Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3530: scattered breakout

Chapter 3547 Scattered Breakthrough

A golden light lit up in the void thousands of miles away, and the figure of a big man in a golden shirt appeared, his eyes were full of fear.

"Ye family!"

The big man in the golden shirt said in a deep voice, the two Mahayanas of the Ye family can be integrated with the true spirit method, and their strength should not be underestimated.

The nine ice lions let out a beast roar that resounded through the world, and a white sound wave swept over, and at the same time, dense magic auras went straight to Chi Huan and the others.

The mountain giant ape swung the golden giant stick and smashed it at Chi Huan and the others.

Shi Yan sacrificed the Heavenly Cocoon Cauldron and injected a formula, a large yellow flame swept out, the void was torn open, the yellow flame violently rolled, turned into a yellow fire dragon with a thick waist, and went straight to Chi Huan and the others .

Chi Huan and others didn't dare to be careless, and quickly sacrificed treasures to resist.

The big man in the golden shirt pinched the magic formula, and the golden long knife flew back, and at the same time, a large red flame burst out from his body, protecting him.

After the loud rumbling noise, all kinds of auras lit up in the sky, very conspicuous.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Yunfei and others flew on top of the Ice Lion, and the Ice Lion turned into a white ray of light and flew away.

A blue light appeared in the distant sky, and not long after, the blue light stopped, and a huge ship appeared, with seven men and one woman and eight Mahayana monks standing on the deck, led by an obese The old man in the golden robe had a cold glint in his eyes.

Tong Oak, in the middle period of Mahayana, was born in the Tong family.

"Chase, don't let them get away."

Chi Huan said in a deep voice.

Suddenly, a yellow light flew out of the Ice Lion, and it was a giant ship with flashing yellow light. The yellow giant ship and the Ice Lion flew in different directions, very fast.

"Hmph, disperse and escape? We also separate, and we must catch up with them."

Chi Huan's face was full of murderous intent. The boring clan recruited five Mahayana monks from the subordinate races, and combined with allies to gather so many Mahayana monks. Naturally, Ye Xuanfeng and the others could not be allowed to escape.

Luo Yushuo's soul was injured, and his strength was not as good as before. If he missed this opportunity, it would not be so easy to kill him in the future.

Chi Huan and the others split into two groups and chased after them in two cross-ling treasure ships.

Not long after, the four cross-ling treasure ships disappeared into the sky.


In Xuanyang Realm and Manatee Island, the streets are full of people, cars and horses are noisy, very lively.

In a secluded courtyard with blue tiles, Wang Qingcheng and Monk Yuan Xiao were sitting in a blue stone pavilion, talking about something.

Monk Yuan Xiao has advanced into Mahayana, and Miao De is practicing in seclusion, so we don't see any visitors for now.

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist Wang, as long as your people are in our Tianfomen territory, we will protect them."

Monk Yuan Xiao said sincerely.

Master Miaode has a good relationship with Qinglian fairy couple. The Wang family opened a shop on Manatee Island to do business, and it's okay for monk Yuanxiao to help take care of them.

"Then trouble Master Yuan Xiao, I still have something to do, so I won't stay any longer."

Wang Qingcheng got up to say goodbye.

It took him more than 300 years to drive the cross-ling treasure boat to the sea. After arriving at Tianyang Sand Sea, he changed to cross-sea thunder boat. He originally wanted to visit Master Miaode, but Miaode is currently practicing in seclusion and has no visitors for the time being. Wang Qingcheng Find Monk Yuanxiao.

The Wang family opened a shop on Manatee Island to do business, so naturally Monk Yuan Xiao would not be in a difficult situation.

"Wang Daoyou, go slowly!"

Monk Yuan Xiao personally sent Wang Qingcheng away.

After leaving Manatee Island, Wang Qingcheng sacrificed a cross-sea thunder boat, and carried Wang Shenfeng and hundreds of other clansmen away from this place.

More than half a month later, the cross-sea thunder boat appeared over an endless sea.

Wang Qingcheng looked at the black thundercloud in the distance with a solemn expression.

