Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3137: uneasy

【Top of Qinglian】【】

After Zhang Yunhai's introduction, Wang Mengbin had a general understanding of the Hundred Clan Conference.

There are still several years before the official meeting of the Hundred Tribes. During this period, cultivators of all ethnic groups can exchange resources for cultivating immortals and communicate with each other. Major merchants will also hold some auctions to come up with some rare cultivating resources to attract the majority of cultivators to participate. .

"Can Jiuguang Shenmu and Dongyi Shenmu more than 100,000 years old be exchanged?" Wang Mengbin was a little surprised.

"Hey, I heard that Tianxu Jade Books can be exchanged, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I just heard that a certain alien fusion has exchanged a page of Tianxu Jade Books, the content is unknown."

Zhang Yunhai smiled and said meaningfully.

The Hundred Clan Conference can be said to be the biggest event in Qianyuan Continent. For the majority of monks, this is also a chance. Some monks have good luck, picking up leaks or exchanging them for high-level tribulation materials, and some monks have bad luck and spend money. Bought fakes at a high price.

Luck is important, but so is eyesight.

A certain small clan cultivator went bankrupt, bought a material similar to Jiuguang Divine Clay, and asked a treasure appraiser from the Jiuyuan Business Alliance to appraise it, only to find out that he was cheated, the liar has disappeared, and he suffered a big loss.

During the Hundred Clan Conference, there will be various resources for cultivating immortals, and there will also be various fakes.

"Can Tianxu Yushu be exchanged?" Wang Yingjie was shocked.

"The value of the Tianxu Jade Book depends on the content, and it is estimated to be some slanderous content. If it is a secret technique, wouldn't it be better to exchange it with the Tianyue Clan, or the Jiuyuan Business Alliance, or the temporary shops opened by various ethnic groups. ."

Zhang Ruofeng explained.

The cultivators of all ethnic groups rushed to Qi Yunfeng early, opened a shop temporarily, and purchased resources for cultivating immortals, hoping to receive rare items.

"That's not necessarily the case. If you master a special skill, such as refining a certain unpopular medicinal pill, refining a special talisman or treasure, or divination, the other party may ask you, and it is possible to obtain Tianxu Jade. Book."

A cheerful male voice sounded.

Wang Yingjie looked at the source of the sound, and a red-robed Taoist priest with a big belly came towards him. The red-robed Taoist priest's face was white, his bulging belly seemed to break through the Taoist robe at any time, and his round face and small eyes.

The red-robed Taoist priest wears a nine-beam scarf on his head, and his aura is a bit stronger than Wang Mengbin. "You're here, my fellow Taoist. I only told Mrs. She about you a few days ago."

Zhang Yunhai's tone was warm, listening to his words, he was acquainted with the Taoist priest in red robe.

"Friend Wang Dao, let me introduce to you, this is friend Daoist, the deacon elder of Jiuyuan Business Alliance, friend Daoist, this is friend Dao Wang."

Zhang Yunhai introduced enthusiastically. "The poor Daoist is not at ease, I have seen fellow Daoist Wang." The Taoist priest in red robe folded his fists and said with a smile.

Wang Mengbin did not dare to neglect and hurriedly reported his name.

The three integrated monks walked in the front, and the five Wang Yingjie walked in the back.

"Daoist friend, you just said that if you master the technique of divination, you can also get the Heavenly Void Jade Book?" Wang Mengbin asked curiously.

There have been fortune-tellers in the Dongli world, and there are also members of the Wang family who have learned the technique of fortune-telling, but their achievements are not great and their performance is mediocre.

There are also fortune-tellers in the Xuanling Continent, but their cultivation is generally not high and their abilities are limited.

Nodding uncomfortably, he said, "That's right, Xuanji Shenjun has been transferred to Tianxu Yushu. He is recognized as the number one fortune-teller in the Xuanyang world. At this Hundred Clan Conference, I heard that his two disciples are also here."

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【Top of Qinglian】【】

"God Xuanji, the first fortune-teller recognized in the Xuanyang world?" Wang Mengbin was a little surprised, it was the first time he had heard of this person.

"Wang Daoyou has never heard of Xuanji Divine Monarch. It is normal, this person's whereabouts are uncertain, and he rarely shows up. I also heard about this person's existence from Qiankun Palace, and I heard that the Mahayana monk also wanted to ask him for divination. However, the Lord Xuanji did not dare to fortune-telling for a cultivator of a great realm higher than himself, saying that the power of backlash was too strong, and he couldn't bear it."

Zhang Yunhai explained.

The technique of divination is to see the secrets of the sky, and the fortune-teller's fortune-telling will suffer backlash.

"The Mahayana monk also wants to ask him to do divination?"

Wang Mengbin was shocked, even if it was a rumor, the ability of the mysterious **** is evident.

There is no vacuous person under the reputation, and a fortune-teller with average ability will not have such a great reputation.

"I heard that, but he is indeed very popular, and it is hard to find a hexagram. If he can ask his disciples to do divination, that would not be bad."

Uncomfortably, he said with a smile.

Half an hour later, they appeared on a bustling street. The pedestrians here were all human monks, from the Nascent Soul to the Fit.

A purple-skirted girl with picturesque features walked quickly and stopped in front of them.

"The junior Qiankun Gong Xia Yan met with the three seniors. The junior was ordered by Uncle Gan to arrange accommodation for the senior Wang."

The girl in the purple dress bowed and bowed.

Wang Mengbin was stunned for a moment, and soon relieved. After Chen Yueying entered the Mahayana period, the Zhenhai Palace signboard still had some influence among the human race.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I have something to do with fellow daoists. We will meet again later." Zhang Yunhai greeted and separated from Wang Mengbin and the others.

Wang Mengbin nodded and said pleasantly. "Young friend Lao Xia will lead the way." Xia Yan responded and led the way in person.

It didn't take long for them to appear at the entrance of a secluded small courtyard with green tiles. A light cyan light curtain covered the entire courtyard. On the opposite side was a nine-story cyan attic. The plaque read "Qiankun Pavilion" in three golden colors. Large characters, the buildings nearby are not luxurious, and most of them are small courtyards.

"The foothold of our Qiankun Palace is in the Qiankun Pavilion. The She Family, Zhang Family and other major human forces live nearby. This is not the territory of our human race. I would like to invite Senior Wang to take a look."

Xia Yan explained through voice transmission, took out a cyan token, and handed it to Wang Mengbin. "Bring a message for me to fellow Daoist Gan, and I will definitely come to visit later."

Wang Mengbin accepted the token and said sincerely. "Yes, Senior Wang." Xia Yan answered and bowed and stepped back.

Wang Mengbin's mana was injected into the cyan token, and a cyan light flew out, hitting the cyan light curtain, and the cyan light curtain rippled and disappeared.

Wang Zongyun pushed open the door and walked in. The yard was not big, with a five-story cyan loft and a cyan bamboo pavilion. There were some cyan spiritual bamboos planted beside the bamboo pavilion.

"It's rare to come here and have a good time shopping! See if you can collect some dharma materials such as Styx Water, Tianyin Sand, and Silver Gang Crystal."

Wang Mengbin said with a smile, they spread out and hung out.

There are many cultivators participating in the Hundred Clan Conference. If they can exchange for some rare materials, it is a great luck. It is really not good. It is not bad to exchange for some advanced Dharma materials.

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【Top of Qinglian】【】

A manor that covers a very large area, with small bridges and flowing water, and a waterwheel garden.

A young man in green shirt with handsome features was reporting the situation to a golden-robed old man with a majestic face.

Tong Feng, in the middle of the fusion, a deacon elder of the Tianyue Clan.

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