Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2749: Tai 1 Immortal Sect disciple soars

Guangyuan Mountains, the main altar of Guangyuan Zong.

Li Yu stood on the top of a steep peak, looking at the thunderclouds in the sky, with a solemn expression on his face.

The black thundercloud rolled violently, and the thick silver lightning pierced the sky one after another, smashing into a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides.

Wang Mengshan stood on a high circular platform more than 100 feet long, with a solemn expression, a pale yellow shield floating in front of him, and a thick three-color light curtain covering his body.

There are more than a dozen small cracks on the surface of the yellow shield, and the aura is slightly dim.

The same-shaped high platform is covered with mysterious formation patterns, dozens of broken formation flags are scattered on the surrounding ground, and some formation disk fragments can be seen.

Wang Mengshan is going through the big catastrophe. This is his first big catastrophe since he entered the virtual refining period. The first big catastrophe is relatively easy. Signing and a few sets of fifth-order formations, it is not difficult to pass this level. Most of the cultivators can survive the first big catastrophe. If they are seriously injured before crossing the big catastrophe, even if it is the first big catastrophe The robbery will also have the fear of life.

He has a Heavenly Thunder Spirit Transformation Talisman on his body, and he can survive the first big catastrophe without using the Heavenly Thunder Spirit Transformation Talisman, so there is no trouble for the family.

Guangyuanzong opened a part of the ban on protecting the sect, which is also in line with the practice of a small sect. The Wang family's cultivators crossed the big catastrophe, and they all crossed the big catastrophe in the family's territory, and there were clansmen to protect the law.

Guangyuanzong's Protector Array is a sixth-order array of yellow sand covering the spirit, attacking the array, Guangyuanzong is a newly emerging martial art, and it is very good to have a sixth-order attacking array as the protector array.

Defense-type sixth-order formations are much more valuable than Tongtianling, and they are very effective in transcending the great catastrophe. Whenever a defense-type sixth-order formation appears in auctions, it will cause fierce competition among small forces.

Void cultivators cross the Great Heavenly Tribulation, and the things to cross the calamity are from low to high, namely the sixth-order talisman, the low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, the sixth-grade array method, the sixth-grade Thunder Orb, the seventh-grade talisman, and the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao , Treasures refined from Jiuguang Divine Clay, Seventh-Order Absorbing Thunder Beads, and 100,000-year-old Dongyi Shenmu, but most of the cultivators use sixth-order talismans, low-grade Tongtian Lingbao and sixth-order arrays to cross the sky. robbery, quality is not enough to make up for quantity

Wang Mengshan went to other places to cross the big catastrophe, which would arouse suspicion from others. The cultivators of Tianhumen and Qianyuanmen all crossed the big catastrophe in their own nests.

The rumbling sound of thunder disks came from the sky, and a thick silver lightning flashed through the sky, heading straight for Wang Mengshan.

One piece of Wang Mengshan's magic formula, the yellow shield's aura soared, and greeted it,

The silver lightning struck the yellow shield, and there was a muffled sound, and the dazzling thunder light lit up, drowning Wang Mengshan's figure.

The thunder continued, and the thunder robbery fell down, the air waves were like waves, and the smoke and dust filled the sky.

After a cup of tea, the thundercloud was only a few dozen feet in size.

After the thundercloud rolled violently, a huge silver thunder tiger rushed out of the thundercloud, with silver arcs all over its body, emitting terrifying energy fluctuations.


The silver thunder tiger made a loud roar and swooped down from the sky,

At this time, the thunder light also dissipated, and the figure of Wang Mengshan appeared. Wang Mengshan's face was pale, and a dim three-color light curtain covered his body.

Wang Mengshan's face froze, his hands folded together, and he slashed towards the void.

A loud knife sounded, and a huge khaki-colored knife swept out, slashing towards the silver thunder tiger.