With a pinch of his magic formula, the cross-sea thunder boat lit up with a dazzling silver light, and flew towards the black sea ahead at a very fast speed.

As soon as it entered the sky over the black sea area, there were bursts of loud thunder from high above the sky. A black lightning struck down and landed on the silver light curtain on the surface of the cross-sea thunder boat. There was a muffled sound, and the black lightning collapsed and disappeared.

Soon, the second and third black lightning fell.

Once Wang Qingcheng's tactic changed, Lei Zhou speeded up his escape.

More than two months later, the cross-sea thunder boat appeared above Canghai Island. Wang Yingjie, Wang Qingfeng, Dong Xueli and Duan Tongtian got the news and came out to meet him.

"Brother, you are finally here."

Wang Qingfeng said with a smile.

"Patriarch Qingcheng, the road is going well!"

Wang Yingjie asked with concern.

Wang Qingcheng nodded and said, "Let's go in and talk."

With a pinch of his magic formula, the cross-sea thunder boat slowly landed on a bluestone square, Wang Shenfeng and others disembarked one after another, and Wang Yuyan was responsible for arranging them.

Wang Qingcheng, Wang Yingjie, Wang Qingfeng, Dong Xueli and Duan Tongtian came to the Canghai Palace and sat in the main hall to chat.

"Uncle-in-law, this is a magic talisman for suppressing the universe, which is similar to the Putuo Tanyan talisman. This is my mother's personal order, and I must give you one."

Wang Qingcheng took out an exquisite cyan jade box and handed it to Duan Tongtian.

Duan Tongtian is already in the Great Perfection, and he can consider hitting the Mahayana period.

"It's too precious, leave it to Qingfeng!"

Duan Tongtian tactfully refused, he knew that it was not easy for the Wang family to get a Qiankun Town Talisman.

"Father, take it! I'm not in a hurry."

Wang Qingfeng said sincerely.

"Just accept it! One family doesn't talk about two things."

Wang Yingjie persuaded.

Duan Tongtian nodded and accepted it.

"Yingjie, this is father and mother's seventh brother's experience in comprehending the spiritual realm. There is also a reflection crystal, which recorded dad's experience of comprehending the spiritual realm. I hope it will be helpful to you."

Wang Qingcheng took out a cyan storage ring and handed it to Wang Yingjie.

Wang Yingjie thanked him, accepted it, and said, "Patriarch Qingcheng, you sit in Canghai, I'll go back to Xuanling Continent!"

It is safe to stay in Canghai, and he also wants to contribute to the family.

"No need, you can practice with peace of mind! I still have to go to Qianling Continent, and I won't stay here for too long."

Wang Qingcheng politely refused.

"The head of the family contacted us with a large communication array, saying that Ruyi and the others collected a piece of animal skin of an eighth-order golden glass beast."

Wang Yingjie thought of something and added.

Wang Qingcheng was overjoyed and said: "Great, I will go to the Qianling Continent after the large-scale communication array is set up. When the time comes, the cross-sea thunder boat will stay here, and I will drive the cross-spirit treasure ship to Qianling Continent."

Canghai Island currently has a large-scale communication array, which can communicate with Qinglian Island. Wang Qingcheng sent people to build a large-scale communication array on Manatee Island, and now another large-scale teleportation array will be built on Canghai Island.

In this way, if the clansmen of Tianyang Sand Sea encounter trouble, they can use the large-scale communication array to notify the clansmen of Canghai, and the clansmen of Canghai use the cross-sea thunder boat to leave Canghai and go out to help.

"I don't know how Seventh Brother is doing. Have you contacted the family and asked about Seventh Brother's situation?"

"We have inquired about it. Some cultivators have fallen. The soul lamps of the fit cultivators and Brother Seven are all fine. It seems to be safe."

Wang Qingfeng said with a smile.

Wang Qingcheng nodded, his face full of relief.

Three days later, Wang Qingcheng and Wang Yingjie left in a sea-crossing thunder boat. After leaving the sea of ​​thunder, Wang Yingjie drove a cross-sea thunder boat back to Canghai, and Wang Qingcheng drove a cross-sea treasure boat to Qianling Continent.

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