Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3150: Begonia's Obsession

【Top of Qinglian】【】

Demon World, Demon Flame Continent.

The Demon Mang Mountains are located in the middle of the Demon Flame Continent, stretching for hundreds of millions of miles. This is a sub-rudder of the Tianmo Palace, and there are integrated monks sitting there all year round.

To the southeast of the Moman Mountains, you can see a lot of buildings and figures.

A gray escaping light flew from a distance and landed at the foot of a towering mountain peak, and the place above the mountainside was covered by demonic energy.

The escape light converged, and Fang Mu's figure appeared. He was currently in the middle stage of virtual refining.

Fang Mu sent a sound transmission, and it didn't take long for the magic energy to tumble violently, turning into a black cloud ladder and falling in front of Fang Mu. Fang Mu walked to the black cloud ladder, and the black cloud ladder suddenly rolled up, leading him to the top of the mountain.

In a black manor that covers an extremely wide area, Ye Haitang is sitting in a black stone pavilion. She is currently in the late stage of virtual refining.

After they joined the Tianmo Palace, they often performed tasks together in exchange for resources for cultivation. Ye Haitang was a sixth-order array mage. Helping to set up arrays could earn resources for cultivation, and they could also arrange formations to assist their own cultivation. The cultivation speed was much faster than Fang Mu. .

"How is it! Did you get the Demon Soul Pill?" Ye Haitang asked impatiently. Fang Mu took out a black porcelain bottle and threw it to Ye Haitang.

"I didn't tell you, why are you so persistent in going back to the Dongli Realm? If you were in the Spirit Realm, it would be fine. This is the Demon Realm. It is very difficult for you to separate your soul from the lower realm and return to the Dongli Realm. You have failed four times. Give up? Demon Soul Pill can strengthen the power of splitting souls, it is not easy to accumulate a little good deeds, last time we almost died at the hands of those two sixth-rank top-rank three-eyed leopards."

Fang Mu frowned and said.

Ye Haitang wanted to cast the soul-splitting secret technique and return to the Dongli Realm from the lower realm, which was quite difficult. She needed to separate the soul from the lower realm to the interface directly under the Demon Realm, and then find a way to go to the Dongli Realm.

If the high-level monks in the demon world can easily separate the soul from the lower realm to the interface such as the east fence realm, the lower interface such as the east fence realm has long been controlled by the demons. The usual practice is to go to the interface directly under the demon realm from the lower realm, and then find a way to go to other interfaces, so that The difficulty is a little lower, but the failure rate is still very high. If you fail once, the cultivator will lose part of his soul, and it will take more than a thousand years to recuperate.

Ye Haitang has failed four times, and she still refuses to give up, but she loses too much soul, which will affect her advancement.

"No one can stop me from what I want to do, I must go back and have a look." Ye Haitang said sternly.

"What can you do when you go back? If your uncle and the others don't ascend, they are already dead, and if the Wang family still exists, how many of those juniors know you? If they ascend to the spiritual world, you will not be able to contact them. You have lost contact with the spiritual world for many years, if you fail a few times, it will affect your advanced integration."

Fang Mu kindly advised.

He didn't have many sincere friends in the demon world, Ye Haitang was one of them, and Ye Haitang didn't ask for help, Fang Mu was also kind, so he spoke up.

Even if the Yin Corpse sect still exists, he has never met the younger generation of the Yin Corpse sect, and has no feelings, so naturally he can't go back.

"You fell into the Yin Corpse sect halfway, and you can't understand my feelings for the family. I grew up in the royal family, I have to go back and see, even if I just give them a stick of incense, I am satisfied, well, you go back! I'm ready to cast the spell again, and hopefully this time it will be successful."

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【Top of Qinglian】【】

Ye Haitang issued the order to evict the guests. Fang Mu sighed lightly and left in a flash of light.

"Uncle\aunt\Qingshan cousin, I hope you are still alive!"

Ye Haitang muttered to herself, stood up, and walked towards a black attic not far away.

……Xuanyang Realm, Qianyuan Continent.

