Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3067: token

Everything generates and restrains each other, if you find a weakness, it will be easy to deal with it.

Master Chiyang didn't know that the spiritual fire was attached to the Chiyan lion, so he suffered a big loss. Wang Zongyin and the others came prepared, and it was much easier to deal with the sixth-level spiritual fire.

They urged the formation to attack the golden flame, and various spells such as water arrows, water blades, and water guns went straight to the golden flame.

As soon as these attacks were ten feet away from the golden flame, they turned into a white mist and disappeared without a trace.

The golden flame flew back into the Red Flame Lion's body, and the huge body of the Scarlet Flame Lion hit the blue water curtain, causing ripples on the surface of the blue water curtain, which had no major impact.

As time passed, Chi Yanshi's reaction became slower and slower.

The four of Wang Yongan's formulas changed, and the formation plate lit up with a dazzling blue light.

The sea water in the blue water curtain violently tumbling, turned into a big blue hand, and slapped on the Red Flame Lion.

The Red Flame Lion flew upside down and hit the ground heavily.

Wang Yibing raised his right hand, and a gleaming white bead flew out, entering a magic formula. The white bead burst into dazzling white light, and turned into a white phoenix, spreading its wings, towards the blue water curtain. fly away.

The blue water curtain rippled for a while, and a gap several feet wide appeared, and the white phoenix flew in along the gap.

Where the white phoenix passed, a large amount of white ice flakes appeared in the void, and the sea water froze.

The white phoenix collided with the Red Flame Lion, and a powerful wave of air burst out. The mist filled the air, and the body of the Red Flame Lion froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a huge ice wither.

A puff of blue smoke rose from the ice, the ice layer melted quickly, and a golden fire phoenix flew out.

The wings of the white phoenix flapped fiercely, and a large number of white feathers flew out, turning into white ice arrows several feet long, piercing through the golden fire phoenix, and turning into a large golden flame.

Wang Zongyi sacrificed a gleaming red jade bottle, and injected a formula. The red jade bottle sprayed out a red glow, covered the golden flame, and was involved in the red jade bottle.

This dry fire bottle has some black marrow mud refined into it, which is the most suitable for collecting spiritual fire.

After taking away the golden flame, Wang Zongyin showed joy, pinched the formula, and the dry fire bottle flew towards him, disappeared into his sleeve.

Wang Yongan withdrew the formation, and the sea water vaporized rapidly under the high temperature, disappearing without a trace.

Wang Yier walked towards the corpse of the Red Flame Lion. He took out a long golden knife and cut open the abdomen of the Red Flame Lion, trying to find the inner alchemy.

"Hey, what is this?"

Wang Yier let out a sigh, and dug out a light blue token from the belly of the Red Flame Lion. Nine small swords of different shapes were engraved on the surface of the token. Lingbao.

Wang Zongyi walked over, took the cyan token and examined it carefully, but couldn't recognize what it was.

The Wanhuo Mountain Range has existed for many years. Before the Lizard Clan was extinct, a small number of human monks would go to the Wanhuo Mountain Range to hunt and kill monsters due to the existence of the Lizard Clan and seventh-level monsters.

Now that the lizard race has been wiped out, and the human race has combined to wipe out the seventh-order monsters, a large number of human monks will go to the Wanhuo Mountains to search for medicine and hunt monsters.

This token may be the red flame lion killing other monks, swallowing the monk's body, and was killed not long before the token was preserved.

"One two, you are the master of the treasure hunting hall, do you recognize what this is?"

Wang Zongyin asked.

"Like an identity token, Nine Swords School? Nine Swords True Monarch?"

Wang Yier was a little surprised.

Nine Swords Sect used to be a famous sect in Xuanling Continent. There were Mahayana monks, and they encountered several catastrophes one after another. They quickly declined and disappeared in the long river of history.

Nine Swords True Monarch is a monk of the same generation as Tianhe Sword Master. Tianhe Sword Master was once defeated by Nine Swords True Lord, but Nine Swords True Lord has not shown his face for many years.

Apart from Nine Swords Sect and Nine Swords True Monarch, it is not ruled out that the token is a treasure.

"Go back and check slowly! Maybe it's the key to a secret realm."

Wang Yibing suggested.

Wang Zongzhen nodded, put away the token, they put away the formation, left here, and returned to the family to do business.


Qinglian Island, Sutra Pavilion.

The door of a secret room opened, and Wang Chuanlin walked out.

He is in charge of deducing the knives and knives. Deriving the kung fu is a big project, not just any kung fu. Generally speaking, a cultivator will deduce the kung fu of the same attribute as himself, let alone make mistakes.

For example, Wang Changsheng, if he deduces kung fu, it is better to deduce water attribute kung fu, but it is not appropriate for him to deduce kung fu such as swordsmanship, beast control, and rhythm.

Wanfa spirit body is naturally suitable for deriving skills, and can deduce any skills, but this kind of spirit body only exists in the classics, and the classics did not mention where such a spirit body appeared.

There are many departments in the Sutra Pavilion, which are in charge of different affairs. There are many clan elders who deduce the exercises. At that time, most of those elders had sat down, and the descendants took over the baton and continued to deduce the exercises.

This is a hard job, and it will take a long time to get results. Unlike those in the Economic and Trade Hall of the Hunting Treasure Hall, it is easier to make meritorious service.

In order to let the clan elders deduce the exercises with peace of mind, the elders who participate in the deduction of the exercises can get a lot of good deeds. During the shocking refining period, you can apply for the use of the Heavenly Thunder Transformation Spirit Talisman or the sixth-order formation, which is free of charge. In addition, The treatment of their descendants is much better than that of ordinary clansmen, and the rewards for their achievements are also very generous.

In addition to deducing the exercises, the elders of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion will also sort out the classics collected by the family, which can be used by the clansmen for treasure hunting or expeditions.

The Economic and Trade Hall has a number of caravans under its jurisdiction, collecting resources for cultivating immortals overseas and inland, collecting classics by the way, transporting them back to the family, and then handing them over to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Wang Chuanlin took out a pale golden Dharma plate, and typed in a formula. Wang Yihong's voice sounded: "Chuanlin, come to the conference hall, I have something to ask you."

"Yes, Patriarch Yihong."

Wang Chuanlin put away the Dharma tray, left the Sutra Pavilion, and came to the meeting hall.

Wang Yihong sat on the main holding a cyan token in his hand, and nine flying swords of different shapes were engraved on the front of the token.

After repeated inspections by Wang Jiye and Wang Zongyin, this token is not an attacking treasure, but more like a key. It may be to open a secret realm, or it may be the key to enter and exit the cave of an ancient monk.

The four of Wang Zongyin stood aside with solemn expressions.

"Chuan Lin, look at this token, can you recognize what it is?"

Wang Yihong handed the token to Wang Chuanlin and asked.

Wang Chuanlin is familiar with the classics collected in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and he may recognize the origin of this token.

Wang Chuanlin checked it carefully and asked about the origin of the token, and Wang Yier told the truth.

"It should be related to Nine Swords True Monarch or Nine Swords Sect. If it is Nine Swords True Monarch, then it is the Sihua Cave Mansion. If it is Nine Swords Sect, it is a secret realm."

Wang Chuanlin analyzed.

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