Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3043: Tomb of the Moon

Judging by his aura, he is obviously a cultivator of refining virtual reality.

"Senior He, when the goods arrive, I will send someone to notify you immediately."

The woman in the pink skirt said politely.

"Well, you are busy! No need to send it away."

The big man in the golden shirt waved his hand and strode downstairs.

"Shopkeeper, this senior wants to talk to you about something!"

The old man in the silver shirt pointed at Wang Mengbin and said.

"I see, you go down! I'm here to entertain this senior."

The woman in the pink skirt ordered, and told the old man in the silver shirt to step back.

"My concubine is Luo Yue, the treasurer of Qiankun Building, I don't know how to call you senior?"

The woman in the pink skirt reported her name and asked politely.

"My surname is Wang. I heard that Qiankun Building is the largest store on Liuli Island. Come and have a look."

Wang Mengbin said.

"It turned out to be Senior Wang, please go upstairs, let's talk about it in detail upstairs."

Luo Yue made a gesture of invitation and invited Wang Mengbin upstairs.

As soon as Wang Mengbin sat down, a young and beautiful maid in blue shirt came up with a cup of fragrant spirit tea, put down the spirit tea and left.

"This is the snail cloud tea cultivated by the Wa clan. It tastes pretty good."

Luo Yue introduced.

Wang Mengbin picked up the teacup and took a sip. It was a bit bitter, but soon, the bitterness turned into sweetness, all fatigue disappeared, and he felt refreshed.

"I wonder what Senior Wang wants to buy?"

Luo Yue asked enthusiastically.

Wang Mengbin took out a light blue jade slip and handed it to Luo Yue.

Luo Yue swept his consciousness, and said with a look of embarrassment: "The jade slips list a lot of materials, and this shop only has some materials."

Wang Mengbin has a lot of things to buy, and there are many kinds of them, all of which are not ordinary goods. Luo Yue can tell that Wang Mengbin is not an ordinary Void Refining Cultivator, he should be from a powerful family.

"If there is a part, let's do it!"

Wang Mengbin nodded and took a sip of spiritual tea.

Luo Yue took out a pale golden compass, entered a spell, made gestures, and after putting down the golden compass, she chatted with Wang Mengbin.

"By the way, I heard that a treasure appeared in the tomb of the swinging moon."

Wang Mengbin said casually.

According to Hunyuanzi's avatar remnant soul, Tan Yuanguo is in the tomb of Dangyue.

The Tomb of Dangyue is a dangerous place in the Qianyuan Continent. It is located at the junction of the powers of the Giant, Guqiong and Yuyin tribes. It is said to be an ancient battlefield left by Xuanling Tianzun.

Jinshi clan masters like clouds, there were three Mahayana monks in the heyday, and it is rumored that Jinshi clan raised human monks in captivity, and later Xuanling Tianzun came to Qianyuan Continent and wiped out the three Mahayana monks of Jinshi clan with great supernatural powers. The mountains were also turned into ruins and turned into ancient battlefields. After years of evolution, the tomb of the swinging moon was formed.

There are also rumors that the Jinshi clan was wiped out by the Tianyue clan, and Xuanling Tianzun never came to the Qianyuan Continent. After the Jinshi clan was wiped out, the Tianyue clan stood out from many races and took over most of the Jinshi clan's territory. The territory of the Tianyue Clan is so large by attacking inbreeding from afar.

There is another saying that the Jinshi clan captured a direct descendant of the real spirit, and the real spirit came to revenge and wiped out the Mahayana monks of the Jinshi clan.

There are different opinions, no matter which one is said, it is a fact that the Tomb of Dangyue is rich in cultivation resources, attracting many monks to go in and hunt for treasures, but there are relatively few survivors who successfully obtained treasures.

Even so, there are still many monks who have entered the Tomb of Dangyue to hunt for treasures one after another.

"It is true. I heard that it is a treasure left by the Jinshi clan. The monks of the ancient Cang clan and the Yuyin clan fought for this treasure. The monks of the Yuyin clan got this treasure. The speed is too fast, it is rare for a monk of the same rank to catch up with the Yuyin clan."

Luo Yue explained, she thought of something, and said: "Senior, if you want to go to the Tomb of Swinging Moon, you'd better go later, I heard that the Gu Qiong Clan dispatched many masters into the Tomb of Swinging Moon, they seem to be looking for something , One of the Nine Saints, True Monarch Lei Feng met a master of the Ancient Qiong Clan, and unfortunately died."

The nine most powerful monks of the human race in the Qianyuan Continent are called the Nine Saints. This kind of saying only exists in the human race.

True Monarch Lei Feng is one of the Nine Sages, and he raised a sixth-level Lei Feng, hence the name.

Wang Mengbin nodded thoughtfully. In fact, he didn't know what happened to the Tomb of Dangyue at all. He just asked casually and brought the topic to the tomb of Dangyue.

He bought news from Qiyuelou and knew about the existence of the Tomb of Dangyue, but he didn't know much.

At this time, a tall man in a golden shirt came up, handed Luo Yue a cyan storage ring with both hands, and bowed to retreat.

"Senior Wang, check to see if it is what you want."

Luo Yue handed the storage ring to Wang Mengbin.

Wang Mengbin swept his consciousness, nodded, chatted for a while, paid off the Lingshi, got up and left, and Luo Yue got up to see him off.

As soon as he walked out of the Qiankun Building, a bald man with thick eyebrows and big eyes walked towards him.

The big bald man has thick hands and feet, and his skin is bronze in color. There are two golden hatchets pinned to his waist, his body is full of evil spirits, and he wears a cyan spirit beast bracelet on his left hand.

Judging by his aura, he is clearly a late-stage cultivator.

"Vajra Sanren!"

Wang Mengbin recognized this person.

Liu Liang had introduced him to the masters of the human race, including some powerful cultivators, and the Vajra Sanren was one of them.

Vajra Sanren is a physical trainer with infinite strength. He also raised a group of Vajra worms. He once defeated three alien races in the Void Refinement stage with one enemy and two, and became famous in one battle.

Vajra Sanren glanced at Wang Mengbin, and strode into the Qiankun Building without paying too much attention.

Wang Mengbin came to an open space and waited quietly.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the four of Wang Yingjie walked out of the shop one after another and joined Wang Mengbin.

"Let's go! Let's stay here first."

The five of Wang Mengbin left the square, rented a quiet courtyard, and lived there.

There is a three-storey blue attic and a blue stone pavilion in the Sitting in the stone pavilion, Wang Mengbin and the five of them spoke one after another the information they had inquired about.

Luo Yue did not lie. Recently, experts from the Guqiong and Yuyin clans fought frequently in the Tomb of Dangyue. Some high-ranking monks were involved and unfortunately died.

"Let's stay on Liuli Island first, wait for the limelight to pass, and then make plans. During this period, let the remnant soul of Hunyuanzi's avatar have a physical body! It is about to collapse."

Wang Mengbin suggested.

The remnant soul of Hunyuanzi's clone left the broken spirit orb and stayed in the soul-raising orb. Even so, its spirit still slowly disintegrated, but the disintegration speed was relatively slow.

The four of Wang Yingjie had no objections and agreed.

The Guqiong Clan and the Yuyin Clan fought in the Tomb of Dangyue. It is not wise to go to the Tomb of Dangyue to hunt for treasure now, not to mention that the Tomb of Dangyue is at the junction of the three clans. Ten trillion miles, passing through the territory of multiple races.

In this way, they settled down on Liuli Island.

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