Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3041: Qianyuan Continent

Spring goes to autumn, and three hundred years have passed.

Qingwu Island is one of the islands controlled by the Li family. The terrain on the island is high in the south and low in the north, and you can see many buildings.

A huge five-color thundercloud floated high in the sky, with lightning and thunder.

Li Tianhe stood on the top of a towering mountain, with a serious expression on his face.

Five-color lightning bolts struck one after another, and the area of ​​the thundercloud became smaller and smaller.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the five-color thundercloud was still tens of feet in size. After violent rolling, it turned into a five-color thundercrow, flapping its wings, and pounced down from the sky.

Li Qinghuan stood on the ground, pale and out of breath.

Looking at the five-colored thundercrows, he pinched his sword art, and the void vibrated and twisted, and countless blue water vapors emerged, turning into blue flying swords.


With a pinch of Li Qinghuan's sword art, the dense blue flying swords went straight to the five-color thunder crow, piercing through the five-color thunder crow's body.

With a loud bang, a burst of five-colored lightning flooded Li Qinghuan's body.

After a while, Li Qinghuan flew out of the five-colored thunder and landed in front of Li Tianhe.

Li Qinghuan's face was pale, and his body exuded an aura as vast as the sea, and he had suddenly entered the fusion stage.

"Congratulations! Qing Huan."

Li Tianhe congratulated.

The Li family currently has seven fit monks. This is the pride of the Li family, and it is also a heavy burden. The treasures of crossing the catastrophe alone are not a small consumption.

In the past ten thousand years, two fit monks of the Li family died under the catastrophe, and one fit monk died while searching for treasure.

Fortunately, there are successors in the Li family, so they won't fall into a situation of neglect.

"It's all cultivated by the family. By the way, how is Twelve Uncle?"

Li Qinghuan remembered something and asked nervously.

"I died under the great catastrophe. After more than a thousand years, Wanlingxu will usher in a period of weakness. At that time, we can enter Wanlingxu to hunt for treasure. If we get that thing, it will be much easier for us to survive the catastrophe." .”

Li Tianhe looked longingly, he remembered something, and continued: "By the way, the descendants of the Qinglian fairy couple have come to the Qingli sea area, you should strengthen your cultivation first! It is not too late to see them later."

Li Qinghuan responded and agreed.


Golden Crow Island, a secluded manor.

Wang Qingfeng, Dong Xueli and Li Qingxue sat in a green stone pavilion, drinking tea and chatting.

"Mrs. Li, we have been disturbed for many years, it's time to leave."

Wang Qingfeng said in a deep voice.

They stayed in the Tianwu Islands for more than three hundred years, made friends with many Void Refining cultivators, occasionally went out to hunt monsters, and collected a lot of materials, the most precious being a piece of Silver Gang Crystal and a piece of Ice Soul Crystal. Crystal and a box of Tianyin sand.

During this period, Wang Qingfeng refined two sixth-order puppets to prepare for the trip to Wandu Island.

The witch monks seemed to have found what they were looking for, and withdrew their staff, and the high-ranking monks of the human race began to enter and leave Wandu Island.

As a result, they plan to go to Ten Thousand Poison Island to find the sixth-order tree demon.

The foundation of Renshuixian apricot fruit has been repaired, and normal growth has resumed. However, the Wang family still has many precious elixir and spiritual fruit trees. No, storing it in the treasury also strengthens the background.

In the future, if the Wang family gets more rare elixir and spiritual fruit trees, maybe the wood demon crystal core will come in handy. It takes thousands of years for the Wanling bottle to produce some Wanlingyuye, which is mainly used to cultivate rare spirits. Medicinal spirit fruit tree.

In addition, Wang Changsheng's wood demon also needs a high-level wood demon crystal core, and devouring the high-level wood demon's crystal core will be beneficial to its advancement.

Of course, the more important thing is to resolve the bottleneck. Dong Xueli's bottleneck shows no signs of loosening. Maybe in the midst of life and death, the bottleneck has loosened.

