect.


The Golden Saber School has been passed down for more than 700 years. There are four spiritual monks. The founder of the sect, Master Jindao, has the cultivation base of the middle stage of the spiritual transformation.

On this day, he was cultivating in the secret room when a sound transmission flew in.

Master Jindao crushed the sound transmission, and a hurried male voice sounded: "Master, the children of the royal family of Qinglian Island came to visit, saying that there was an emergency, and they wanted to interview the master, what do you think?"

"The royal family of Qinglian Island?"

The Golden Sabre Master was stunned for a moment. He had naturally heard of this family. This was the Immortal Cultivation Family affiliated to Zhenhai Palace, and it was not something that the Golden Sabre faction could provoke.

He took out a message board, typed a magic formula, and instructed, "Quickly invite them to the reception room, I'll be there right away."

Master Jindao put away the communication disk and walked out.

Welcome to the living room, Wang Gonghu and Su Yunxin are talking.

When they passed through Xiaofang City, they spent a lot of money to inquire about the situation of the Golden Sabre Sect. The Golden Sabre Sect is a newly established sect, with a shallow background, far from the Tianyuan Sect, and there is no intersection between the two sects.

Wang Gonghu wanted to use the power of the Golden Sabre Sect to avoid the pursuit of Venerable Spider.

It didn't take long before the Golden Sabre Master came over.

A few simple polite words, Wang Gonghu went straight to the topic: "Fellow Daoist Sun, we have an urgent matter, and would like to borrow the teleportation array of your Golden Sabre faction, which can be teleported to the teleportation arrays in other square cities, how about this fifth-order puppet beast as a reward? "

Wang Gonghu took out a fifth-order puppet beast and said sincerely.

Master Jindao was stunned, unable to believe what he heard.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, who are you?"

Master Jindao hesitated, he couldn't believe it, there is such a good thing, if the Wang family wants to deal with the Jindao faction, there is no need to be so troublesome, is it a spy sent by the enemy? Disguised as a son of the Wang family?

Wang Gonghu didn't talk nonsense, he released the fifth-order Flood Dragon, and said, "We are going to carry out an urgent mission now, and want to borrow the teleportation formation of your faction. If Sun Daoyou is unwilling, forget it. We will definitely not force it. Xuejianmen should not refuse."

The relationship between Xuejianmen and the Golden Sabre faction is very poor, and the two factions have fought many times over the territory and resources for cultivating immortals.

"That's alright! The teleportation array in our sect can travel millions of miles to Jinyufang City. Our Golden Sabre faction is one of the managers."

The Golden Sabre Master hesitated for a while, but agreed, the other party has a fifth-order flood dragon, which is definitely not something that the enemies of the Golden Sabre faction can have, plus the fifth-order puppet beast, he can only believe it.

"You give us a trip yourself!"

Wang Gonghu said solemnly, the teleportation formation can be spread out for a long distance, and it is not so easy for Venerable Sky Spider to borrow the teleportation formation of the Golden Sabre faction.

Master Jin Dao naturally did not dare to say no, and personally escorted Wang Gonghu and Su Yunxin away.

As soon as the teleportation passed, Wang Gonghu immediately destroyed the teleportation array that came, lost a large sum of spirit stones, and left with Su Yunxin.

In this way, Wang Gonghu used a variety of methods to get rid of Master Tianzhu and ran away for a moment. Master Tianzhu chased him for more than half a month, but he couldn't see Wang Gonghu's shadow, so he could only give up.

Unless he can be sure who is in the hands of sucking the thunder ball, Master Tianzhu will not dare to kill him, otherwise the Wang family will put the blame on Master Tianzhu.

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