Top of Qinglian

Chapter 911: Shen Feiyan's request

Jin Yanzong is the largest faction in the Qing Kingdom. Master Jin Yan is the great elder of Jin Yanzong.

Jinyan Peak is one of the forbidden places of Jinyanzong, and it is also the residence of Master Jinyan.

Master Jin Yan's real name is Shen Feiyan, and every chief elder of the Jinyan Sect will be named Master Jin Yan.

In a quiet courtyard, Shen Feiyan was drinking tea and chatting with a middle-aged man in his early forties.

Shen Feiyan's face was pale and haggard, and she seemed to be injured.

"Senior Sister Shen, let me play this time! Your injury is not yet healed, so you may not be the opponent of the Red Fire Loose Man. This person is an old monster who has been famous for many years, and there is a third-order Red Fire Eagle, which should not be underestimated. , I'm cultivating the earth attribute exercises, and the defense is relatively strong, even if I lose the enemy, I can retreat without a problem." The middle-aged man said sincerely.

Shen Feiyan shook her head and said: "No, your cultivation is too low, you are only five layers of alchemy, Chihuo Sanren has the ninth layer of cultivation, and Chihuo Sanren is a loose cultivator, with no worries, swords and swords. Wuyan, if there is a chance, he will definitely not show mercy, so let me go! Even if you lose, you will not have to worry about your life, the big deal is to give that purple gold soil mine to the Houtu sect."

The middle-aged man was about to say something when a sound transmission flew in.

Shen Feiyan smashed the sound transmission, and a respectful male voice sounded: "Master Shen, three cultivators who claim to be the royal family of the Black Eagle Mountains came to visit, one of them is Wang Qingjun, and the other two have stronger breaths than you, do you want to let them go? Are they coming in?"

"The Royal Family of the Black Eagle Mountains? When did the Wang Family have three alchemy cultivators? Is there any fraud in this?"

The middle-aged man said with a frown, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil, let's go, let's go out and have a look, I hope it's not the enemy's attack."

Outside the mountain gate of Jin Yanzong, a blue flying boat was suspended high in the sky, and Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and Wang Qingjun stood inside the flying boat.

The cultivator of the Tang family rushed into the Wang family when Wang Qingjun formed the dan. Thanks to the help of the cultivator of Jin Yanzong, the cultivator of the Tang family retired. Over the years, Jin Yanzong has always taken good care of the Wang family, Yu Qing Yu Li, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan should all visit Jin Yanzong.

Not long after, a crisp bird chirping sounded, and two golden lights flew out from the mountain gate of Jin Yanzong. They were two huge golden geese, a young woman in golden skirts with beautiful eyebrows and a middle-aged man. A golden geese on its back.

Shen Feiyan felt the powerful spiritual pressure emanating from Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and was a little surprised, and said politely, "My concubine is Shen Feiyan, what advice do you have for the three fellow Daoists who came this time?"

Wang Changsheng smiled slightly, clasped his fists and said: "Under Wang Changsheng, this is the cheap one, Qing Jun is my nephew, and the Wang family in the Black Eagle Mountains is our family. Over the years, we have been traveling abroad, thanks to the care of the noble faction. The development is good, and we came to visit today.”

Hearing this, Shen Feiyan and the two were stunned. They were ordered by Taiyi Immortal Sect to hand over the Black Eagle Mountains to the Wang family to resettle their clansmen. They never imagined that the Wang family had two ancestors with ninth levels of alchemy.

"Fellow Daoist Wang is very polite, this is what we should do. Our disciples of Jin Yanzong don't know you, and there are some slights. I would like to ask the three fellow Daoists to be considerate.

Shen Feiyan turned her eyes, smiled, and invited Wang Changsheng and the three into the Jinyan Sect.

Half an hour later, Wang Changsheng and the five people appeared in a stone pavilion on the top of Jinyan Peak.

"I didn't expect the Wang family to be the family of two Taoist friends. Where did the two Taoist friends travel? The concubine has traveled to many countries, and the more powerful Taoist friends have heard of them, but never heard of the two Taoist friends."

