Top of Qinglian

Chapter 755: Danger

The True Soul Tree is a kind of strange tree, ranking tenth on the list of rare trees in the world. The True Soul Tree needs to absorb the soul of life to grow. It blooms in a thousand years, bears fruit in a thousand years, and matures in a thousand years. The true soul fruit has the effect of enhancing the soul of the soul. , but the biggest use of this fruit is to use it to refine Requiem Pill, which has the effect of calming the soul and reducing the invasion of monks' inner demons.

If you take a Requiem when conceiving a baby, you can increase the chance of conceiving a baby.

Wang Changsheng already has the Lingbao Jinbo Jade Buddha Pendant. From the perspective of alleviating the invasion of inner demons, the Jinbo Jade Buddha Pendant is more effective than the Requiem Pill, but the True Soul Fruit has the effect of enhancing the soul's essence, while the Jin Pak Jade Buddha Pendant has a better effect than the Requiem Pill. The jade buddha is to restrain the demons and ghosts and prevent the practice from going into the devil. If it encounters an attack by the ghosts and ghosts, the gold pomade will automatically protect the master.

For cultivators who practice the "Sunflower Shui Zhenjing", their spiritual consciousness must be strong enough, otherwise they cannot cultivate, and if they practice forcibly, they will explode and die.

Wang Changsheng's gaze at the True Soul Fruit became hot. Even if he took a True Soul Fruit, it would strengthen his soul and essence, which would be of great benefit to his future cultivation.

A pale golden light curtain covers the True Soul Tree, and the surface is covered with Buddhist runes.

"Little King Kong's ban! No wonder that monster couldn't break the ban."

Wang Changsheng suddenly realized that Ye Lin not only taught Wang Changyue how to set up the formation, but also compiled a lot of classics of formation, one of which recorded the Little King Kong formation.

The Little King Kong prohibition is a kind of Buddhist prohibition. The defense of this formation is extremely strong. It is said that brute force can break it. Most of the attacks of spells and magic weapons are useless.

It was precisely because of Little King Kong's prohibition that the black centipede failed to eat the True Soul Fruit.

In addition to the True Soul Tree, there is also a two-foot-tall yellow fruit tree and a dozen blue flowers. The yellow fruit tree has no leaves and is covered with sharp thorns. There are six egg-sized fruits hanging on the tree, with some pale golden spirits on the skin. The shape of the small blue flower resembles a sunflower, with three petals, each of which is the size of a fist.

Wang Changsheng didn't recognize the yellow fruits and blue flowers, but being in the same elixir garden with the True Soul Tree is definitely not an ordinary elixir.

The yellow fruit trees and blue flowers were covered by a pale yellow light curtain, which looked extremely thick and misty.


A loud noise came from a distance, and it seemed that the black centipede was forcibly breaking through the formation. Wang Changsheng didn't dare to be careless, and quickly spewed three mountain and sea beads, which fell into his hands and smashed towards the golden light curtain.

With a loud noise, the golden light curtain dented two fist marks, and a Sanskrit sound rang out.

Wang Changsheng let out a light snort, the blue light on the surface of his body released, his veins swelled, and there was a muffled sound of crackling bones in his body, he grew taller more than a circle, his face flushed red.

If it was in its heyday, Wang Changsheng might not be able to break the ban on this little diamond, but after so many years, the power of the formation has weakened a lot.

The golden light curtain sank, and all the golden runes on the surface lit up, as if to return to their original shape, Wang Changsheng's body surface thundered loudly, and countless blue electric arcs gushed out.


With a loud noise, the golden light curtain shattered, and a powerful air wave spread rapidly.

Wang Changsheng swayed and landed in front of the True Soul Tree. He picked five True Soul Fruits and put them in the wooden box. Then, with a flick of his wrist, the double-eyed mouse flew out of the Spirit Beast Orb, and it quickly drilled into it. Under the ground, soon, a dirt bag bulged on the ground, and the dirt bag moved around the True Soul Tree.

A dazzling yellow light appeared on the ground, and the soil turned into fine sand.

It didn't take long for a huge sand pit to appear in front of Wang Changsheng. Wang Changsheng held the True Soul Tree in both hands and pulled it up hard. He easily pulled out the entire True Soul Tree and collected the storage beads.

There was a piercing scream in Wang Changsheng's arms, and he knew that it was the black centipede attacking the formation.

With a flick of his hands, three mountain and sea pearls flew out, spun around and swelled quickly, smashing **** the yellow light curtain.

The yellow light curtain sank immediately, but it did not shatter, and countless yellow runes lit up on the surface.

Wang Changsheng frowned, slapped towards the yellow light curtain in the void, blue light flashed, and a huge blue palm filled with a large number of blue arcs flew out, hitting the yellow light curtain fiercely.

A deafening roar sounded, and the yellow light curtain shattered.

Wang Changsheng quickly picked up the spirit fruit and spirit medicine, and the spirit fruit tree was uprooted and put into the storage bead.

He took out the array plate, the aura of the array plate flickered non-stop, and made a piercing screeching sound. He punched a magic formula on the array plate.

Not long after, there was a deafening roar from the ground, and the ground shook.

After a while, Wang Changsheng appeared outside the manor. He put away the array flag, and ran towards the distance with the wood demon.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng appeared in a hidden cave.

He released the Gold Swallowing Ant Queen to alert him and the Wood Demon. He planned to take a True Soul Fruit to strengthen the soul essence.

There may be some dangers at the Zhenhaizong Ruins. If you have a stronger spiritual sense, you can discover these dangers early.

Wang Changsheng took out a True Soul Fruit and took a bite. The taste was a bit bitter, but he still quickly finished the True Soul Fruit.

Wang Changsheng felt that the sea of ​​consciousness was extremely painful, and a huge amount of energy poured into the sea of ​​consciousness at once, as if it was about to burst his sea of ​​consciousness.

He gritted his teeth and ran the cultivation method of the Sunflower Water Classic.

Not long after, there was a muffled crackling sound in his body, and a large blue glow appeared on the surface of his body.

The gold-swallowing ant was lying at the entrance of the The wood demon turned into countless cyan thorns, sealing the entrance of the cave.


In an endless yellow desert, a middle-aged man with cyan scales was surrounded by countless yellow beetles.

It took a lot of effort for him to escape the ban, but as a result, he encountered a group of monsters. The monsters were invulnerable to swords and fire, and could spray venom to attack. There was also a top-grade third-rank insect king.

The middle-aged man realized that something was wrong, and the blue flying fork in his hand released a large piece of blue lightning, which struck the yellow beetle, and countless yellow beetles fell.

A strange hissing sound sounded, and a yellow beetle several feet in size flew out, with a pair of yellow sharp horns on its head.

At the same time, countless yellow beetles spit out a large amount of yellow venom, and the middle-aged man's body protection aura flashed wildly.


The sharp horns of the third-rank top-rank insect king pierced the middle-aged man's body protection aura, and countless yellow beetles swarmed up.

A scream sounded, and the middle-aged man was drowned by countless yellow beetles.

After ten breaths, the yellow beetles dispersed, and there was nothing on the ground. The yellow beetles landed in the desert one after another, and it was difficult to detect with the terrain.


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