Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3093: Ruyan Crossing the Tribulation (Today is gone)

Wanhai Island, the home of Zhenjun Wanhai.

In the southwest corner of the island, a palace with erratic blue light floats high in the sky, and the three big blue characters "Wanhai Palace" are written on the lacquered gold plaque.

The door of Wanhai Palace was opened, and the main hall was spacious and bright. A tall and thin old man in blue robes was sitting on the main seat, with a pair of tiger eyes that were not angry and majestic.

True Monarch Wan Hai, in the early days of Mahayana, he survived two great catastrophes.

It is very difficult for Mahayana monks to go further, and it does not mean that they can advance through hard work.

Han Yiqing stood aside, reporting the situation.

"Senior Xu, that's how it happened. The seventh-order nine-colored worm fell into the hands of the Wu Clan. It should be easier for the Wu Clan to cross the Great Tribulation."

Han Yiqing looked respectful and aggrieved.

Naturally, she would not say that the Han family was doing it for her own selfishness, but that she wanted to capture the seventh-order nine-colored insects and dedicate them to Zhenjun Wanhai.

True Monarch Wan Hai could naturally see the true purpose of the Han family, but he didn't point it out.

"I see, you go down!"

True Monarch Wan Hai said calmly, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter.

"Senior Xu, this is a mid-level seventh-rank nine-color worm!"

Han Yiqing said in disbelief that Master Wan Hai didn't seem to care about it.

"Need I repeat that?"

Zhenjun Wan Hai showed displeasure.

There are Mahayana monks in the Wu clan, so they just come to grab them? Obviously unrealistic.

The witch clan's curse technique is very powerful, Master Wan Hai dare not be careless.

Han Yiqing's face panicked, and she said quickly: "I dare not, this junior will never show any disrespect..."

"Okay, go down! Spread the news first, and let the outside world know that the Wu Clan got the seventh-order nine-colored insect."

True Monarch Wan Hai ordered.

Han Yiqing responded, bowed and stepped back.

Zhenjun Wan Hai took out a blue communication plate, entered a formula, and ordered: "Yu'er, you go to contact Zhenjun Qianjin, tell him the news that the witch clan has obtained the seventh-order nine-colored insect, and ask him to come over to discuss countermeasures. "

"Yes, master."

A female voice like a silver bell came from the communication board.

Putting away the communication tray, Zhenjun Wan Hai had a thoughtful expression on his face, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.


Golden Carp Island, the old nest of the Qing carp tribe.

Qingli Palace, the important place of Qingli clan.

The main hall is spacious and bright. A woman in a green dress with gorgeous features is sitting on the main seat, her eyes are blue, and she exudes an aura as vast as the sea.

Qingji, in the early days of Mahayana, she has survived three great catastrophes, and there are still thousands of years before the fourth cataclysm.

Qing Chi was reporting to Qing Ji, he rushed back to Jinli Island as quickly as possible, and reported to Qing Ji face to face.

"The seventh-order nine-color insect? Are you sure?"

Qingji said in a deep voice, a little moved.

Qing Chi nodded and said: "It's absolutely true, Fellow Daoist Long asked me to search for the soul of the Wu Clan monk's Nascent Soul, there is no falsehood, but unfortunately he took back the Nascent Soul."

Qingji frowned, the Nine Dragon Palace headed by Long Xiao was not close to the Qing carp clan, it was obviously impossible for Long Tianyan to send the Wu clan monk's Nascent Soul over.

"Send someone to contact the Blood Whale Clan. We can work together for the seventh-level middle-grade Jiucai Worm."

Qinggi ordered.

If it was a low-rank seventh-rank Nine-Colored Insect, it would not be very attractive to her, and a mid-rank seventh-rank was another matter. If it was a top-rank seventh rank, she would directly come to find trouble with the Wu Clan.

The higher the level of the nine-color worm, the better the effect of the excreted nine-light **** mud against the thunder disaster.

