Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3023: war ended

A deserted island more than a hundred miles long, an underground cave.

There is a teleportation array more than a hundred feet in the cave, the teleportation array suddenly shakes, a dazzling aura shoots up into the sky, and the figures of Universal Sword Master and Xie Ying appear.

They were ashamed and looked a little embarrassed.

Sword Master Four Seas shook his right hand, and a large piece of blue sword energy swept out, smashing the teleportation array to pieces.

The Four Seas Sword Master led three fit monks to attack the Zique clan. He thought that everything went well with the cooperation of the internal response. Who would have thought that the Zique clan had discovered the internal response long ago and was waiting for them to drill inside.

Sword Master of the Four Seas relied on his powerful strength to kill a fit monk from the Zique family, and fell into a tight siege. Two fit monks were killed, one of them was from the Xuanqing sect, and they also killed four fit monks. The result was relatively large.

"I knew this earlier, so I went to attack the gray quail family."

Xie Ying said in a regretful tone that in order to escape, she scrapped two middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao and suffered heavy losses.

Chen Yueying asked them to choose between the Gray Quail Clan and the Purple Quail Clan. The Gray Quail Clan is stronger than the Purple Quail Clan. Four Seas Sword Master chose to attack the relatively weak Purple Quail Clan. Who would have thought that the Purple Quail Clan would set up a trap.

In addition to the fall of the two fit monks, more than 20 people were also lost by the refining monks.

"They reacted so quickly, I don't know what happened to Zhao Daoyou and the others."

Sword Master Four Seas frowned and said, if Zhao Yunxiao and the others didn't suffer much, it would be hard for him not to suspect that Zhenhai Palace was cheating them.

Don't worry about scarcity but inequality, if the loss of both sides is not small, then it can only be said that Sword Master Four Seas and others are out of luck.

"Let's go! Get out of here first."

Xie Ying left this place with Sword Master Four Seas.


In an endless sea area, a dazzling silver thunder light soared into the sky, very conspicuous.

A glaring yellow light lit up, and the thunder flashed wildly, revealing the figure of Chen Yueying. She was wearing a black armor, and a puff of black smoke came out of her body.

With a flash of yellow light, the yellow armor quickly turned yellow.

A gigantic wave of more than a thousand feet high towered over the sea, and Yin Yu and Yuan Gang were on top of the giant wave. Yuan Gang's face was pale, his breath was weak, and he looked like he was seriously injured.

He performed the blood element method at the mid-stage of the fusion, and raised his cultivation to the late stage of the fusion. He lost a lot of blood, and was trapped by Chen Yueying for a period of time with the Jiuqu broken spirit sand, and his vitality was seriously injured.

If Yin Qiang hadn't come to support him, Yuan Gang might have died.

After this battle, most of Yuangang's essence and blood were lost, at least he would have to cultivate for ten thousand years. If there is an eighth-level elixir that replenishes qi and blood, the recovery speed will be faster, and the seventh-level elixir will not have such a good effect.

Yin Qiang asked Yuan Gang to deal with Chen Yueying, and made two-handed preparations. It would be best if Yuan Gang could beat Chen Yueying.

During this trial, Yin Qian learned that Chen Yueying had a piece of Jiuqu Po Lingsha that was not afraid of the petrification power. During the whole fighting process, Chen Yueying did not sacrifice a second treasure, which showed that she was still very afraid of the petrification power of the three-eyed giant ape.

"Chen Daoyou, do you want to continue the fight? There is no need to expand the conflict caused by a few juniors who have refined Xu!"

Yin Mackerel frowned and said.

"Hmph, you are the ones who troubled our human race, how dare you say so?"

Chen Yueying sneered.

"Looking for trouble? Each other, why didn't you say that when you exterminated the Lizard Race? If you want to fight, then continue, or a race war will break out."

Yin Yu said with a cold face.

