Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2743: Such as smoke impact fit period

At noon, the scorching sun is in the sky

Wang Yimiao led a group of people to patrol the waters near Tianshu Island. More than 500 years ago, he was assigned to Tianshu Island to be responsible for patrolling the waters near Tianshu Island.

This is an idle job, but Wang Yimiao did not dare to be sloppy. This job was personally appointed by Wang Moshan.

After years of development, the high-level monsters in this sea area were slaughtered. Occasionally, a fifth-order monster appeared, and the Wang family quickly dispatched cultivators to solve it.

"After today, we can rest well for a few years."

A clansman said with a chuckle that the patrols adopt a rotation system, which is rotated every three years.

"Get up and get back to Tianshu Island at night, and it's not too late to have a good rest."

Wang Yimiao warned.

The sea breeze blew, setting off huge waves.

The sky slowly darkened, and Wang Yimiao led the team back to Tianshu Island. As soon as they approached, a loud thunder sounded from the sky, resounding through the heavens and the earth.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth became chaotic, and they rushed towards a certain place, converging into a large five-color spiritual cloud, covering the small half of Tianshu Island.

The rumbling sound of thunder came from high in the sky, and one after another thick silver lightning pierced the sky, lightning flashed and thundered, thunder snakes danced wildly, and a huge thundercloud appeared in the sky without warning.

The thundercloud tumbled violently, and was vaguely divided into seven groups, and the seven groups of thunderclouds were connected together like a whole.

There was a gust of wind on the island, the trees on the island swayed from side to side, some buildings swayed slightly, and the clansmen flying in the sky almost fell from the sky.

Wang Yimiao was stunned. He seemed to have seen relevant records somewhere.

"Seven and nine thunder tribulations!"

Wang Yimiao took a deep breath and exclaimed.

Wang Ruyan is in the impact fit period, only she meets the conditions.

"You leave Tianshu Island temporarily, strengthen your alert, and don't let idle people get close to this place."

A majestic male voice sounded.

Countless blue water vapors emerged, condensed into one place, and turned into the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's eyes were gloomy, and he looked at the thunderclouds high in the sky.

Wang Yimiao and others responded and left one after another.

A clear and loud flute sounded, and an astonishing aura surged into the sky, turning into a huge female phantom.

As soon as the female phantom appeared, she made a burst of moving music, and she opened her mouth and sucked in abruptly.

The female phantom grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, less than ten breaths, the five-colored spiritual cloud disappeared, and the female phantom also rose to a height of more than a thousand feet.

Below is a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. A large number of green bamboos are planted in the valley. In the center of the bamboo sea is a two-story blue attic.

Wang Ruyan was sitting on a cyan futon, her eyes were closed, and a half-foot-high mini-young infant floated above her head.

The Mini Nascent Soul opened its mouth and inhaled, a large amount of heaven and earth aura gathered towards it, and it was sucked into the abdomen. The Mini Nascent Soul slowly grew bigger, and the mini Nascent Soul grew to a height of more than five feet without ten breaths.

The mini Yuanying drilled back into Wang Ruyan's body, and she opened her eyes and pinched the magic formula.

She felt unbearable heat in her abdomen, all the meridians were tingling and unbearable, a large amount of heaven and earth aura gathered in her body, and her meridians were swelled by the huge aura.

Wang Ruyan's body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a huge ball.

The huge spiritual energy rushed into the body, and some meridians could not bear it and broke apart.

Wang Ruyan's brows were wrinkled, the pain was unbearable, she gritted her teeth and continued to hold on.

Wang Changsheng stood on top of a towering mountain peak, his eyes fixed on the thunderclouds in the sky.

After a cup of tea, the thundercloud rolled violently, and a thick silver lightning cut through the void and went straight to the valley.

Qingfengzhu moved quickly, weaving it into a huge blue net bag, and protecting the blue attic inside.

The silver lightning struck on the cyan net pocket, tearing open a hole. The gap in the cyan net pocket was quickly filled by the dense green wind bamboo, and the second thunder calamity was quickly slashed.

The deafening sound of thunder came from the sky, and one after another thick silver lightning pierced the sky and slashed towards the valley where Wang Ruyan was located. The dazzling thunder light illuminated the entire Tianshu Island.

A large number of Wang family members were mobilized to protect Tianshu Island and strictly prevent outsiders from approaching.

After more than half an hour, the thundercloud was still several hundred meters in size.

The valley has been razed to the ground, the bamboo forest has disappeared, and the cyan attic has disappeared.

Wang Ruyan sat on a yellow boulder as tall as one person, with a red shield floating in front of him, and the aura flickered non-stop.

Wang Ruyan's face was slightly pale, and the mana consumption was serious.

She took out a golden porcelain bottle and poured out a pale blue pill with seven golden marks on the surface.

Sihai Huilu Dan, a seventh-order medicinal pill, can quickly restore mana. Wang Changsheng exchanged a batch of forbidden stones with Zhenhai Palace. With Sihai Huilu Dan in hand, Wang Ruyan had enough mana to overcome the calamity.

The Forbidden Stone is an important strategic material, and it is impossible to exchange it for other Tier 6 weapon refining materials.

It didn't take long for Wang Ruyan's face to return to rosy.

A silver lightning with the thickness of a water tank pierced through the sky, like a silver spear, heading straight for Wang Ruyan.

Her finger lightly tapped, the fire shield aura soared, and UU reading greeted her.

With a muffled sound, the silver lightning exploded, and the dazzling thunder light drowned for several miles.

The sound of thunder is endless, and Tianshu Island seems to have become a sea of ​​thunder

After a quarter of an hour, the area of ​​the thundercloud shrank by more than half, and it was still more than a hundred feet in size. It rolled violently like boiling water, and the thunder continued.

There are also eight thunder tribulations. Wang Ruyan has two defensive mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao, as well as treasures made from Jiuguang Divine Clay.

Wang Ruyan was panting, his face was pale, the aura of the fire crystal shield was dim, and there were more than a dozen tiny cracks on the surface.

The water tidal lock on her chest burst out with dazzling blue aura, and a thick blue water curtain covered Wang Ruyan's body.

Gold and red arcs emerged from the thundercloud, followed by four arcs of blue, yellow, green and white.

The thundercloud rolled violently and turned into a six-color thundercloud.

"Six Colors Divine Thunder!"

Wang Changsheng's face froze, he had attracted nine six-colored divine thunders, Wang Ruyan attracted eight, a little more relaxed.

A loud thunder sounded, and a six-color thunder spear with a thick bowl fell from the sky and slashed at Wang Ruyan.

Where the six-color thunder spear passed, the void was torn apart, and small cracks appeared, like a spider web, with a terrifying momentum.

The six-color thunder spear hit the fire shield, and the fire shield swayed, and the dazzling six-color thunder light drowned for several kilometers, and the smoke billowed.

The smoke and dust hadn't dissipated, and the second thunder robbery smashed down, and a six-color thunder spear thicker than before pierced the sky and submerged into the smoke and dust. There was a muffled sound, and countless red sawdust splashed out and fell on the ground. superior,

Soon, the third thunder robbery fell, followed by the fourth. . . . "

One after another, the six-color thunder spears fell, and the area of ​​the thunder cloud became smaller and smaller.

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