Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3046: Qing carp family (gone today)

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli didn't withdraw the formation immediately, and when the formula changed, several formulas were injected into the formation board.

A large amount of golden light gushed out from the void, turning into golden flying needles, tens of thousands of them, floating in mid-air.

After a burst of "chi chi" sounded through the air, tens of thousands of golden flying needles went straight to the tree demon's body.

They felt that the dryad died too quickly, and were worried that it would cheat its death.

The dense golden flying needles hit the tree demon's body one after another, and there was a muffled "ding ding" sound, and a **** light flew out from it. It was a blood-colored small tree with an immature human face on the trunk.

It was just feigning death just now, once Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli withdrew the formation, it would use the wood escape technique to escape.

Before the blood-colored little tree escaped far, the red long knife and the white flying sword shot towards it, looking as if they wanted to chop it into pieces.

The dryad's eyes lit up with a dazzling blood light, each shot a blood light, and went straight to the red long knife and white flying sword.

At this moment, the sound of swords and swords sounded, and a large amount of red sword energy and a large amount of white sword energy swept out, defeating the two beams of blood.

Countless **** chains drilled out from the ground, entangled the tree demon's body.

Countless golden lights gushed out from the void, turning into a golden giant sword that held up to the sky, and slashed down head-on.

The dryad spewed out a stream of blood, supporting the giant sword that held the sky, but the red long knife and the white flying sword shot out, piercing through its body, the dryad was chopped into several pieces, and a blood-red crystal fell out come out.

"It's really cunning, it almost ran away."

Dong Xueli said with some gratitude.

There is a lot of vegetation here, without the restraint of formations, the dryads can use the wood escape technique to escape, and it is difficult for them to catch up.

Wang Qingfeng opened a gap, put away the wood demon's body, and after confirming that it was correct, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The first piece of blood-colored crystal core was only transformed by blood energy, not the real wood demon core. If they hadn't been cautious, the tree demon would have escaped.

"The crystal nucleus of this tree demon is engulfed by Dad's wood demon, which will definitely help it advance a lot."

Wang Qingfeng said with a smile.

Both the wood demon and the tree demon are proficient in blood and poison, and the crystal core of the tree demon is a great supplement to the wood demon, far stronger than the ordinary wood demon crystal core.

"There are quite a few seventh-order poisonous insects and beasts in Ten Thousand Poison Island. Now that we have the items, let's leave!"

Dong Xueli suggested.

Wang Qingfeng nodded, and put away the tree demon's body and formation.

Dong Xueli put away the warning puppet, a deafening roar sounded, and a huge blue light rose into the sky, very conspicuous.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli looked at each other solemnly.

"One more thing is worse than one less thing. It's better to leave here early."

Wang Qingfeng said in a deep voice.

Dong Xueli nodded, and they got into the centipede puppet and returned along the way they came from.

As for other people's treasure hunting or fighting skills, it has nothing to do with them.

The centipede puppet advanced for more than a hundred miles, and appeared in an open field. Two rays of light flew from a distance, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Fellow Daoist, help. The monks of the Qing carp tribe are chasing us. We know their secret. They killed the disciple of the Myriad Treasures God Sovereign, which seems to be related to the inheritance of the Myriad Treasures God Sovereign."

A panicked man's voice sounded, resounding through the sky.

When the light faded away, a tall and thin man in black robe and a short and fat man in gold robe appeared. Their faces were pale, the right arm of the man in black robe was missing, and there was a hole on the left shoulder of the man in gold robe. Horrible blood hole, bleeding continuously.

Their eyes were full of fear, their breath was weak, and they looked like they were seriously injured.

The centipede puppet stopped, and a bloated man in a red shirt and a young woman in a white dress with ordinary features came out of the centipede puppet. They were the changed faces of Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli.

They can't judge whether the other party's content is true or false, and it is related to the God of Myriad Treasures. They must be cautious and change their appearance.

Leaving aside the Myriad Treasures Divine Lord, the Qing carp clan had a bad relationship with the human race, and there was nothing to say about dealing with alien races.

The man in black robe and the man in gold robe were overjoyed when they saw the two cultivators coming out of the centipede puppet. This way, they would be saved.

The void fluctuated together, and a tsunami sounded, and a big blue hand emerged out of thin air, and patted the two of them.

The aura of the two men's bodies rose sharply, and the big blue hands clapped on their body protection aura, only to hear two screams, and the two of them hit the ground heavily like a meteorite, vomiting blood continuously.

With a loud rumbling sound, more than a dozen hills burst open, and a large piece of blue sea water rushed in. Wherever it passed, towering trees broke down, and the void made a "buzzing" sound, which was astonishing.

Dong Xueli squeezed the formula, and a white light shot up into the sky, turning into a phantom of a white woman, holding a white flying sword in her right hand.

The woman's phantom's right hand flicked suddenly, and there was a clear sword cry, and a large swath of white sword energy swept out, slashing on the sea water one after another, like mud like the sea.

Not long after, the seawater froze, and the ice spread rapidly, and all the seawater was frozen.

"Sword cultivator! No wonder he dared to save them."

A somewhat hoarse male voice came from the sky.

As soon as the words fell, two rays of light flew from a distance, stopped in the void, and the lights dispersed, revealing a potbellied old man in blue robe and a graceful young woman in green skirt. Several cyan scales can be seen, and the eyes are cyan.

The old man in the blue robe has the cultivation base of the Great Perfection, while the young woman in the green skirt is in the late stage of the virtual refinement, with a murderous look on her face.

"Be careful, they are proficient in water escape, and they can transform into monsters to attack. They are powerful, don't get close to them."

The man in black robe explained through sound transmission, his tone was weak.

"What do they have to do with the inheritance of Wanbao Shenjun? Don't lie to me."

Wang Qingfeng's tone was indifferent, and he said through sound transmission.

The Lord of All Treasures is a Mahayana monk, if it is about the inheritance of the Lord of Ten Thousand Treasures, how could the Green Carp Clan only send monks who have been refining the I only know that they killed the disciple of the Lord of Ten Thousand Treasures, as if they were looking for something, I don't know exactly what it is, it is definitely not an ordinary thing, and I ask fellow Taoists to help, these three 20,000-year-old golden cockroaches are a little bit of our heart. "

The man in black robe said through voice transmission, and threw three cyan jade boxes to Wang Qingfeng.

As long as you can survive, it's okay to disperse your wealth.

Wang Qingfeng searched carefully with his spiritual sense and found nothing wrong. With a flick of his sleeves, three cyan jade boxes opened in mid-air, and three golden grasses fell out. The grasses looked like centipedes.

"You guys go away! Staying here will only drag us down."

Wang Qingfeng said via voice transmission.

Even if the other party lied to him, he still got three 20,000-year-old golden weeds, which is not a waste of work.

The man in black robe and the man in gold robe felt relieved, thanked them, and turned into two rays of light and flew towards the sky.

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