Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3157: Aoyama House

【Top of Qinglian】【】

Qingli Sea Area, Tianxing Islands.

Seven Star Island, a huge treasure ship is docked near Seven Star Island, a gourd pattern can be seen on the sail, this is the Han family's cross-ling treasure ship.

After years of rest, the Han family's cross-ling treasure ship set sail again.

The attentive cultivator found that there were many more disciples of the Seven Swords Palace on the cross-ling treasure ship.

Many of the Han family's integrated monks died, their vitality was severely damaged, and they could not recover their vitality in a short period of time. They could only ask Qijiangong to assist, otherwise the Han family's cross-spirit treasure ship would not be able to cross the sea at all. After all, the Han family needs integrated monks to look after the house. , Some integrated monks went out to travel and did not return, and were seriously understaffed.

A large number of monks lined up to buy tickets to board the ship.

A red long rainbow appeared in the distant sky and flew towards it quickly.

Not long after, the red escaping light stopped, and a flying boat with red light appeared. Wang Qingshan and others stood on the red flying boat, and their faces were happy.

"Finally I can go back." Wang Tuntian said with a smile.

Wang Qingfeng smiled and nodded, and with a pinch of the magic trick, the red flying boat flew towards the cross-ling treasure ship and landed near the cross-ling treasure ship.

Xu Xin was also on the deck, and recognized Wang Qingshan and others at a glance, greeted the disciples, and arranged a cabin for them.

Half a day later, the sun sets, and the afterglow of the sunset glows on the sea, dyeing the sea golden yellow. "Sail!"

With the sound of a loud man's voice, the cross-ling treasure ship set sail, and it didn't take long for the cross-ling treasure ship to disappear into the sea.

Qinglian Island, Qinglian Peak.

Wang Ruyan was sitting in the stone pavilion, Wang Mengli, Wang Zhongchen and Wang Moshan were standing aside, their expressions were solemn.

"Mengli, run with Zhong Chen, help Monsanto perform tricks well, and deceive those cultivators."

Wang Ruyan ordered.

Wang Mengshan asked the family for help. On the bright side, the Wang family asked the affiliated forces to deal with Wang Mengshan, and the affiliated forces would definitely deal with Wang Mengshan.

Therefore, Wang Mengshan must be attacked by other cultivators, and he must also be in front of the disciples of the Leng Yan faction.

If it comes true, Wang Mengshan will be miserable. If he can't hold back, Wang Mengshan may die. If he is acting, he may not be able to hide it. It is much easier for Wang Mengli to cast illusions.

"Yes, the old ancestor (master)." Wang Zhongchen and Wang Mengli agreed. "By the way, where did Chuanming go? Didn't he tell you?"

Wang Ruyan asked, the existence of Wang Mengshan is an important secret of the family, and the less people know about it, the better, but Wang Chuanming is not here, Wang Ruyan can only let Wang Zhongchen do it.

"I don't know." Wang Zhongchen shook his head, he really didn't know it. "Okay! Go ahead and do your work!" Wang Ruyan waved her hand and asked Wang Mengli and Wang Zhongchen to step back.

"By the way, Moshan, you mentioned before that the clan members got a special token, like a token, is it related to the Nine Swords True Monarch mentioned by Monsan?"

Wang Ruyan looked at Wang Moshan and asked curiously.

Wang Mengshan mentioned that the Leng Yan faction was looking for the seat of the Nine Swords True Monarch, and the Wang family got a token in the early years with nine small swords on the token.

"After multiple investigations by the clansmen in the treasure hunt hall, Jiujian Zhenjun has issued a similar token, which is likely to be related to Jiujian Zhenjun. One or two led people around to find clues, but there is no clue yet."

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【Top of Qinglian】【】

Wang Moshan reported truthfully.

To be honest, just relying on a token, no one dares to be 100% sure that it is related to the Nine Swords True Monarch. Huadongfu.

Wang Yier recruited people from several halls and searched for clues everywhere. So far, he has not found any clues. Wang Ruyan nodded and said, "If there is news, immediately..."

Before she could finish her words, Wang Moshan heard a piercing screeching sound. He took out a light blue magic plate from his arms and punched a magic formula. His eyes showed a bit of surprise and said: "Old Ancestor, Qihu Sanren came to visit, he has entered the integration period."

"Qihu Sanren? I thought he was dead!"

Wang Ruyan was a little surprised. Wang Changsheng once helped Qihu Sanren to refine the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao for defense. At that time, Qihu Sanren was only in the virtual period.

"Invite him to the reception room! I'll go there now." Wang Ruyan ordered.

Wang Moshan responded and left Qinglian Peak to meet Qihu Sanren.

Wang Ruyan came to the reception room, and not long after, Qihu Sanren strode in with a big smile on his face. "Friend Jiang, congratulations!" Wang Ruyan said with a smile.

Qihu Sanren's face turned straight, bowed his hands to Wang Ruyan, and said solemnly: "If Daoyou Wang hadn't come to help, Jiang would have died under the great catastrophe."

It is not easy for a loose cultivator in the refining stage to obtain a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and it is even more difficult to obtain a defense-type middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

At that time, Qihu Sanren had the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect to actually get a defensive mid-grade Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure, the Golden Unicorn Armor.

With Jin Linjia, he only survived the fourth great catastrophe. Later, it coincided with the outbreak of a racial war. Qihu Sanren participated in the war in order to obtain resources for cultivating immortals, and obtained a large amount of resources for cultivating immortals. Shocked the fit period and successfully entered the fit stage.

If it weren't for the golden scale armor, the Seven Gourd Sanren would probably have died under the Fourth Great Calamity. There is no way to enter the fusion period.

"Young Daoyou Jiang is very polite, I don't know why Daoyou Jiang is here this time?" Wang Ruyan asked Qihu Sanren's purpose.

"I came here specifically to thank you Wang Daoyou. I promised him that I would help him do one thing. It's no problem to kill someone and grab a treasure. Jiang will do what he says."

The Seven Gourd Sanren said with a serious expression.

"My husband is in seclusion, and it is inconvenient to come out to see you, so let's do it! If my husband leaves the seclusion, I will tell you."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile.

Qihu Sanren nodded, took out a piece of blue wood that was about a foot long, handed it to Wang Ruyan, and said, "This is a piece of 30,000-year-old Tianjing wood, someone from Jiang has been practicing Taoism for many years, and he doesn't understand the big truth. I still understand Yongquan's report, this is a little bit of my heart, thank you Wang Daoyou for helping me refine the weapon back then."

He also took a lot of risks back then, and if it wasn't for compelled, he would not be willing to do so, Wang Changsheng didn't kill people and seize treasures, and Qilu Sanren still admired Wang Changsheng very much.

"Sky Crystal Wood!"

Wang Ruyan was a little surprised, this is one of the top ten sacred woods, it is extremely heavy, and a piece of sky crystal wood can only be used for refining.

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【Top of Qinglian】【】

"Then many thanks to fellow Daoist Jiang." Wang Ruyan did not refuse, and accepted Tianjingmu. After chatting for a while, Qihu Sanren said goodbye and left.

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