It is very difficult for monster worms to advance to the next level, and it is already very good that the nine-color worm can be promoted to the seventh-level middle-grade.

"Yes, old ancestor."

Qing Chi agreed to come down, bowed and retreated.

"Brother Shuo, if you were here, the Nine Dragon Palace might not be in trouble with our Qing carp clan."

Qingji sighed, and said to himself, with a look of reminiscence on his face.


Xuanling Continent, Jinlin Lake.

A huge thundercloud floated high in the sky, with lightning flashes and thunder, and the momentum was astonishing.

Wang Changsheng stood on the top of a peak with a dignified expression.

Wang Ruyan is going through the Great Tribulation, Wang Qingshan and Duan Tongtian went to the Qingli Sea to capture the seventh-order ice flame, and Wang Changsheng personally protected Wang Ruyan.

Time passed little by little, and thunder disasters fell one after another, each thicker than the other, and the momentum was frightening.

After the time of a cup of tea, the thundercloud was only tens of feet in size.

There are still three thunder tribulations, and Wang Ruyan will be able to survive the first major catastrophe.

In a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, Wang Ruyan sat in a blue lotus platform, with a shield of blue light floating in front of him.

The black tortoise shield, refined from the shell of a seventh-order black tortoise, is a middle-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, captured by Wang Changsheng during the great battle.

Wang Ruyan's face was slightly pale, and a blue light curtain was covering her body, and a large number of musical notes could be seen on the surface of the light curtain.

The rumbling thunder sounded, resounding through the sky, and a thick silver lightning struck down, hitting the blue shield, and there was a muffled sound.

The silver lightning exploded, and a cloud of silver thunder covered Wang Ruyan's figure.

Before the thunder light dissipated, a second bolt of silver lightning struck down.

The thunder cloud rolled violently and turned into a huge silver phoenix. The silver phoenix flapped its wings lightly, swooped down from the sky, and fell into the thunder.

After a loud noise, the thunder light became more dazzling, and the powerful air wave lifted a large amount of flying sand and rocks, filling the air with smoke and dust.

After a while, a blue long rainbow flew out from the thunder and landed in front of Wang Changsheng. It was Wang Ruyan, her face was pale, and she looked like she had consumed a lot of mana.

The great catastrophe of the fit monk lasted too long. This is the first catastrophe. The more times there are, the longer the duration and the greater the power.

If the fit monk can't go any further, he will be struck to death by lightning sooner or later.

Wang Ruyan flipped her right hand, a blue light flashed, and the black turtle shield appeared in her hand, with more than a dozen small cracks on the surface, which were clearly visible.

"The damage is not serious and can be repaired."

Wang Changsheng said with a chuckle that it is difficult to repair the tribulation treasures such as the Nine Light Bottle, Dongyi Shield, and Thunder Beads, and the Xuangui Shield can be repaired without serious damage.

Wang Ruyan nodded and said, "I don't know what happened to Qingshan and the others. Wanlingxu is not an ordinary place."

"Qingshan's strength is not weak. He has been in the fusion stage for more than a thousand years, and he has also mastered the mystical powers and secret techniques, as well as the treasures for robbery. He knows how to advance and retreat, so there should be no problem."

Wang Changsheng comforted him.

Wang Ruyan nodded: "We'll be out Let's go back to Qinglian Island!"

They left Jinlin Lake and returned to Qinglian Island using the teleportation array.

Back on Qinglian Island, Wang Changsheng sent a message to Wang Yihong, asking him to come over.

"Qingshan and the others' natal soul lamps are not abnormal!"

Wang Changsheng asked.

"If you go back to your ancestors, there is nothing abnormal. If there is any abnormality, I will report it immediately."

Wang Yihong said respectfully.

"That's good, there's nothing else, you can go to work!"

Wang Changsheng waved his hand, making Wang Yihong back off.

There is no major issue at present. Other matters can be resolved by the tribe. They don't need Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan to come forward. They return to the secret room to retreat and cultivate.

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