The silver Thunder Tiger collided with the yellow sword, and the yellow sword was like thin paper, and was torn to shreds by the silver thunder tiger, but soon, the dense yellow sword aura swept in and slashed on the silver thunder tiger one after another.

The silver thunder tiger let out a miserable roar, and its body was cracked, turning into a silver sun with a diameter of ten thousand feet, billowing waves, and smoke and dust filling the sky.

Not long after, a ray of light flew out from the silver scorching sun and landed in front of Li Yu. It was Wang Mengshan.

Wang Mengshan's face was pale and his breath was sluggish.

Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and asked with concern: "Master, are you okay!" "It's okay, is there any change in Qianyuanmen?"

Wang Mengshan asked casually.

Qianyuanmen received the support of the Wang family, and a third cultivator appeared, and the number of cultivators increased a lot. With the support of the Wang family, Qianyuanmen opened cards to expand the soil, and frequent police incidents occurred with Tianhumen, Guangyuanzong, and Anjia. conflict

With the support of the Lengyan faction, Tianhumen, Guangyuanzong and Anjia are all doing well, and Tianhumen has the second cultivator.

The An family also has an additional cultivator.

"The cultivator of the Liu family died under the great catastrophe, and was informed by Tianhumen that the Lord Tianhu destroyed the Liu family and occupied the Liu family's territory, including a medium-sized Tianyue cold grade mine and five fifth-order ore deposits. Mineral veins, the descendants of Qianyuanmen's chief elder Lin Tianfeng were killed by the elders of Tianhumen, Qianyuanmen began to deal with Tianhumen, and many cultivators have been killed or injured, Tianhumen asked us Guangyuanzong and Anjia for help."

Li Yu reported truthfully that the Liu family has been inherited for more than 10,000 years. In its heyday, there were four cultivators who practiced emptiness, and they went downhill year by year. In the last race war, the Liu family suffered heavy losses, and the territory was also occupied by other forces.

The icing on the cake is easy, but it is difficult to send charcoal in the snow. Once a force goes downhill, it will lead to trouble, ranging from serious damage to vitality, or being destroyed in severe cases. The rise of a force will definitely squeeze the living space of other forces. Enmity is inevitable. , When the enemy is strong, he doesn't dare to go too far. Once he goes downhill, he will become a little sheep in the eyes of other forces. If he has the opportunity, he will take two bites.

"Hmph, when you eat alone, you don't think about our Guangyuan Sect, and you only think of us when you get into trouble. What conditions does he offer?


Wang Mengshan snorted coldly and said with some dissatisfaction.

Tianhumen eats alone, and now there is a conflict with Qianyuanmen, so they ask Guangyuanzong and Anjia for help.

"Tianhumen is willing to hand over a fifth-order ore vein to our Guangyuan Sect, provided that the attack of Qianyuanmen is repelled."

Li Yu reported truthfully.

"A fifth-order mineral vein just wants to send us off? I really treat us as beggars, forget it, let them go, I want to retreat and heal my wounds, and I won't see anyone."

After Wang Mengshan said this, he turned into a ray of light and flew towards Guangyuan Peak.


Qinglian Island, Qinglian Peak.

In a secret room, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood in the center of the secret room. Tens of thousands of ghosts were scurrying around. The two-mouthed soul golden frogs summoned Dharma images, or spewed golden flames, or released dense golden light. The ghosts were not their opponents at all. devoured by them.

During the trip to Wanlingyuan, Wang Changsheng used the Wangui Seal to catch a large number of ghosts, and also obtained three Yin beads of ghosts in the fusion stage.

After swallowing these ghosts, the two soul-eating golden cicadas made a cheerful cicada sound, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's consciousness increased a little.

Wang Changsheng took out a light-blue magic plate from his arms and punched in a magic formula. Wang Moshan's voice sounded: "Old ancestor, there are two spiritual monks who have ascended from the lower realm, one of them is from Taiyi Xianmen, and he wants to take refuge. Our family, waiting in the council chamber, what do you think?"

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