"Okay! The monks of the witch tribe seem to have found what they wanted and withdrew the masters, but you still have to be more careful, even the fit monks will be buried on Ten Thousand Poison Island."

Li Qingxue solemnly exhorted.

"Thank you, Mrs. Li, for your reminder. We will be more careful."

Wang Qingfeng agreed, and got up and left with Dong Xueli.

After leaving Fangshi, Wang Qingfeng sacrificed a red flying boat and walked on it, followed by Dong Xueli.

As soon as he pinched the magic formula, the red flying boat suddenly glowed red, and flew towards the sky, and disappeared into the sky not long after.


The southeastern part of the Qianyuan Continent is where the human race gathers.

There are many human monks in the Qianyuan Continent, but there are no Mahayana monks in the human race here. The Tianyue Clan is the most powerful race in the Qianyuan Continent.

There are hundreds of races in the Qianyuan Continent, and the human race is relatively weak. Fortunately, the Ye family's cross-spirited treasure ship will occasionally pass by the Qianyuan Continent to collect special products from the Qianyuan Continent and transport them to other places for sale.

In a sense, this is also a disguised form of protection. If the alien races in the Qianyuan Continent want to destroy the human race, they must consider the existence of the Ye family, except for the Tianyue clan.

Under normal circumstances, the Tianyue clan would not participate in race wars in person, but the Tianyue clan was happy to see other races fighting, and often provoked other races to fight.

Liuli Island is more than 5,000 miles long and 2,000 miles wide. It used to be the nest of a small clan. The human race wiped out this small clan and established a city here.

A cyan dragon boat with a length of more than a thousand feet and a width of four hundred feet appeared on the sea and was heading towards Liuli Island quickly. On the sails of the boat, a pattern of nine giant lions could be seen.

Wang Yingjie, Wang Mengbin, Bai Yuqi, Liu Hongxue, and Wang Zongyun stood on the deck, looking at the Liuli Island in the distance, with solemn expressions.

The Ice Lion sailed for more than 400 years, and finally came to the Qianyuan Continent.

The Qianyuan Continent is currently in a situation of one super and many strong. One super refers to the Tianyue clan, and the multi-strong refers to the five races of the giant, four-eared, flower, ancient Qiong and Yuyin clans.

There are ancient giants in the wild land of Xuanling Continent, but there are not many of them. In Qianyuan Continent, the ancient giants are a group. The number of ancient giants is not as large as other races. Manipulating vegetation and rhythms, being able to sing and dance well, the Guqiong tribe is brutal and bloodthirsty, and has a unique combination attack technique, while the Yuyin tribe's escapism is relatively powerful, and it is difficult for the tribe to reproduce.

The information that Wang Yingjie can collect is limited, and the specific supernatural powers of these races can only be known after dealing with them.

When they first arrived, it was naturally impossible for them to look for Tanyuanguo right away. They had to figure out the situation in Qianyuan Continent first.

After a while, San Dunguang flew out from Liuli Island and stopped in mid-air.

When the light faded away, two men and one woman appeared.

The facial features of the two men are exactly the One is wearing a red gown, the other is wearing a blue cloak. The female has exquisite facial features, a graceful figure, and a long white dress. All three are fit monks.

Ye Yiyan came out of the cabin with a smile on her face.

"Madam Ye, long time no see."

The tone of the woman in the white skirt was warm, listening to her words, they obviously knew each other.

"Fairy Lin, Fellow Daoist Song, you are too polite to come out to greet you in person. I have told you many times that there is no need to do so."

Ye Yiyan smiled lightly.

"Don't forget the well digger when drinking water. If it wasn't for the Ye family's help, we would have died a long time ago. Mrs. Ye, please come with us."

The three women in white skirts led the way, and the Ice Lion followed.

After a while, the Ice Lion arrived near Liuli Island. Wang Yingjie and other passengers lined up to disembark and entered Liuli Island. Ye Yiyan left with the three women in white skirts, and the Ice Lion docked on the shore of Liuli Island.

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