Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2592: Yunmeng Chu Family

Xuanling Continent, inland.

The Yunmeng Mountains stretch for thousands of miles, with exotic flowers and plants, cranes and apes, strange rocks, and waterfalls hanging in the sky. This is the old nest of the Chu family.

The ancestor of the Chu family, Chu Tianhong, came from Shenbingmen and was proficient in the art of refining.

According to the gossip, a member of the Chu family from Tianling root worshipped under the deputy head of Shenbingmen, and the development prospects of the Chu family are bright.

Long live the birthday of Chu Tianhong, held a grand celebration, invited many forces to participate, a large number of guests poured into the Chu family, and the Chu family sent more patrol personnel.

Chu Yiyun has been practicing Taoism for three hundred years, and he is currently in the late Nascent Soul, leading a team on patrol.

A clear and loud bird chirping came from the sky, and a seven-color aura appeared in the distant sky.

"Someone is here."

Chu Yiyun's face froze, and he looked towards the distant sky.

It didn't take long for the seven-color aura to stop. It was a peacock with wings spread out thousands of feet and seven colors of feathers. Hundreds of monks stood on it, and their clothes had a pattern of blue lotus flowers. Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao.

"The royal family of Qinglian Island!"

Chu Yiyun's face froze, and he quickly bowed and saluted: "Junior Chu Yiyun, I have seen Senior Wang."

"Young friend Chu, we are invited to attend the birthday of your ancestor of the Chu family. This is an invitation."

Wang Qingcheng took out a golden invitation, and with a flick of his wrist, the golden invitation flew out of his hand and landed in front of Chu Yiyun.

Chu Yiyun carefully checked the invitation, took out the communication disk and contacted the clan elder.

"Senior, wait a moment, the fifth uncle will come out immediately."

Chu Yiyun said politely.

Wang Qingcheng nodded. They came to participate in Chu Tianhong's long live birthday, hoping to exchange for the materials for transcending the calamity or the material of the law. For this, they brought a variety of materials and a sixth-order defense formation.

If he guessed correctly, Chu Tianhong held his birthday in order to collect materials for the calamity. According to the information, Chu Tianhong has survived at least three calamities.

Long live longevity is just a reason. As for whether Chu Tianhong is long live or not, no one cares.

A blue escaping light flew from a distance and was very fast.

It didn't take long for the blue escape light to stop, and a flying boat with blue light flickering appeared. Lan Fukong and other more than a dozen Lan family cultivators stood on it.

"Lan Fukong in Xiayunhang Mountain! I heard that the noble ancestors have a long birthday, so I came here to congratulate him."

Lan Fukong said politely that he had survived the first catastrophe.

He looked at Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao, and said with a smile: "Wang Daoyou, Mrs. Wang, what a coincidence! Many years ago, I said goodbye to Qinglian Jianzun. Wasn't he with you?"

"Friend Lan has met Seventh Brother?"

Wang Qingcheng was stunned for a moment, he had naturally heard of True Monarch Crazy Blowing.

"Of course, we met in Qingjiao Valley, and we also went to attend the sermon of Master Qiyan, and then we separated. Didn't he return to Qinglian Island?"

Lan Fukong said with a puzzled face.

Of course, the whereabouts of a top force's combat power can't be told to outsiders casually, Lan Fukong still knows what to do.

"We haven't met him, maybe on the way back."

Wang Qingcheng said vaguely.

Lan Fukong nodded and didn't ask any further questions.

"Senior Lan? Do you have an invitation?"

Chu Yiyun asked politely, he hadn't heard that the family invited the Lan family.

Yunhang Mountain is hundreds of billions of miles away from the Yunmeng Mountain Range, and the two families have little contact. The Chu family did not invite the Lan family at all.

"No, but the old man has long admired the name of Fellow Daoist Chu, and came to congratulate him, please pass on the information to little friend Chu."

Lan Fukong said politely, as long as there are major events, you can definitely get to know other high-level cultivators, and maybe you can also get Dharma phase materials and tribulation materials.

He has already passed the first great catastrophe, and what he lacks is the material of the dharma.

In addition to participating in various parties and large auctions, Lan Fukong also mixes in various birthdays and celebrations, and participates even if he is not invited.

He didn't eat and drink, but he gave gifts. Of course, he didn't eat less of the closed doors, but after entering the virtual refining period, he ate less of the closed doors.

Chu Yiyun responded and took out the communication disk to inform the clan elder.

"I've heard about the name of Fellow Daoist Lan for a long time, and Fellow Daoist Lan came here to congratulate the old ancestor, and he has a heart."

A gentle male voice came from the sky, resounding for thousands of miles.

A golden escaping light flew from a distance, and it stopped with a flickering. It was a quadrilateral beast car that flickered with golden light. The aura of the quadrilateral beast car was astonishing.

A young man in a golden shirt with handsome features stood in the quadrilateral animal cart, with a burly stature and bright eyes.

"In Chu Yunjie, I met Daoyou Wang, Madam Wang, and Daoyou Lan."

The young man in the golden shirt bowed his hands and said politely.

He instructed Chu Yiyun: "Yiyun, you have nothing to do here, you go on patrol!"

Chu Yiyun and the others responded and left.

"I've heard of the seven heroes of the Chu family for a long time. Daoyou Chu is really young and promising. He entered the Void Refinement Stage at such a young age. This old man is far worse than you. Daoyou Chu's future achievements are limitless."

Lan Fukong boasted, with a flattering look on his face.

Behind the Chu family is the Shenbingmen. The Chu family's Tianlinggen clansmen worship under the sub-sect master of the Shenbingmen. There is a high probability that the Chu family will have a fit cultivator in the future. UU Reading

"Wang Daoyou and Mrs. Wang are like dragons and phoenixes at first sight. It is a certainty that they will advance to the fusion stage in the future."

Lan Fukong did not forget Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao.

Just blowing what Chu Yunjie said might offend Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, Madam Wang, and Fellow Daoist Lan, please come inside, we have already prepared our accommodation."

Chu Yunjie made a gesture of invitation and led the way in front.

It didn't take long for them to stop. There was a desolate mountain range in front of them, and there was not a single person.

Chu Yunjie took out a golden token, injected it with mana, and a golden light flew out, submerging into the void, and ripples appeared in the void. Wherever he passed, a rolling green mountain range appeared.

A large number of buildings can be seen, either floating in the air, located on cliffs, or located on the top of the mountain, and a lot of escaping light can be seen. A golden tower with golden light has attracted the attention of Lan Fukong.

The golden giant tower is full of aura, and you can see the five golden characters of "Golden Yansuo Demon Tower".

This is a low-grade heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure. The Chu family specially used it to temper the younger generation. It can transform into a variety of monsters to attack the passers-by. Many powers have this kind of treasure.

The Lan family also has them, but the Lan family can only transform into fifth-order monsters, but that's okay. The Lan family only has three cultivators, which is enough for now.

Chu Yunjie arranged residences for them. The residences of the Wang family and the Lan family are adjacent to each other, and they are both located on a mountain peak.

Chu Yunjie said a few words and left, letting them rest.

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