Chen Yueying's defense was strong, and Yin Qian was not sure to keep Chen Yueying. After all, Ye Yuhuan came to participate in Chen Yueying's Mahayana celebration. Who knows what powerful treasure Chen Yueying got in exchange for it. It's a pity that Yuan Gang failed to force Chen Yueying to use other treasures.

The most important point is that Ye Yuhuan is still in Xuanling Continent!

Yin Yu was willing to fight Chen Yueying for the sake of high-level tribulation-crossing treasures or panaceas for improving her cultivation, but she was not so stupid to put herself in it just to wipe the **** of the fire porpoise clan.

"Let's end this matter! The oyster clan will be a subordinate race of our human race in the future. If you trouble them, you will trouble our human race."

After Chen Yueying finished speaking, she put away the Jiuqu Polingsha, turned into a ray of light and left.

"It's no coincidence that she actually has a treasure that restrains petrified supernatural powers. It is probably to guard against flesh and blood spirit puppets."

Yin Qian analyzed that the three-eyed giant ape has mastered petrification powers, and it just so happens that Chen Yueying has a treasure that restrains petrification powers? It can't be a coincidence.

"Senior Yin, I have to cultivate for ten thousand years to replenish the lost essence and blood. If I have the cultivation level of the later stage of fusion, it will be easier to drive the flesh and blood puppet."

Ape Gang said with a wry smile.

Yin Yan naturally heard the meaning of Yuan Gang's words. In the short term, Yuan Gang can't drive the flesh and blood puppet. He needs to find a panacea for him to replenish his blood, and it is best to help him improve his strength.

"Got it, go back! I won't treat my own people badly."

Yin Qiang left with Yuan Gang.

When Chen Yueying returned to Tianhaifang City, Lin Tianlong told her the good news that Zhao Yunxiao got a page of the Tianxu Jade Book, but the accompanying monks were wiped out, and the loss was not small.

"Order to go down, withdraw the manpower, strictly guard against the Silver Sharks, and let Yunxiao and Tianxue come over."

Chen Yueying ordered.

Lin Tianlong responded and took the order to go.

Not long after, Zhao Yunxiao and Qin Tianxue appeared in front of Chen Yueying.

"Master, this is a page of the Heavenly Xu Jade Book that this disciple got."

Zhao Yunxiao took out a book page that was shining with spiritual light, and handed it to Chen Yueying.

If he breaks the restriction, he can also practice the secret technique inside, handing in the Tianxu Jade Book is a great feat, and he can also benefit from it.

"You guys did a great job, thank you for your hard work."

Chen Yueying praised that she was in a good mood.

After a few words of advice, Chen Yueying told them to retreat. She had to find a way to break the restriction of the Tianxu Jade Book and check the contents.


Xuebeng Island, a secluded courtyard, Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and Wang Qingshan sat in the stone pavilion, Wang Ruyi stood aside, she talked about her experience.

Wang Qingshan and Wang Ruyan invaded Jinjiao Island, obtained a lot of property, and distributed some treasures to Xiao Wentian.

What made Wang Changsheng happy was that Wang Ruyi came back safe and sound.

"He asked you about Qing Hao? Didn't he tell you his name and origin?"

Wang Changsheng wondered, the cultivator who rescued Wang Ruyi lived in the jurisdiction of the Yinsha clan, so he probably wasn't a human cultivator. If it was a foreign race, Wang Changsheng couldn't think of who it was.

"No, just let me leave quickly."

Wang Ruyi said truthfully Anyway, as long as Ruyi returns safely. "

Wang Ruyan said with a smile.

Wang Changsheng took out a blue communication disk and entered a formula. Xiao Wentian's voice sounded: "Junior Brother Wang, Senior Sister Chen has an order for us to retreat. The war is over, and you can arrange for the clansmen to retreat."

"Understood, Senior Brother Xiao."

Wang Changsheng complied.

"Great, Qingshan, you go back to Qinglian Island with Ruyi and the others first, we will stay here temporarily, and we will withdraw at the end."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

Wang Qingshan responded and left with Wang Ruyi.

The human monks withdrew from the front line and retreated to the rear.


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