Shen Feiyan inquired about the origins of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and suddenly two cultivators of the ninth level of the formation of pills appeared in the affiliated family of Jin Yanzong. She would definitely inquire about the origins of each other.

"Our couple traveled in the coral waters of the South China Sea before, so it's normal that you haven't heard of Daoyou Shen."

Wang Ruyan smiled and explained.

"Coral Sea? Do you know Leng Yanzong and Wooden Dragon Pavilion? These two sects are the main sects in Coral Sea."

The middle-aged man asked casually,

Wang Changsheng smiled and said, "What fellow Daoists want to talk about is Leng Yanmen! I have never heard of Lengyan Sect, Lengyanmen is one of the leading sects in the Coral Sea, and Mulong Pavilion is an affiliate of Lengyanmen. Not a big sect, Chen Yilong, the owner of Mulong Pavilion, knows Wang, and his wife, Sun Hongyu, is a very good person."

"Yeah! Their daughter Chen Yue has also formed pills. Wooden Dragon Pavilion is said to be a sect, more like a family."

Wang Ruyan added with a smile.

The middle-aged man sneered and said with a smile, "I made a mistake. It turns out that the two fellow Daoists have been traveling in the South China Sea. No wonder we don't know each other."

After chatting for a while, Shen Feiyan invited Wang Changsheng and the three to stay in the Jinyan Sect for a few days, but Wang Changsheng did not refuse and agreed.

Shen Feiyan and Wang Changsheng inquired about the South China Sea, the customs of each sea area, and Wang Changsheng was able to answer most of them.

Knowing that Wang Changsheng had killed Tier 3 monsters many times, Shen Feiyan's tone became much closer, and the smile on his face deepened.

"Fellow Daoist Shen, after disturbing for a few days, it's time for us to say goodbye. Next time we have time, we'll come to disturb you."

Wang Changsheng wanted Shen Feiyan to bid farewell, and he planned to return to Wei State to pay homage to the deceased clansmen.

"Friend Wang Dao, my concubine has an unkind request."

Shen Feiyan said with an embarrassed face and a sincere tone.

"Mrs. Shen said it bluntly, if it is within our ability, we can help."

"It's like this, we found a small Zijin soil mine at the junction of the forces of Jinyanzong and We made an appointment to discuss and decide on the ownership of the Zijintangzong. Houtuzong invited Chihuo Sanren. , This person has the cultivation base of the ninth-level formation of core, and the concubine wants to ask you to help, if we can win the purple gold soil mine, our Jinyan Sect is willing to mine with your royal family, and divide the account seventy-three."

Purple Gold Soil is a Tier 3 weapon refining material, which can be used to refine magic weapons. Even a small Purple Gold Soil Mine is worth more than one million spirit stones. If the Wang family had two ninth-level cultivators, the situation in Jinyan Sect would be a little bad. , Shen Feiyan would not ask Wang Changsheng for help.

Shen Feiyan said sincerely, Jin Yanzong is the largest faction in the Qing Kingdom, and there are five cultivators in the formation of alchemy, but a few years ago, two cultivators of the formation of alchemy's soul lights went out, Shen Feiyan was injured, she was not sure to win, Wang Changsheng was traveling in the South China Sea and had a ninth-level cultivation base. It was the most appropriate to ask Wang Changsheng to help.

If Wang Changsheng were to die at the hands of Chihuo Sanren, Jin Yanzong would have nothing to lose. Instead, he could use this to weaken the power of the Wang family. If Wang Changsheng wins, Jin Yanzong can have one more ally. No matter whether he wins or loses, Jin Yanzong will not lose.

"Let's learn from each other? Isn't it a life-and-death fight?"

Wang Changsheng wondered, to tell the truth, if it was a discussion, he could agree, but it is difficult to say such a thing, after all, swords have no eyes.

Shen Feiyan shook his head and said, "Of course it's not a life-and-death fight, but the sword has no eyes, if you miss, you will still be in danger of falling, so let's go! If you can win, we will get 64 points, our Jin Yanzong will get 60%, and your Wang family will get 60 points. Four percent."

Wang Changsheng thought for a while, then nodded and agreed. If his opponent was only a ninth-layer cultivator, he was confident of winning.

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