Top of Qinglian

Chapter 891: Battle of Topaz

"Qingshan, work harder, there shouldn't be much defensive power on the island."

Wang Mingren urged, and when the magic trick was pinched, the light of the two red circles rose sharply, and with a roar, they smashed aggressively on the blue water curtain.

A large piece of red flames spread rapidly, covering most of the water curtain.

Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched, and thousands of cyan flying swords rushed to hit the blue water curtain.


With a loud noise, the blue water curtain suddenly shattered, and six rays of light flew out. It was Huang Yuxu and the others.

Wang Mingren saw Huang Yuxu's six people, his face changed, and he said in a voice: "No, there is an ambush, run quickly, Qingshan."

He waved a red flag on his hand, and a large wave of red fire swept out, turning into a huge red fire eagle, rushing towards the opposite side.

Ye Lang waved a short yellow blade in his hand and released a large yellow blade shadow, smashing the red fire eagle, and the flames scattered.

Wang Qingshan and Wang Mingren turned into two rays of light and flew away, flying in different directions at very fast speeds.

"Chase, don't let them run away."

Huang Yuxu gave a cold drink and turned into a flash of light to chase after him.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, Fellow Daoist Li, you go after the other person, I will go after Wang Qingshan with the island master, don't let them run away."

After Ye Lang finished speaking, he turned into a flash of light and followed.

Two cultivators on the sixth floor of Formation Pills pursued Wang Mingren, and Huang Yuxu led four Pills to pursue Wang Qingshan.

Huang Yuxu is an eighth-layer, one has a seventh-layer, two have a fourth-layer, and four fights one. If they can't beat Wang Qingshan, they will die on the tofu.

Wang Qingshan used his spiritual sense to observe the situation behind him while driving the sword light to fly away.

"Want to run? It's not that easy."

Huang Yuxu's face turned cold, the yellow light flashed in his hand, and a longbow with erratic yellow light appeared in his hand, and there was a lifelike dragon pattern on the bow arm. In the hand, the tail of the arrow is a lifelike Jiaolong head, its mouth is open.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A sharp whistling sound of arrows that tingled the eardrums sounded, and four cyan arrows flew out. After one blurred, they turned into four huge, scaly cyan dragons, and they rushed towards Wang Qingshan with their teeth and claws. quick.

Ye Lang and the three did not sit idle either, offering magic weapons or performing spiritual techniques to attack Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan's face became solemn, an astonishing sword intent rushed out of his body, and a large phantom cyan flying sword appeared all over his body. The phantom quickly materialized and struck in all directions.


An indescribably powerful air wave swept out in all directions, and various magical auras bloomed in the air like fireworks.

Taking this opportunity, the sword light at the foot of Wang Qingshan soared, and the speed of escape more than doubled.

Huang Yuxu's face turned cold, the magic formula changed, and the four cyan flood dragons let out a roar one after another, merged into one, turned into a larger cyan flood dragon, and their speed more than doubled, going straight to Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan's complexion changed greatly, and he hurriedly threw out a blue shield, flying around him uncertainly.

The cyan Flood Dragon collided with the cyan shield, the cyan shield dented immediately, the cyan shield flew upside down, and several pieces of aura smashed on the cyan shield, the cyan shield suddenly shattered, turned into a large piece of cyan sawdust, and fell on the sea. .

The cyan Flood Dragon slammed into Wang Qingshan fiercely. Wang Qingshan was covered by a layer of golden rays of light and flew out backwards, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

If it wasn't for the protective spirit technique, the glazed golden body, Wang Qingshan would already be dead.

He didn't dare to stay any longer, and countless phantoms of cyan flying swords appeared all over his body, flying around him indefinitely, a powerful airflow emerged out of thin air, and he turned into a cyan tornado, swept away in the distance, and the speed was quite quick.

The blue-colored Jiaolong's body surface radiated azure light, and its escaping speed rose again, catching up.

Soon, the cyan Flood Dragon caught up with the cyan tornado, tore the cyan tornado to shreds, and a cyan long rainbow flew out, breaking through the air and leaving at an extremely fast speed.

Huang Yuxu's face turned cold, his sleeves trembled, a yellow dragon boat the size of a palm flew out, the runes flowed uncertainly, and instantly grew to more than ten feet long, this is a flying magic weapon of high rank.

"Come up quickly, with Huang Jiaozhou Shuo in his hand, he can't run very far, and he must be killed, otherwise this person will become a scourge sooner or later."

Huang Yuxu commanded in a deep voice, and the three of Ye Lang jumped up quickly.


Huang Yuxu hit a magic trick on the yellow dragon boat, the yellow dragon boat's light soared, turned into a yellow escape light and chased it out, faster than Wang Qingshan.

Ye Lang stood at the back. He looked at Huang Yuxu in front of him, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Two days later, a cyan long rainbow appeared high in the sky and quickly landed on a desert island more than a hundred miles long.

The azure light flashed, revealing Wang Qingshan's figure. He was holding the azure glass sword in his hand, his face was pale, Huang Yuxu bit him, and he couldn't shake it off, so he had to stop and fight.

With his sixth-level cultivation base, it was a bit reluctant to drive that second-order flying sword, but with the thousand-year-old spiritual milk in his hand, he could give it a try. If he couldn't get rid of Huang Yuxu, he didn't want to stop and fight.

He quickly took a drop of the Millennium Spiritual Milk, and his pale face quickly returned to normal.

Not long after, a yellow light caught up and stopped over the deserted island. Huang Yuxu's expression was indifferent, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

He released his divine sense and carefully scanned the entire island, but found nothing unusual. Even so, he did not dare to land on the deserted island.

"Let's do it together and kill him."

Huang Yuxu said When he pinched the magic formula, countless yellow spiritual patterns appeared on his body. With a flash of yellow light, he turned into a huge yellow dragon and rushed towards Wang Qingshan.

He practiced the Earth Grade Kung Fu Jiu Python Transforming Flood Dragon Kung Fu, a demon cultivation technique that could transform into a monster and injure the enemy.

When the nine pythons return to one, they can transform into a dragon. He has just cultivated this supernatural power, and he just used Wang Qingshan to practice his hand.

In terms of physical defense ability, the Jiaolong species can be ranked among the top three among the demon clan. Even if it is a sword cultivator, he would not dare to say that he can definitely kill the same-level Jiaolong.

The yellow Flood Dragon circled in a circle, pounced on Wang Qingshan with its fangs and claws.

Ye Lang and the three did not sit idle either, manipulating magic weapons, or using spiritual techniques to attack Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan's face became very solemn, he took a deep breath, and a large phantom cyan flying sword appeared around his body. The phantom quickly materialized and turned into a huge cyan disc, like a peacock opening its screen.

Wang Qingshan pointed his finger at the opposite side and shouted softly, "Go."

There was a loud cracking sound, and countless cyan sword qi flew out, turning into a cyan torrent, hitting the opposite side.

The dense cyan sword qi struck the yellow flood dragon, and there was a muffled sound of gold and iron clashing, leaving no scars on the surface of the yellow flood dragon.



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