Tianhou Mountains, a towering peak, with a golden octagonal pagoda on the top of the mountain, a group of monks patrolling nearby, a pale gold plaque hanging above the entrance of the pagoda, which reads "Wan Jing Pagoda" three Large silver characters, flashing aura.

This is where the Tianhou Clan's Book Collection Pavilion is located. The classics collected by the Tianhou Clan are stored in the Ten Thousand Classics Pagoda. The classics can be viewed according to the level of cultivation and identity. The higher the cultivation, the more precious books can be viewed.

A huge golden vulture flew from a distance and landed near the octagonal pagoda. A tall and thin young man in a golden shirt stood on the back of the golden vulture.

The young man in the golden shirt put away the golden vulture and strode towards the "Pagoda of Ten Thousand Classics".

He traveled all the way, and came to the eighteenth floor. There was a pale golden light curtain on the stairs leading to the nineteenth floor, blocking his way.

A majestic male voice came from the nineteenth floor: "Xuanxin, what is your business?"

"Tong Daoyou, I heard from Hou Daoyou that we have obtained a sword cultivation technique, "The Sword of Ten Thousand Spirits". I am very interested in this technique. Is this technique stored in the treasure house?"

The young man in the golden shirt said politely.

A sturdy red-robed old man passed through the golden light curtain and appeared in front of the golden-robed youth. The red-robed old man had a white face and a strong aura.

"You only got into the treasure house not long ago. Your news is very well-informed! The ancestors said that the monks of this family can't practice this practice, so don't think of this practice."

The red-robed old man explained, "As long as that practice is here, that's fine."

The golden-shirted youth smiled slightly, raised his right hand, and a golden light flew out, heading straight for the red-robed old man.

The Wanjing Tower suddenly shook violently, and there was a loud noise.

The alarm sounded loudly, and the patrolling monks rushed to the Wanjing Pagoda one after another. There was a deafening sound of thunder from the sky, and tens of thousands of thick silver lightning appeared out of nowhere, slashing at these Tianhou Clan monks.

A burst of screams sounded, and these monks were wiped out, leaving no slag.

A silver thunder light lit up hundreds of meters away from the Wanjing Pagoda, and Wang Mengbin appeared with cold eyes.

He used the Seven-Star Spirit Control Talisman to control a cultivator, and sneaked into the Tianhou Clan with the other party. The first time he came to the Wanjing Pagoda, it was the most important thing to get the "Wanling Sword Sutra".

Wang Mengbin's body was covered with silver light, and he flew into the Wanjing Pagoda. Soon, the Wanjing Pagoda shook violently, and the explosion continued.

Hou Lei rushed over immediately, and when he saw the scene in front of him, his face sank, and he actually dared to sneak into the Tianhou Mountains to make trouble, which didn't take him seriously at all.

One after another golden light rose into the sky, and a huge golden light curtain emerged out of thin air, covering most of the Tianhou Mountains.

The Tianhou Clan opened a great formation to protect the clan, and planned to use the formation to deal with Wang Mengbin.

There was a deafening roar from high in the sky, resounding through the heavens and the earth, and tens of thousands of thick silver lightning flashed across the sky and slashed towards Hou Lei.

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【Top of Qinglian】【】

Hou Lei's reaction was very fast, urging Fa Xiang, and spewing out a golden sound wave, defeating the incoming silver lightning.

A dazzling silver thunder light lit up, and Wang Mengbin appeared, holding the Five Thunder Halberd in his hand, his expression icy cold.

He successfully destroyed the Tianhou Clan monks who were guarding the Ten Thousand Classics Pagoda, and searched for the most precious books of the Tianhou Clan.

In fact, Wang Mengbin originally planned to deal with Hou Lei first, and then get the classics, but Hou Lei focused on cultivation, and if there was anything important, he needed to report to Hou Hao first.

This is also normal. It is not easy for a cultivator to meet Wang Changsheng. He needs to pass the level of Wang Moshan first.

In this way, Wang Mengbin had no choice but to change his strategy, to get the exercises first, and then to deal with Hou Lei, even if he couldn't beat him, with the treasures and supernatural powers in his hand, it would be no problem to escape.

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